?>/script>'; } ?> [Desarrollo] OpenWrt en Telefónica Home Station ADB P.DG A4001N1 Widgets Magazine

Autor Tema: [Desarrollo] OpenWrt en Telefónica Home Station ADB P.DG A4001N1  (Leído 392073 veces)

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Desconectado jar229

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Re: Openwrt en routers de Telefónica Home Station ADB P.DG A4001N1
« Respuesta #140 en: 11-08-2012, 18:45 (Sábado) »
En teoría sí, pero nadie ha probado aún el firm con soporte USB para este rputer  :(

Yo sigo esperando a que mi amiguete me devuelva el router con las soldaduras pertinentes para conectarle el serial e intentar 'revivirlo'  ^-^

Si instalas OpenWrt, te quedarás sin poder usarlo como modem ADSL.


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Re: Re: Openwrt en routers de Telefónica Home Station ADB P.DG A4001N1
« Respuesta #141 en: 11-08-2012, 19:16 (Sábado) »
Probado el USB y funcionando!

Enviado desde mi Nexus One usando Tapatalk 2


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Re: Openwrt en routers de Telefónica Home Station ADB P.DG A4001N1
« Respuesta #142 en: 12-08-2012, 19:31 (Domingo) »
Instale la ultima imagen actualizada  https://dl.dropbox.com/u/4708147/openwrt/6328/openwrt-963281T_TEF-generic-squashfs-cfe_r32934.bin

Todo funcionaba normalmente. Pero hoy tras hacer un cambio se quedo bloqueado a la espera de efectuarlos.
Tras esto ahora no puede acceder ni atraves de ssh ni el navegador web.
Lo he reseteado pero sigue igual.
¿Hay alguna forma de volverlo a la vida?
No tengo cable serial.

Desconectado jar229

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  • Mensajes: 4607
Re: Openwrt en routers de Telefónica Home Station ADB P.DG A4001N1
« Respuesta #143 en: 12-08-2012, 20:03 (Domingo) »
Y has probado a entrar al CFE ?
Con el router apagado, apretar el botón de reset, encenderlo manteniendo el reset presionado durante 30 segundos.
Configurar la tarjeta de red con la ip. y máscara
Abrir navegador  con la url

A mi también se me jodió sin hacer nada raro, pero es que en mi caso nunca conseguí entrar al CFE  ???


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Re: Openwrt en routers de Telefónica Home Station ADB P.DG A4001N1
« Respuesta #144 en: 12-08-2012, 20:37 (Domingo) »
Hola y gracias por la respuesta.
Lo he intentado.
ALgo no va bien ya que le cambie la puerta de enlace a y tras restearlo sigue siendo la misma que le puse. Deberia ser que es la que trae por defecto, por lo cual el reseteo no se produce. Si no me equivoco.
En este punto ya no se que hacer o de que forma acceder para volver a instalarle la imagen o la original.
Si con un cable se serie lo pudiera hacer lo compraria o me lo montaria yo.
¿El cable de serie es rj45 y db9, cable de coonsola cisco, No?
Si tienes alguna otra opcion la pondre en practica.


Desconectado jar229

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  • Mensajes: 4607
Re: Openwrt en routers de Telefónica Home Station ADB P.DG A4001N1
« Respuesta #145 en: 13-08-2012, 00:08 (Lunes) »
Te responde al ping en la ip ?
Tampoco puedes entrar por telnet o ssh ?
El tema del serial está explicado en el primer post del hilo.


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Re: Openwrt en routers de Telefónica Home Station ADB P.DG A4001N1
« Respuesta #146 en: 13-08-2012, 13:53 (Lunes) »
No responde ni haciendo  ping puerta de enlace, ni usando telnet o ssh.
Desde el navegador web intenta acceder a luci pero al final... "pagina no encontrada"
El reseteo no funciona. Lo intente varias veces y siempre queda igual.
Tras unos diez segundos la luz del power queda parpadeando permanentemnte.Y tengo que apagarlo y encerderlo denuevo. Pero sigue como antes.
Ademas donde vivo no he encontrado la clavija DB9 hembra para hacer un cable serial.
Si conoceis alguna otra forma lo intentare.

Desconectado jar229

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  • Mensajes: 4607
Re: Re: Openwrt en routers de Telefónica Home Station ADB P.DG A4001N1
« Respuesta #147 en: 20-08-2012, 22:43 (Lunes) »
Yo sigo a la espera de que mi amigo me devuelva el router con las soldaduras hechas  :-\

Lo que está claro es que los ADB se quedan 'fritos' con bastante facilidad :P

Enviado desde mi U30GT


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Re: Re: Openwrt en routers de Telefónica Home Station ADB P.DG A4001N1
« Respuesta #148 en: 26-08-2012, 15:21 (Domingo) »
Actualizados los parches SVN y añadido un firmware actualizado al primer post.

No hay ningún cambio, simplemente he actualizado los parches con respecto a los últimos cambios de openwrt.

Yo sigo a la espera de que mi amigo me devuelva el router con las soldaduras hechas  :-\

Lo que está claro es que los ADB se quedan 'fritos' con bastante facilidad :P

Enviado desde mi U30GT
Espero que consigas arrojar algo de luz al asunto. Aver si hay suerte :P.


Desconectado jar229

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  • Mensajes: 4607
Re: Openwrt en routers de Telefónica Home Station ADB P.DG A4001N1
« Respuesta #149 en: 12-09-2012, 12:27 (Miércoles) »
Por fín, el amiguete me ha devuelto el router.
Antes de intentar nada, posteo el bootlog.
A ver si los expertos en cables y esas cosas, aparecen por aquí  ^-^

=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= PuTTY log 2012.09.12 12:11:34 =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=

CFE version 1.0.37-106.24 for A4001N TEF 0002 BCM96328 (32bit,SP,BE)
Build Date: Wed Jan 26 12:59:25 CET 2011 (zu1costast@thorold)
Copyright (C) 2000-2009 Broadcom Corporation.

HS Serial flash device: name MX25L128, id 0xc218 size 16384KB
Total Flash size: 16384K with 4096 sectors
Chip ID: BCM6328B0, MIPS: 320MHz, DDR: 320MHz, Bus: 160MHz
Main Thread: TP0
Memory Test Passed
Total Memory: 33554432 bytes (32MB)
Boot Address: 0xb8000000

Board IP address                  : 
Host IP address                   : 
Gateway IP address                :   
Run from flash/host (f/h)         : f 
Default host run file name        : vmlinux 
Default host flash file name      : bcm963xx_fs_kernel 
Boot delay (0-9 seconds)          : 1 
Board Id (0-4)                    : 963281T_TEF 
Number of MAC Addresses (1-32)    : 11 
Base MAC Address                  : 30:39:f2:83:c8:a5 
PSI Size (1-64) KBytes            : 24 
Enable Backup PSI [0|1]           : 1 
System Log Size (0-256) KBytes    : 0 
Main Thread Number [0|1]          : 0 
Voice Board Configuration (0-11)  :   

*** Press any key to stop auto run (1 seconds) ***
Auto run second count down: 110
Booting from only image (0xb8010000) ...
Code Address: 0x80010000, Entry Address: 0x80010000
LZMA: Prossible old LZMA format, trying to decompress..
Decompression OK!
Entry at 0x80010000
Closing network.
Disabling Switch ports.
Flushing Receive Buffers...
0 buffers found.
Closing DMA Channels.
Starting program at 0x80010000
[    0.000000] Linux version 3.3.8 (noltari@skynet) (gcc version 4.6.3 20120201 (prerelease) (Linaro GCC 4.6-2012.02) ) #1 Wed Jul 18 16:34:38 CEST 2012
[    0.000000] Detected Broadcom 0x6328 CPU revision 10b0
[    0.000000] CPU frequency is 320 MHz
[    0.000000] 32MB of RAM installed
[    0.000000] registering 32 GPIOs
[    0.000000] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 0 to 31 on device: bcm63xx-gpio
[    0.000000] board_bcm963xx: Boot address 0xb8000000
[    0.000000] board_bcm963xx: CFE version: A4001N-V0003
[    0.000000] bootconsole [early0] enabled
[    0.000000] CPU revision is: 0002a075 (Broadcom BMIPS4350)
[    0.000000] board_bcm963xx: board name: 963281T_TEF
[    0.000000] Determined physical RAM map:
[    0.000000]  memory: 02000000 @ 00000000 (usable)
[    0.000000] Initrd not found or empty - disabling initrd
[    0.000000] Zone PFN ranges:
[    0.000000]   Normal   0x00000000 -> 0x00002000
[    0.000000] Movable zone start PFN for each node
[    0.000000] Early memory PFN ranges
[    0.000000]     0: 0x00000000 -> 0x00002000
[    0.000000] Reserving 0MB of memory at 0MB for crashkernel
[    0.000000] Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on.  Total pages: 8128
[    0.000000] Kernel command line:  root=/dev/mtdblock2 rootfstype=squashfs,jffs2 noinitrd console=ttyS0,115200
[    0.000000] PID hash table entries: 128 (order: -3, 512 bytes)
[    0.000000] Dentry cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
[    0.000000] Inode-cache hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
[    0.000000] Primary instruction cache 32kB, VIPT, 4-way, linesize 16 bytes.
[    0.000000] Primary data cache 32kB, 2-way, VIPT, cache aliases, linesize 16 bytes
[    0.000000] Memory: 29376k/32768k available (2248k kernel code, 3392k reserved, 399k data, 200k init, 0k highmem)
[    0.000000] NR_IRQS:128
[    0.000000] Calibrating delay loop... 318.46 BogoMIPS (lpj=636928)
[    0.036000] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
[    0.040000] Mount-cache hash table entries: 512
[    0.048000] NET: Registered protocol family 16
[    0.276000] registering PCI controller with io_map_base unset
[    0.288000] bio: create slab <bio-0> at 0
[    0.296000] PCI host bridge to bus 0000:00
[    0.300000] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x10f00000-0x11efffff]
[    0.304000] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x0]
[    0.308000] pci 0000:00:00.0: BAR 8: assigned [mem 0x10f00000-0x10ffffff]
[    0.312000] pci 0000:01:00.0: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0x10f00000-0x10f03fff 64bit]
[    0.316000] pci 0000:00:00.0: PCI bridge to [bus 01-01]
[    0.320000] pci 0000:00:00.0:   bridge window [mem 0x10f00000-0x10ffffff]
[    0.324000] PCI: Enabling device 0000:00:00.0 (0000 -> 0002)
[    0.328000] Switching to clocksource MIPS
[    0.336000] PCI: Enabling device 0000:01:00.0 (0000 -> 0002)
[    0.344000] bcma: bus0: Found chip with id 0xA8D9, rev 0x01 and package 0x0A
[    0.352000] bcma: bus0: Core 0 found: ChipCommon (manuf 0x4BF, id 0x800, rev 0x22, class 0x0)
[    0.360000] bcma: bus0: Core 1 found: IEEE 802.11 (manuf 0x4BF, id 0x812, rev 0x17, class 0x0)
[    0.368000] bcma: bus0: Core 2 found: PCIe (manuf 0x4BF, id 0x820, rev 0x0F, class 0x0)
[    0.452000] bcma: bus0: Bus registered
[    0.456000] NET: Registered protocol family 2
[    0.460000] IP route cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
[    0.468000] TCP established hash table entries: 1024 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
[    0.476000] TCP bind hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
[    0.480000] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 1024 bind 1024)
[    0.488000] TCP reno registered
[    0.492000] UDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
[    0.496000] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
[    0.504000] NET: Registered protocol family 1
[    0.512000] audit: initializing netlink socket (disabled)
[    0.516000] type=2000 audit(0.516:1): initialized
[    0.524000] squashfs: version 4.0 (2009/01/31) Phillip Lougher
[    0.532000] JFFS2 version 2.2 (NAND) (SUMMARY) (LZMA) (RTIME) (CMODE_PRIORITY) (c) 2001-2006 Red Hat, Inc.
[    0.540000] msgmni has been set to 57
[    0.544000] io scheduler noop registered
[    0.548000] io scheduler deadline registered (default)
[    0.556000] bcm63xx_uart.0: ttyS0 at MMIO 0xb0000100 (irq = 36) is a bcm63xx_uart
Š[    0.564000] console [ttyS0] enabled, bootconsole disabled
[    0.564000] console [ttyS0] enabled, bootconsole disabled
[    0.580000] m25p80 spi0.0: found mx25l12805d, expected m25p80
[    0.588000] m25p80 spi0.0: mx25l12805d (16384 Kbytes)
[    0.592000] bcm63xxpart: CFE boot tag found with version 6 and board type 963281T_TEF
[    0.600000] bcm63xxpart: Partition 0 is CFE offset 0 and length 10000
[    0.608000] bcm63xxpart: Partition 1 is kernel offset 10100 and length eff00
[    0.616000] bcm63xxpart: Partition 2 is rootfs offset 100000 and length ef0000
[    0.624000] bcm63xxpart: Partition 3 is nvram offset ff0000 and length 10000
[    0.628000] bcm63xxpart: Partition 4 is linux offset 10000 and length fe0000
[    0.636000] bcm63xxpart: Spare partition is offset 2c0004 and length d2fffc
[    0.644000] 5 bcm63xxpart partitions found on MTD device spi0.0
[    0.652000] Creating 5 MTD partitions on "spi0.0":
[    0.656000] 0x000000000000-0x000000010000 : "CFE"
[    0.664000] 0x000000010100-0x000000100000 : "kernel"
[    0.668000] mtd: partition "kernel" must either start or end on erase block boundary or be smaller than an erase block -- forcing read-only
[    0.684000] 0x000000100000-0x000000ff0000 : "rootfs"
[    0.692000] mtd: partition "rootfs" set to be root filesystem
[    0.696000] mtd: partition "rootfs_data" created automatically, ofs=2C0000, len=D30000
[    0.708000] 0x0000002c0000-0x000000ff0000 : "rootfs_data"
[    0.716000] 0x000000ff0000-0x000001000000 : "nvram"
[    0.724000] 0x000000010000-0x000000ff0000 : "linux"
[    0.764000] bcm63xx-wdt bcm63xx-wdt:  started, timer margin: 30 sec
[    0.780000] TCP cubic registered
[    0.784000] NET: Registered protocol family 17
[    0.788000] 8021q: 802.1Q VLAN Support v1.8
[    0.800000] VFS: Mounted root (squashfs filesystem) readonly on device 31:2.
[    0.808000] Freeing unused kernel memory: 200k freed
awk: /proc/cpuinfo: No such file or directory
[    3.400000] roboswitch: Probing device eth0:
[    3.404000] bcm63xx_enet: could not find a used port with phy_id 0, assuming phy is external
[    3.412000] No Robo switch in managed mode found, phy_id = 0xffffffff
[    3.416000] roboswitch: Probing device eth1: No such device
[    3.424000] roboswitch: Probing device eth2: No such device
[    3.428000] roboswitch: Probing device eth3: No such device
- preinit -
Press the [f] key and hit [enter] to enter failsafe mode
- regular preinit -
[    9.448000] JFFS2 notice: (347) jffs2_build_xattr_subsystem: complete building xattr subsystem, 1 of xdatum (1 unchecked, 0 orphan) and 28 of xref (0 dead, 23 orphan) found.
switching to jffs2
- init -

Please press Enter to activate this console. [   12.772000] CPU 0 Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 00000000, epc == 81f8c304, ra == 80041a98
[   12.784000] Oops[#1]:
[   12.784000] Cpu 0
[   12.784000] $ 0   : 00000000 10008400 00000000 00000002
[   12.784000] $ 4   : 00000000 000080d0 81f9f920 ffffffff
[   12.784000] $ 8   : 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000
[   12.784000] $12   : 00000000 00000031 00000000 00000000
[   12.784000] $16   : 81f9f920 00000001 81f90000 00000000
[   12.784000] $20   : 00000000 802e0000 802a0000 80245814
[   12.784000] $24   : 00000000 8001e230                 
[   12.784000] $28   : 81f7c000 81f7dd48 80245834 80041a98
[   12.784000] Hi    : 00000000
[   12.784000] Lo    : 0000002c
[   12.784000] epc   : 81f8c304 0x81f8c304
[   12.784000]     Tainted: G           O
[   12.784000] ra    : 80041a98 0x80041a98
[   12.784000] Status: 10008403    KERNEL EXL IE
[   12.784000] Cause : 00800008
[   12.784000] BadVA : 00000000
[   12.784000] PrId  : 0002a075 (Broadcom BMIPS4350)
[   12.784000] Modules linked in: aes_generic(+) crypto_blkcipher cryptomgr aead crypto_hash crypto_algapi switch_adm(O) switch_core(O)
[   12.784000] Process insmod (pid: 405, threadinfo=81f7c000, task=81f489f8, tls=77dfb440)
[   12.784000] Stack : 802a0000 800df39c 81f1e680 81f94b80 ffffffff 00000001 81f9f920 00000000
[   12.784000]         00000000 802e0000 802a0000 80245814 80245834 80041a98 00000000 00000000
[   12.784000]         00000001 00000000 00000000 00000001 81f9f920 ffffffff 8029ea30 80041d40
[   12.784000]         10008401 00000000 81c6b440 81ec7200 00000000 81ec722c 802a0000 00000001
[   12.784000]         81f9f920 00000000 802a0000 80041d84 81f9f948 80108d3c 00000000 801cf538
[   12.784000]         ...
[   12.784000] Call Trace:[<800df39c>] 0x800df39c
[   12.784000] [<80041a98>] 0x80041a98
[   12.784000] [<80041d40>] 0x80041d40
[   12.784000] [<80041d84>] 0x80041d84
[   12.784000] [<80108d3c>] 0x80108d3c
[   12.784000] [<801cf538>] 0x801cf538
[   12.784000] [<8010965c>] 0x8010965c
[   12.784000] [<81f88ff0>] 0x81f88ff0
[   12.784000] [<81f89348>] 0x81f89348
[   12.784000] [<81f89658>] 0x81f89658
[   12.784000] [<81f97000>] 0x81f97000
[   12.784000] [<80010900>] 0x80010900
[   12.784000] [<80088e18>] 0x80088e18
[   12.784000] [<80041d84>] 0x80041d84
[   12.784000] [<80056344>] 0x80056344
[   12.784000] [<8001a6d0>] 0x8001a6d0
[   12.784000] [<80125f38>] 0x80125f38
[   12.784000]
[   12.784000]
[   12.784000] Code: 2642c5e0  8c420140  340580d0 <8c430000> 24630001  ac430000  3c02802a  0c023f75  8c44da24
[   13.004000] ---[ end trace a25b18ee5bd1b876 ]---
[   13.032000] CPU 0 Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 00000000, epc == 81f8c304, ra == 80041a98
[   13.044000] Oops[#2]:
[   13.044000] Cpu 0
[   13.044000] $ 0   : 00000000 10008400 00000000 00000002
[   13.044000] $ 4   : 00000000 000080d0 81ec10f0 ffffffff
[   13.044000] $ 8   : 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000
[   13.044000] $12   : 00000000 00000031 81024480 00000000
[   13.044000] $16   : 81ec10f0 00000001 81f90000 00000000
[   13.044000] $20   : 00000000 802e0000 802a0000 80245814
[   13.044000] $24   : 00000000 8001e230                 
[   13.044000] $28   : 81f76000 81f77d48 80245834 80041a98
[   13.044000] Hi    : 00000000
[   13.044000] Lo    : 00000000
[   13.044000] epc   : 81f8c304 0x81f8c304
[   13.044000]     Tainted: G      D    O
[   13.044000] ra    : 80041a98 0x80041a98
[   13.044000] Status: 10008403    KERNEL EXL IE
[   13.044000] Cause : 00800008
[   13.044000] BadVA : 00000000
[   13.044000] PrId  : 0002a075 (Broadcom BMIPS4350)
[   13.044000] Modules linked in: arc4(+) aes_generic(+) crypto_blkcipher cryptomgr aead crypto_hash crypto_algapi switch_adm(O) switch_core(O)
[   13.044000] Process insmod (pid: 406, threadinfo=81f76000, task=81d1c510, tls=77873440)
[   13.044000] Stack : 802a0000 800df39c 81f1e3b0 81f94780 ffffffff 00000001 81ec10f0 00000000
[   13.044000]         00000000 802e0000 802a0000 80245814 80245834 80041a98 00000000 00000000
[   13.044000]         00000001 00000000 00000000 00000001 81ec10f0 ffffffff 8029ea30 80041d40
[   13.044000]         10008401 00000000 81c6b440 81ec7200 00000000 81ec722c 802a0000 00000001
[   13.044000]         81ec10f0 00000000 802a0000 80041d84 81ec1118 80108d3c 00000000 801cf538
[   13.044000]         ...
[   13.044000] Call Trace:[<800df39c>] 0x800df39c
[   13.044000] [<80041a98>] 0x80041a98
[   13.044000] [<80041d40>] 0x80041d40
[   13.044000] [<80041d84>] 0x80041d84
[   13.044000] [<80108d3c>] 0x80108d3c
[   13.044000] [<801cf538>] 0x801cf538
[   13.044000] [<8010965c>] 0x8010965c
[   13.044000] [<81f88ff0>] 0x81f88ff0
[   13.044000] [<81f89348>] 0x81f89348
[   13.044000] [<81f89658>] 0x81f89658
[   13.044000] [<81f78000>] 0x81f78000
[   13.044000] [<80010900>] 0x80010900
[   13.044000] [<80088e18>] 0x80088e18
[   13.044000] [<80041d84>] 0x80041d84
[   13.044000] [<80056344>] 0x80056344
[   13.044000] [<8001a6d0>] 0x8001a6d0
[   13.044000] [<81f89434>] 0x81f89434
[   13.044000] [<80108d84>] 0x80108d84
[   13.044000]
[   13.044000]
[   13.044000] Code: 2642c5e0  8c420140  340580d0 <8c430000> 24630001  ac430000  3c02802a  0c023f75  8c44da24
[   13.268000] ---[ end trace a25b18ee5bd1b877 ]---
[   13.316000] CPU 0 Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 00000000, epc == 81f8c304, ra == 80041a98
[   13.324000] Oops[#3]:
[   13.324000] Cpu 0
[   13.324000] $ 0   : 00000000 10008400 00000000 00000002
[   13.324000] $ 4   : 00000000 000080d0 81fa4a20 ffffffff
[   13.324000] $ 8   : 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000
[   13.324000] $12   : 00000000 81f8ef90 00000050 00000000
[   13.324000] $16   : 81fa4a20 00000001 81f90000 00000000
[   13.324000] $20   : 00000000 802e0000 802a0000 80245814
[   13.324000] $24   : 00000000 8001e230                 
[   13.324000] $28   : 81f7c000 81f7dd28 80245834 80041a98
[   13.324000] Hi    : 00000000
[   13.324000] Lo    : 0000002c
[   13.324000] epc   : 81f8c304 0x81f8c304
[   13.324000]     Tainted: G      D    O
[   13.324000] ra    : 80041a98 0x80041a98
[   13.324000] Status: 10008403    KERNEL EXL IE
[   13.324000] Cause : 00800008
[   13.324000] BadVA : 00000000
[   13.324000] PrId  : 0002a075 (Broadcom BMIPS4350)
[   13.324000] Modules linked in: des_generic(+) arc4(+) aes_generic(+) crypto_blkcipher cryptomgr aead crypto_hash crypto_algapi switch_adm(O) switch_core(O)
[   13.324000] Process insmod (pid: 407, threadinfo=81f7c000, task=81f489f8, tls=7793f440)
[   13.324000] Stack : 00000000 80044c30 81f2c5b0 802a0000 ffffffff 00000001 81fa4a20 00000000
[   13.324000]         00000000 802e0000 802a0000 80245814 80245834 80041a98 00000001 8003c5a4
[   13.324000]         000041ed 800ded58 00000000 00000001 81fa4a20 ffffffff 8029ea30 80041d40
[   13.324000]         00000001 00000000 10008401 81c6b440 00000000 81ec7200 802a0000 00000001
[   13.324000]         81fa4a20 00000000 802a0000 80041d84 81fa4a48 80108d3c 00000001 80043e70
[   13.324000]         ...
[   13.324000] Call Trace:[<80044c30>] 0x80044c30
[   13.324000] [<80041a98>] 0x80041a98
[   13.324000] [<8003c5a4>] 0x8003c5a4
[   13.324000] [<800ded58>] 0x800ded58
[   13.324000] [<80041d40>] 0x80041d40
[   13.324000] [<80041d84>] 0x80041d84
[   13.324000] [<80108d3c>] 0x80108d3c
[   13.324000] [<80043e70>] 0x80043e70
[   13.324000] [<801a6534>] 0x801a6534
[   13.324000] [<8010965c>] 0x8010965c
[   13.324000] [<81f88ff0>] 0x81f88ff0
[   13.324000] [<81f89348>] 0x81f89348
[   13.324000] [<81f89658>] 0x81f89658
[   13.324000] [<81fa0000>] 0x81fa0000
[   13.324000] [<81fa501c>] 0x81fa501c
[   13.324000] [<81fa5000>] 0x81fa5000
[   13.324000] [<80010900>] 0x80010900
[   13.324000] [<80088e18>] 0x80088e18
[   13.324000] [<80041d84>] 0x80041d84
[   13.324000] [<80056344>] 0x80056344
[   13.324000] [<8008346c>] 0x8008346c
[   13.324000] [<8001a6d0>] 0x8001a6d0
[   13.324000]
[   13.324000]
[   13.324000] Code: 2642c5e0  8c420140  340580d0 <8c430000> 24630001  ac430000  3c02802a  0c023f75  8c44da24
[   13.568000] ---[ end trace a25b18ee5bd1b878 ]---
[   13.772000] CPU 0 Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 00000000, epc == 81f8c304, ra == 80041a98
[   13.784000] Oops[#4]:
[   13.784000] Cpu 0
[   13.784000] $ 0   : 00000000 10008400 00000000 00000002
[   13.784000] $ 4   : 00000000 000080d0 81fa9b6c ffffffff
[   13.784000] $ 8   : 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000
[   13.784000] $12   : 00000000 00000031 81025f80 00000000
[   13.784000] $16   : 81fa9b6c 00000001 81f90000 00000000
[   13.784000] $20   : 00000000 802e0000 802a0000 80245814
[   13.784000] $24   : 00000000 8001e230                 
[   13.784000] $28   : 81fa6000 81fa7d48 80245834 80041a98
[   13.784000] Hi    : 00000000
[   13.784000] Lo    : 0000002c
[   13.784000] epc   : 81f8c304 0x81f8c304
[   13.784000]     Tainted: G      D    O
[   13.784000] ra    : 80041a98 0x80041a98
[   13.784000] Status: 10008403    KERNEL EXL IE
[   13.784000] Cause : 00800008
[   13.784000] BadVA : 00000000
[   13.784000] PrId  : 0002a075 (Broadcom BMIPS4350)
[   13.784000] Modules linked in: md4(+) hmac ecb des_generic(+) arc4(+) aes_generic(+) crypto_blkcipher cryptomgr aead crypto_hash crypto_algapi switch_adm(O) switch_core(O)
[   13.784000] Process insmod (pid: 410, threadinfo=81fa6000, task=81d1c510, tls=77ca4440)
[   13.784000] Stack : 802a0000 800df39c 81f8e6d0 81f8b680 ffffffff 00000001 81fa9b6c 00000000
[   13.784000]         00000000 802e0000 802a0000 80245814 80245834 80041a98 00000000 00000000
[   13.784000]         00000001 00000000 00000000 00000001 81fa9b6c ffffffff 8029ea30 80041d40
[   13.784000]         10008401 00000000 81c6b440 81ec7200 00000000 81ec722c 802a0000 00000001
[   13.784000]         81fa9b6c 00000000 802a0000 80041d84 81fa9b94 80108d3c 00000000 801cf538
[   13.784000]         ...
[   13.784000] Call Trace:[<800df39c>] 0x800df39c
[   13.784000] [<80041a98>] 0x80041a98
[   13.784000] [<80041d40>] 0x80041d40
[   13.784000] [<80041d84>] 0x80041d84
[   13.784000] [<80108d3c>] 0x80108d3c
[   13.784000] [<801cf538>] 0x801cf538
[   13.784000] [<8010965c>] 0x8010965c
[   13.784000] [<81f88ff0>] 0x81f88ff0
[   13.784000] [<81f89348>] 0x81f89348
[   13.784000] [<81f89658>] 0x81f89658
[   13.784000] [<81faa000>] 0x81faa000
[   13.784000] [<80010900>] 0x80010900
[   13.784000] [<80088e18>] 0x80088e18
[   13.784000] [<80041d84>] 0x80041d84
[   13.784000] [<80056344>] 0x80056344
[   13.784000] [<8001a6d0>] 0x8001a6d0
[   13.784000]
[   13.784000]
[   13.784000] Code: 2642c5e0  8c420140  340580d0 <8c430000> 24630001  ac430000  3c02802a  0c023f75  8c44da24
[   14.004000] ---[ end trace a25b18ee5bd1b879 ]---
[   14.036000] CPU 0 Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 00000000, epc == 81f8c304, ra == 80041a98
[   14.044000] Oops[#5]:
[   14.044000] Cpu 0
[   14.044000] $ 0   : 00000000 10008400 00000000 00000002
[   14.044000] $ 4   : 00000000 000080d0 81f8f41c ffffffff
[   14.044000] $ 8   : 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000
[   14.044000] $12   : 00000000 00000031 81007220 00000000
[   14.044000] $16   : 81f8f41c 00000001 81f90000 00000000
[   14.044000] $20   : 00000000 802e0000 802a0000 80245814
[   14.044000] $24   : 00000000 8001e230                 
[   14.044000] $28   : 81c88000 81c89d48 80245834 80041a98
[   14.044000] Hi    : 00000000
[   14.044000] Lo    : 00000000
[   14.044000] epc   : 81f8c304 0x81f8c304
[   14.044000]     Tainted: G      D    O
[   14.044000] ra    : 80041a98 0x80041a98
[   14.044000] Status: 10008403    KERNEL EXL IE
[   14.044000] Cause : 00800008
[   14.044000] BadVA : 00000000
[   14.044000] PrId  : 0002a075 (Broadcom BMIPS4350)
[   14.044000] Modules linked in: md5(+) md4(+) hmac ecb des_generic(+) arc4(+) aes_generic(+) crypto_blkcipher cryptomgr aead crypto_hash crypto_algapi switch_adm(O) switch_core(O)
[   14.044000] Process insmod (pid: 411, threadinfo=81c88000, task=81f489f8, tls=77fd7440)
[   14.044000] Stack : 00000000 10008401 00008000 80013864 ffffffff 00000001 81f8f41c 00000000
[   14.044000]         00000000 802e0000 802a0000 80245814 80245834 80041a98 00000000 00000000
[   14.044000]         00001000 ffffffe0 00000000 00000001 81f8f41c ffffffff 8029ea30 80041d40
[   14.044000]         10008401 00000000 81c6b440 81ec7200 00000000 81ec722c 802a0000 00000001
[   14.044000]         81f8f41c 00000000 802a0000 80041d84 81f8f444 80108d3c 00000000 801cf538
[   14.044000]         ...
[   14.044000] Call Trace:[<80013864>] 0x80013864
[   14.044000] [<80041a98>] 0x80041a98
[   14.044000] [<80041d40>] 0x80041d40
[   14.044000] [<80041d84>] 0x80041d84
[   14.044000] [<80108d3c>] 0x80108d3c
[   14.044000] [<801cf538>] 0x801cf538
[   14.044000] [<8010965c>] 0x8010965c
[   14.044000] [<81f88ff0>] 0x81f88ff0
[   14.044000] [<81f89348>] 0x81f89348
[   14.044000] [<81f89658>] 0x81f89658
[   14.044000] [<81fab000>] 0x81fab000
[   14.044000] [<80010900>] 0x80010900
[   14.044000] [<80088e18>] 0x80088e18
[   14.044000] [<80041d84>] 0x80041d84
[   14.044000] [<80056344>] 0x80056344
[   14.044000] [<8001a6d0>] 0x8001a6d0
[   14.044000]
[   14.044000]
[   14.044000] Code: 2642c5e0  8c420140  340580d0 <8c430000> 24630001  ac430000  3c02802a  0c023f75  8c44da24
[   14.268000] ---[ end trace a25b18ee5bd1b87a ]---
[   14.324000] Compat-wireless backport release: compat-wireless-2012-07-13
[   14.328000] Backport based on wireless-testing.git master-2012-07-16
[   14.336000] compat.git: wireless-testing.git
[   14.400000] cfg80211: Calling CRDA to update world regulatory domain
[   14.404000] cfg80211: World regulatory domain updated:
[   14.412000] cfg80211:   (start_freq - end_freq @ bandwidth), (max_antenna_gain, max_eirp)
[   14.420000] cfg80211:   (2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   14.428000] cfg80211:   (2457000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 20000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   14.436000] cfg80211:   (2474000 KHz - 2494000 KHz @ 20000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   14.444000] cfg80211:   (5170000 KHz - 5250000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   14.452000] cfg80211:   (5735000 KHz - 5835000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   14.852000] NET: Registered protocol family 10
[   15.000000] There is already a switch registered on the device 'eth0'
[   15.008000] roboswitch: Probing device eth1: No such device
[   15.012000] roboswitch: Probing device eth2: No such device
[   15.016000] roboswitch: Probing device eth3: No such device
[   15.456000] Button Hotplug driver version 0.4.1
[   15.972000] PPP generic driver version 2.4.2
[   16.420000] brcmsmac bcma0:0: mfg 4bf core 812 rev 23 class 0 irq 31
[   16.752000] ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
[   16.876000] bcma: bus0: Switched to core: 0x812
[   17.028000] NET: Registered protocol family 24
[   17.064000] nf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (462 buckets, 1848 max)
[   17.480000] ip6_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
[   17.796000] input: gpio-keys-polled as /devices/platform/gpio-keys-polled.0/input/input0
[   22.116000] device eth0 entered promiscuous mode
[   22.120000] br-lan: port 1(eth0) entered forwarding state
[   22.128000] br-lan: port 1(eth0) entered forwarding state
[   24.132000] br-lan: port 1(eth0) entered forwarding state
[   24.220000] dummy
[   24.220000] dummy
[   24.224000] dummy
[   24.224000] dummy
[   24.228000] dummy
[   24.228000] dummy
[   24.232000] dummy
[   24.232000] dummy
[   24.236000] ieee80211 phy0: brcms_ops_bss_info_changed: qos enabled: false (implement)
[   24.244000] ieee80211 phy0: brcms_ops_config: change power-save mode: false (implement)
[   24.304000] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready
[   27.144000] CPU 0 Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 00000004, epc == 814d00f8, ra == 814db834
[   27.152000] Oops[#6]:
[   27.152000] Cpu 0
[   27.152000] $ 0   : 00000000 10008400 00000000 00000000
[   27.152000] $ 4   : 00000000 00000000 00000000 ffffffff
[   27.152000] $ 8   : 00000fff 00000001 00000000 000000f4
[   27.152000] $12   : 00000000 00000003 00008000 00000000
[   27.152000] $16   : 81c27ce8 00000000 816a4360 8153ca80
[   27.152000] $20   : 816d76a0 00000000 814c733c 00000000
[   27.152000] $24   : 00000000 800476f4                 
[   27.152000] $28   : 81c26000 81c27c88 00000000 814db834
[   27.152000] Hi    : 00000000
[   27.152000] Lo    : 0000006c
[   27.152000] epc   : 814d00f8 0x814d00f8
[   27.152000]     Tainted: G      D    O
[   27.152000] ra    : 814db834 0x814db834
[   27.152000] Status: 10008403    KERNEL EXL IE
[   27.152000] Cause : 00800008
[   27.152000] BadVA : 00000004
[   27.152000] PrId  : 0002a075 (Broadcom BMIPS4350)
[   27.152000] Modules linked in: spi_bcm63xx gpio_keys_polled ip6t_REJECT ip6t_LOG ip6t_rt ip6t_hbh ip6t_mh ip6t_ipv6header ip6t_frag ip6t_eui64 ip6t_ah ip6table_raw ip6_queue ip6table_mangle ip6table_filter ip6_tables nf_conntrack_ipv6 nf_defrag_ipv6 nf_nat_irc nf_conntrack_irc nf_nat_ftp nf_conntrack_ftp ipt_MASQUERADE iptable_nat nf_nat pppoe xt_conntrack xt_CT xt_NOTRACK iptable_raw xt_state nf_conntrack_ipv4 nf_defrag_ipv4 nf_conntrack pppox ipt_REJECT xt_TCPMSS ipt_LOG xt_comment xt_multiport xt_mac xt_limit iptable_mangle iptable_filter ip_tables xt_tcpudp x_tables brcmsmac(O) ppp_async ppp_generic slhc cifs button_hotplug(O) brcmutil(O) nls_utf8 mac80211(O) nls_base crc8 crc_ccitt cordic ipv6 input_polldev cfg80211(O) compat(O) input_core md5(+) md4(+) hmac ecb des_generic(+) arc4(+) aes_generic(+) crypto_blkcipher cryptomgr aead crypto_hash crypto_algapi switch_adm(O) switch_core(O)
[   27.152000] Process kworker/u:0 (pid: 5, threadinfo=81c26000, task=81c21470, tls=00000000)
[   27.152000] Stack : 00000074 00000000 8158f478 8158f000 00000001 00000008 81c06380 801a0a4c
[   27.152000]         816d76a0 81c27d60 8158ece4 8153ca80 81fe04a6 00000000 814c733c 00000000
[   27.152000]         00000000 814db834 00000008 8143c093 8158ece4 814e1e80 8153ca80 00000000
[   27.152000]         8153ca80 8158ece4 816a4810 816d76a0 ff000000 00ff0000 00000fff 00000000
[   27.152000]         00000000 814dabac 816d76a0 00000000 00000001 00000000 816d76a0 8153ca80
[   27.152000]         ...
[   27.152000] Call Trace:[<801a0a4c>] 0x801a0a4c
[   27.152000] [<814c733c>] 0x814c733c
[   27.152000] [<814db834>] 0x814db834
[   27.152000] [<814e1e80>] 0x814e1e80
[   27.152000] [<814dabac>] 0x814dabac
[   27.152000] [<814c733c>] 0x814c733c
[   27.152000] [<814dc974>] 0x814dc974
[   27.152000] [<801a09b4>] 0x801a09b4
[   27.152000] [<814de224>] 0x814de224
[   27.152000] [<814c6aa8>] 0x814c6aa8
[   27.152000] [<81637f64>] 0x81637f64
[   27.152000] [<814df964>] 0x814df964
[   27.152000] [<814c76dc>] 0x814c76dc
[   27.152000] [<80046bc8>] 0x80046bc8
[   27.152000] [<814c733c>] 0x814c733c
[   27.152000] [<800375e0>] 0x800375e0
[   27.152000] [<800476f4>] 0x800476f4
[   27.152000] [<80038224>] 0x80038224
[   27.152000] [<8023f68c>] 0x8023f68c
[   27.152000] [<80037fc8>] 0x80037fc8
[   27.152000] [<80037fc8>] 0x80037fc8
[   27.152000] [<8003be30>] 0x8003be30
[   27.152000] [<80015310>] 0x80015310
[   27.152000] [<8003bda8>] 0x8003bda8
[   27.152000] [<80015300>] 0x80015300
[   27.152000]
[   27.152000]
[   27.152000] Code: 30420001  1440009e  8fbf0044 <8c820004> 8c840008  8c420024  0040f809  02003821  9295001c
[   27.472000] ---[ end trace a25b18ee5bd1b87b ]---
[   27.476000] Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal exception in interrupt
[   69.980000] bcm63xx_wdt fire[#7]:
[   69.980000] Cpu 0
[   69.980000] $ 0   : 00000000 10008401 0001032a 3bb3d000
[   69.980000] $ 4   : 000003e8 00026d18 000000e9 ffffffff
[   69.980000] $ 8   : 00000020 00000001 00000001 00000000
[   69.980000] $12   : 00000000 00000000 00008000 00000000
[   69.980000] $16   : 0000a604 00000001 802e0000 0000a668
[   69.980000] $20   : 00000009 802e0000 00000000 00000000
[   69.980000] $24   : 00000018 800476f4                 
[   69.980000] $28   : 81c26000 81c27ab0 00030000 8023ba48
[   69.980000] Hi    : 00000000
[   69.980000] Lo    : 00026d18
[   69.980000] epc   : 80125840 0x80125840
[   69.980000]     Tainted: G      D    O
[   69.980000] ra    : 8023ba48 0x8023ba48
[   69.980000] Status: 10008403    KERNEL EXL IE
[   69.980000] Cause : 00800400
[   69.980000] PrId  : 0002a075 (Broadcom BMIPS4350)
[   69.980000] Modules linked in: spi_bcm63xx gpio_keys_polled ip6t_REJECT ip6t_LOG ip6t_rt ip6t_hbh ip6t_mh ip6t_ipv6header ip6t_frag ip6t_eui64 ip6t_ah ip6table_raw ip6_queue ip6table_mangle ip6table_filter ip6_tables nf_conntrack_ipv6 nf_defrag_ipv6 nf_nat_irc nf_conntrack_irc nf_nat_ftp nf_conntrack_ftp ipt_MASQUERADE iptable_nat nf_nat pppoe xt_conntrack xt_CT xt_NOTRACK iptable_raw xt_state nf_conntrack_ipv4 nf_defrag_ipv4 nf_conntrack pppox ipt_REJECT xt_TCPMSS ipt_LOG xt_comment xt_multiport xt_mac xt_limit iptable_mangle iptable_filter ip_tables xt_tcpudp x_tables brcmsmac(O) ppp_async ppp_generic slhc cifs button_hotplug(O) brcmutil(O) nls_utf8 mac80211(O) nls_base crc8 crc_ccitt cordic ipv6 input_polldev cfg80211(O) compat(O) input_core md5(+) md4(+) hmac ecb des_generic(+) arc4(+) aes_generic(+) crypto_blkcipher cryptomgr aead crypto_hash crypto_algapi switch_adm(O) switch_core(O)
[   69.980000] Process kworker/u:0 (pid: 5, threadinfo=81c26000, task=81c21470, tls=00000000)
[   69.980000] Stack : 00000010 802e76e0 00000000 81c27aec 81c27aec 81c27ae8 0000000b 81c27bd8
[   69.980000]         80259f74 81c27bd8 816d76a0 00000028 00000000 80017d60 00030000 802971c4
[   69.980000]         ffffffff 8015aab0 00000002 0000000b 00000004 00000000 81c21470 8001c9fc
[   69.980000]         00006c00 00000000 00000008 00000004 00000008 814d00f8 00000008 814db834
[   69.980000]         81c27ba8 00030001 81600b60 00000000 00000000 fffffffe 00000000 0000ff01
[   69.980000]         ...
[   69.980000] Call Trace:[<80017d60>] 0x80017d60
[   69.980000] [<8015aab0>] 0x8015aab0
[   69.980000] [<8001c9fc>] 0x8001c9fc
[   69.980000] [<814d00f8>] 0x814d00f8
[   69.980000] [<814db834>] 0x814db834
[   69.980000] [<81600b60>] 0x81600b60
[   69.980000] [<801a0a4c>] 0x801a0a4c
[   69.980000] [<81612454>] 0x81612454
[   69.980000] [<801a0ad0>] 0x801a0ad0
[   69.980000] [<801a0a4c>] 0x801a0a4c
[   69.980000] [<814c733c>] 0x814c733c
[   69.980000] [<80013840>] 0x80013840
[   69.980000] [<8161223c>] 0x8161223c
[   69.980000] [<801a0a4c>] 0x801a0a4c
[   69.980000] [<814c733c>] 0x814c733c
[   69.980000] [<800476f4>] 0x800476f4
[   69.980000] [<816123b0>] 0x816123b0
[   69.980000] [<814db834>] 0x814db834
[   69.980000] [<814d00f8>] 0x814d00f8
[   69.980000] [<801a0a4c>] 0x801a0a4c
[   69.980000] [<814c733c>] 0x814c733c
[   69.980000] [<814db834>] 0x814db834
[   69.980000] [<814e1e80>] 0x814e1e80
[   69.980000] [<814dabac>] 0x814dabac
[   69.980000] [<814c733c>] 0x814c733c
[   69.980000] [<814dc974>] 0x814dc974
[   69.980000] [<801a09b4>] 0x801a09b4
[   69.980000] [<814de224>] 0x814de224
[   69.980000] [<814c6aa8>] 0x814c6aa8
[   69.980000] [<81637f64>] 0x81637f64
[   69.980000] [<814df964>] 0x814df964
[   69.980000] [<814c76dc>] 0x814c76dc
[   69.980000] [<80046bc8>] 0x80046bc8
[   69.980000] [<814c733c>] 0x814c733c
[   69.980000] [<800375e0>] 0x800375e0
[   69.980000] [<800476f4>] 0x800476f4
[   69.980000] [<80038224>] 0x80038224
[   69.980000] [<8023f68c>] 0x8023f68c
[   69.980000] [<80037fc8>] 0x80037fc8
[   69.980000] [<80037fc8>] 0x80037fc8
[   69.980000] [<8003be30>] 0x8003be30
[   69.980000] [<80015310>] 0x80015310
[   69.980000] [<8003bda8>] 0x8003bda8
[   69.980000] [<80015300>] 0x80015300
[   69.980000]
[   69.980000]
[   69.980000] Code: 70822802  00a61021  00000000 <1440ffff> 2442ffff  03e00008  00000000  3c028029  8c430680
[   70.364000] ---[ end trace a25b18ee5bd1b87c ]---
[   70.368000] Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal exception in interrupt



  • Visitante
Re: Openwrt en routers de Telefónica Home Station ADB P.DG A4001N1
« Respuesta #150 en: 12-09-2012, 12:50 (Miércoles) »
Por fín, el amiguete me ha devuelto el router.
Antes de intentar nada, posteo el bootlog.
A ver si los expertos en cables y esas cosas, aparecen por aquí  ^-^

=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= PuTTY log 2012.09.12 12:11:34 =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=

CFE version 1.0.37-106.24 for A4001N TEF 0002 BCM96328 (32bit,SP,BE)
Build Date: Wed Jan 26 12:59:25 CET 2011 (zu1costast@thorold)
Copyright (C) 2000-2009 Broadcom Corporation.

HS Serial flash device: name MX25L128, id 0xc218 size 16384KB
Total Flash size: 16384K with 4096 sectors
Chip ID: BCM6328B0, MIPS: 320MHz, DDR: 320MHz, Bus: 160MHz
Main Thread: TP0
Memory Test Passed
Total Memory: 33554432 bytes (32MB)
Boot Address: 0xb8000000

Board IP address                  : 
Host IP address                   : 
Gateway IP address                :   
Run from flash/host (f/h)         : f 
Default host run file name        : vmlinux 
Default host flash file name      : bcm963xx_fs_kernel 
Boot delay (0-9 seconds)          : 1 
Board Id (0-4)                    : 963281T_TEF 
Number of MAC Addresses (1-32)    : 11 
Base MAC Address                  : 30:39:f2:83:c8:a5 
PSI Size (1-64) KBytes            : 24 
Enable Backup PSI [0|1]           : 1 
System Log Size (0-256) KBytes    : 0 
Main Thread Number [0|1]          : 0 
Voice Board Configuration (0-11)  :   

*** Press any key to stop auto run (1 seconds) ***
Auto run second count down: 110
Booting from only image (0xb8010000) ...
Code Address: 0x80010000, Entry Address: 0x80010000
LZMA: Prossible old LZMA format, trying to decompress..
Decompression OK!
Entry at 0x80010000
Closing network.
Disabling Switch ports.
Flushing Receive Buffers...
0 buffers found.
Closing DMA Channels.
Starting program at 0x80010000
[    0.000000] Linux version 3.3.8 (noltari@skynet) (gcc version 4.6.3 20120201 (prerelease) (Linaro GCC 4.6-2012.02) ) #1 Wed Jul 18 16:34:38 CEST 2012
[    0.000000] Detected Broadcom 0x6328 CPU revision 10b0
[    0.000000] CPU frequency is 320 MHz
[    0.000000] 32MB of RAM installed
[    0.000000] registering 32 GPIOs
[    0.000000] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 0 to 31 on device: bcm63xx-gpio
[    0.000000] board_bcm963xx: Boot address 0xb8000000
[    0.000000] board_bcm963xx: CFE version: A4001N-V0003
[    0.000000] bootconsole [early0] enabled
[    0.000000] CPU revision is: 0002a075 (Broadcom BMIPS4350)
[    0.000000] board_bcm963xx: board name: 963281T_TEF
[    0.000000] Determined physical RAM map:
[    0.000000]  memory: 02000000 @ 00000000 (usable)
[    0.000000] Initrd not found or empty - disabling initrd
[    0.000000] Zone PFN ranges:
[    0.000000]   Normal   0x00000000 -> 0x00002000
[    0.000000] Movable zone start PFN for each node
[    0.000000] Early memory PFN ranges
[    0.000000]     0: 0x00000000 -> 0x00002000
[    0.000000] Reserving 0MB of memory at 0MB for crashkernel
[    0.000000] Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on.  Total pages: 8128
[    0.000000] Kernel command line:  root=/dev/mtdblock2 rootfstype=squashfs,jffs2 noinitrd console=ttyS0,115200
[    0.000000] PID hash table entries: 128 (order: -3, 512 bytes)
[    0.000000] Dentry cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
[    0.000000] Inode-cache hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
[    0.000000] Primary instruction cache 32kB, VIPT, 4-way, linesize 16 bytes.
[    0.000000] Primary data cache 32kB, 2-way, VIPT, cache aliases, linesize 16 bytes
[    0.000000] Memory: 29376k/32768k available (2248k kernel code, 3392k reserved, 399k data, 200k init, 0k highmem)
[    0.000000] NR_IRQS:128
[    0.000000] Calibrating delay loop... 318.46 BogoMIPS (lpj=636928)
[    0.036000] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
[    0.040000] Mount-cache hash table entries: 512
[    0.048000] NET: Registered protocol family 16
[    0.276000] registering PCI controller with io_map_base unset
[    0.288000] bio: create slab <bio-0> at 0
[    0.296000] PCI host bridge to bus 0000:00
[    0.300000] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x10f00000-0x11efffff]
[    0.304000] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x0]
[    0.308000] pci 0000:00:00.0: BAR 8: assigned [mem 0x10f00000-0x10ffffff]
[    0.312000] pci 0000:01:00.0: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0x10f00000-0x10f03fff 64bit]
[    0.316000] pci 0000:00:00.0: PCI bridge to [bus 01-01]
[    0.320000] pci 0000:00:00.0:   bridge window [mem 0x10f00000-0x10ffffff]
[    0.324000] PCI: Enabling device 0000:00:00.0 (0000 -> 0002)
[    0.328000] Switching to clocksource MIPS
[    0.336000] PCI: Enabling device 0000:01:00.0 (0000 -> 0002)
[    0.344000] bcma: bus0: Found chip with id 0xA8D9, rev 0x01 and package 0x0A
[    0.352000] bcma: bus0: Core 0 found: ChipCommon (manuf 0x4BF, id 0x800, rev 0x22, class 0x0)
[    0.360000] bcma: bus0: Core 1 found: IEEE 802.11 (manuf 0x4BF, id 0x812, rev 0x17, class 0x0)
[    0.368000] bcma: bus0: Core 2 found: PCIe (manuf 0x4BF, id 0x820, rev 0x0F, class 0x0)
[    0.452000] bcma: bus0: Bus registered
[    0.456000] NET: Registered protocol family 2
[    0.460000] IP route cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
[    0.468000] TCP established hash table entries: 1024 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
[    0.476000] TCP bind hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
[    0.480000] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 1024 bind 1024)
[    0.488000] TCP reno registered
[    0.492000] UDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
[    0.496000] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
[    0.504000] NET: Registered protocol family 1
[    0.512000] audit: initializing netlink socket (disabled)
[    0.516000] type=2000 audit(0.516:1): initialized
[    0.524000] squashfs: version 4.0 (2009/01/31) Phillip Lougher
[    0.532000] JFFS2 version 2.2 (NAND) (SUMMARY) (LZMA) (RTIME) (CMODE_PRIORITY) (c) 2001-2006 Red Hat, Inc.
[    0.540000] msgmni has been set to 57
[    0.544000] io scheduler noop registered
[    0.548000] io scheduler deadline registered (default)
[    0.556000] bcm63xx_uart.0: ttyS0 at MMIO 0xb0000100 (irq = 36) is a bcm63xx_uart
Š[    0.564000] console [ttyS0] enabled, bootconsole disabled
[    0.564000] console [ttyS0] enabled, bootconsole disabled
[    0.580000] m25p80 spi0.0: found mx25l12805d, expected m25p80
[    0.588000] m25p80 spi0.0: mx25l12805d (16384 Kbytes)
[    0.592000] bcm63xxpart: CFE boot tag found with version 6 and board type 963281T_TEF
[    0.600000] bcm63xxpart: Partition 0 is CFE offset 0 and length 10000
[    0.608000] bcm63xxpart: Partition 1 is kernel offset 10100 and length eff00
[    0.616000] bcm63xxpart: Partition 2 is rootfs offset 100000 and length ef0000
[    0.624000] bcm63xxpart: Partition 3 is nvram offset ff0000 and length 10000
[    0.628000] bcm63xxpart: Partition 4 is linux offset 10000 and length fe0000
[    0.636000] bcm63xxpart: Spare partition is offset 2c0004 and length d2fffc
[    0.644000] 5 bcm63xxpart partitions found on MTD device spi0.0
[    0.652000] Creating 5 MTD partitions on "spi0.0":
[    0.656000] 0x000000000000-0x000000010000 : "CFE"
[    0.664000] 0x000000010100-0x000000100000 : "kernel"
[    0.668000] mtd: partition "kernel" must either start or end on erase block boundary or be smaller than an erase block -- forcing read-only
[    0.684000] 0x000000100000-0x000000ff0000 : "rootfs"
[    0.692000] mtd: partition "rootfs" set to be root filesystem
[    0.696000] mtd: partition "rootfs_data" created automatically, ofs=2C0000, len=D30000
[    0.708000] 0x0000002c0000-0x000000ff0000 : "rootfs_data"
[    0.716000] 0x000000ff0000-0x000001000000 : "nvram"
[    0.724000] 0x000000010000-0x000000ff0000 : "linux"
[    0.764000] bcm63xx-wdt bcm63xx-wdt:  started, timer margin: 30 sec
[    0.780000] TCP cubic registered
[    0.784000] NET: Registered protocol family 17
[    0.788000] 8021q: 802.1Q VLAN Support v1.8
[    0.800000] VFS: Mounted root (squashfs filesystem) readonly on device 31:2.
[    0.808000] Freeing unused kernel memory: 200k freed
awk: /proc/cpuinfo: No such file or directory
[    3.400000] roboswitch: Probing device eth0:
[    3.404000] bcm63xx_enet: could not find a used port with phy_id 0, assuming phy is external
[    3.412000] No Robo switch in managed mode found, phy_id = 0xffffffff
[    3.416000] roboswitch: Probing device eth1: No such device
[    3.424000] roboswitch: Probing device eth2: No such device
[    3.428000] roboswitch: Probing device eth3: No such device
- preinit -
Press the [f] key and hit [enter] to enter failsafe mode
- regular preinit -
[    9.448000] JFFS2 notice: (347) jffs2_build_xattr_subsystem: complete building xattr subsystem, 1 of xdatum (1 unchecked, 0 orphan) and 28 of xref (0 dead, 23 orphan) found.
switching to jffs2
- init -

Please press Enter to activate this console. [   12.772000] CPU 0 Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 00000000, epc == 81f8c304, ra == 80041a98
[   12.784000] Oops[#1]:
[   12.784000] Cpu 0
[   12.784000] $ 0   : 00000000 10008400 00000000 00000002
[   12.784000] $ 4   : 00000000 000080d0 81f9f920 ffffffff
[   12.784000] $ 8   : 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000
[   12.784000] $12   : 00000000 00000031 00000000 00000000
[   12.784000] $16   : 81f9f920 00000001 81f90000 00000000
[   12.784000] $20   : 00000000 802e0000 802a0000 80245814
[   12.784000] $24   : 00000000 8001e230                 
[   12.784000] $28   : 81f7c000 81f7dd48 80245834 80041a98
[   12.784000] Hi    : 00000000
[   12.784000] Lo    : 0000002c
[   12.784000] epc   : 81f8c304 0x81f8c304
[   12.784000]     Tainted: G           O
[   12.784000] ra    : 80041a98 0x80041a98
[   12.784000] Status: 10008403    KERNEL EXL IE
[   12.784000] Cause : 00800008
[   12.784000] BadVA : 00000000
[   12.784000] PrId  : 0002a075 (Broadcom BMIPS4350)
[   12.784000] Modules linked in: aes_generic(+) crypto_blkcipher cryptomgr aead crypto_hash crypto_algapi switch_adm(O) switch_core(O)
[   12.784000] Process insmod (pid: 405, threadinfo=81f7c000, task=81f489f8, tls=77dfb440)
[   12.784000] Stack : 802a0000 800df39c 81f1e680 81f94b80 ffffffff 00000001 81f9f920 00000000
[   12.784000]         00000000 802e0000 802a0000 80245814 80245834 80041a98 00000000 00000000
[   12.784000]         00000001 00000000 00000000 00000001 81f9f920 ffffffff 8029ea30 80041d40
[   12.784000]         10008401 00000000 81c6b440 81ec7200 00000000 81ec722c 802a0000 00000001
[   12.784000]         81f9f920 00000000 802a0000 80041d84 81f9f948 80108d3c 00000000 801cf538
[   12.784000]         ...
[   12.784000] Call Trace:[<800df39c>] 0x800df39c
[   12.784000] [<80041a98>] 0x80041a98
[   12.784000] [<80041d40>] 0x80041d40
[   12.784000] [<80041d84>] 0x80041d84
[   12.784000] [<80108d3c>] 0x80108d3c
[   12.784000] [<801cf538>] 0x801cf538
[   12.784000] [<8010965c>] 0x8010965c
[   12.784000] [<81f88ff0>] 0x81f88ff0
[   12.784000] [<81f89348>] 0x81f89348
[   12.784000] [<81f89658>] 0x81f89658
[   12.784000] [<81f97000>] 0x81f97000
[   12.784000] [<80010900>] 0x80010900
[   12.784000] [<80088e18>] 0x80088e18
[   12.784000] [<80041d84>] 0x80041d84
[   12.784000] [<80056344>] 0x80056344
[   12.784000] [<8001a6d0>] 0x8001a6d0
[   12.784000] [<80125f38>] 0x80125f38
[   12.784000]
[   12.784000]
[   12.784000] Code: 2642c5e0  8c420140  340580d0 <8c430000> 24630001  ac430000  3c02802a  0c023f75  8c44da24
[   13.004000] ---[ end trace a25b18ee5bd1b876 ]---
[   13.032000] CPU 0 Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 00000000, epc == 81f8c304, ra == 80041a98
[   13.044000] Oops[#2]:
[   13.044000] Cpu 0
[   13.044000] $ 0   : 00000000 10008400 00000000 00000002
[   13.044000] $ 4   : 00000000 000080d0 81ec10f0 ffffffff
[   13.044000] $ 8   : 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000
[   13.044000] $12   : 00000000 00000031 81024480 00000000
[   13.044000] $16   : 81ec10f0 00000001 81f90000 00000000
[   13.044000] $20   : 00000000 802e0000 802a0000 80245814
[   13.044000] $24   : 00000000 8001e230                 
[   13.044000] $28   : 81f76000 81f77d48 80245834 80041a98
[   13.044000] Hi    : 00000000
[   13.044000] Lo    : 00000000
[   13.044000] epc   : 81f8c304 0x81f8c304
[   13.044000]     Tainted: G      D    O
[   13.044000] ra    : 80041a98 0x80041a98
[   13.044000] Status: 10008403    KERNEL EXL IE
[   13.044000] Cause : 00800008
[   13.044000] BadVA : 00000000
[   13.044000] PrId  : 0002a075 (Broadcom BMIPS4350)
[   13.044000] Modules linked in: arc4(+) aes_generic(+) crypto_blkcipher cryptomgr aead crypto_hash crypto_algapi switch_adm(O) switch_core(O)
[   13.044000] Process insmod (pid: 406, threadinfo=81f76000, task=81d1c510, tls=77873440)
[   13.044000] Stack : 802a0000 800df39c 81f1e3b0 81f94780 ffffffff 00000001 81ec10f0 00000000
[   13.044000]         00000000 802e0000 802a0000 80245814 80245834 80041a98 00000000 00000000
[   13.044000]         00000001 00000000 00000000 00000001 81ec10f0 ffffffff 8029ea30 80041d40
[   13.044000]         10008401 00000000 81c6b440 81ec7200 00000000 81ec722c 802a0000 00000001
[   13.044000]         81ec10f0 00000000 802a0000 80041d84 81ec1118 80108d3c 00000000 801cf538
[   13.044000]         ...
[   13.044000] Call Trace:[<800df39c>] 0x800df39c
[   13.044000] [<80041a98>] 0x80041a98
[   13.044000] [<80041d40>] 0x80041d40
[   13.044000] [<80041d84>] 0x80041d84
[   13.044000] [<80108d3c>] 0x80108d3c
[   13.044000] [<801cf538>] 0x801cf538
[   13.044000] [<8010965c>] 0x8010965c
[   13.044000] [<81f88ff0>] 0x81f88ff0
[   13.044000] [<81f89348>] 0x81f89348
[   13.044000] [<81f89658>] 0x81f89658
[   13.044000] [<81f78000>] 0x81f78000
[   13.044000] [<80010900>] 0x80010900
[   13.044000] [<80088e18>] 0x80088e18
[   13.044000] [<80041d84>] 0x80041d84
[   13.044000] [<80056344>] 0x80056344
[   13.044000] [<8001a6d0>] 0x8001a6d0
[   13.044000] [<81f89434>] 0x81f89434
[   13.044000] [<80108d84>] 0x80108d84
[   13.044000]
[   13.044000]
[   13.044000] Code: 2642c5e0  8c420140  340580d0 <8c430000> 24630001  ac430000  3c02802a  0c023f75  8c44da24
[   13.268000] ---[ end trace a25b18ee5bd1b877 ]---
[   13.316000] CPU 0 Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 00000000, epc == 81f8c304, ra == 80041a98
[   13.324000] Oops[#3]:
[   13.324000] Cpu 0
[   13.324000] $ 0   : 00000000 10008400 00000000 00000002
[   13.324000] $ 4   : 00000000 000080d0 81fa4a20 ffffffff
[   13.324000] $ 8   : 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000
[   13.324000] $12   : 00000000 81f8ef90 00000050 00000000
[   13.324000] $16   : 81fa4a20 00000001 81f90000 00000000
[   13.324000] $20   : 00000000 802e0000 802a0000 80245814
[   13.324000] $24   : 00000000 8001e230                 
[   13.324000] $28   : 81f7c000 81f7dd28 80245834 80041a98
[   13.324000] Hi    : 00000000
[   13.324000] Lo    : 0000002c
[   13.324000] epc   : 81f8c304 0x81f8c304
[   13.324000]     Tainted: G      D    O
[   13.324000] ra    : 80041a98 0x80041a98
[   13.324000] Status: 10008403    KERNEL EXL IE
[   13.324000] Cause : 00800008
[   13.324000] BadVA : 00000000
[   13.324000] PrId  : 0002a075 (Broadcom BMIPS4350)
[   13.324000] Modules linked in: des_generic(+) arc4(+) aes_generic(+) crypto_blkcipher cryptomgr aead crypto_hash crypto_algapi switch_adm(O) switch_core(O)
[   13.324000] Process insmod (pid: 407, threadinfo=81f7c000, task=81f489f8, tls=7793f440)
[   13.324000] Stack : 00000000 80044c30 81f2c5b0 802a0000 ffffffff 00000001 81fa4a20 00000000
[   13.324000]         00000000 802e0000 802a0000 80245814 80245834 80041a98 00000001 8003c5a4
[   13.324000]         000041ed 800ded58 00000000 00000001 81fa4a20 ffffffff 8029ea30 80041d40
[   13.324000]         00000001 00000000 10008401 81c6b440 00000000 81ec7200 802a0000 00000001
[   13.324000]         81fa4a20 00000000 802a0000 80041d84 81fa4a48 80108d3c 00000001 80043e70
[   13.324000]         ...
[   13.324000] Call Trace:[<80044c30>] 0x80044c30
[   13.324000] [<80041a98>] 0x80041a98
[   13.324000] [<8003c5a4>] 0x8003c5a4
[   13.324000] [<800ded58>] 0x800ded58
[   13.324000] [<80041d40>] 0x80041d40
[   13.324000] [<80041d84>] 0x80041d84
[   13.324000] [<80108d3c>] 0x80108d3c
[   13.324000] [<80043e70>] 0x80043e70
[   13.324000] [<801a6534>] 0x801a6534
[   13.324000] [<8010965c>] 0x8010965c
[   13.324000] [<81f88ff0>] 0x81f88ff0
[   13.324000] [<81f89348>] 0x81f89348
[   13.324000] [<81f89658>] 0x81f89658
[   13.324000] [<81fa0000>] 0x81fa0000
[   13.324000] [<81fa501c>] 0x81fa501c
[   13.324000] [<81fa5000>] 0x81fa5000
[   13.324000] [<80010900>] 0x80010900
[   13.324000] [<80088e18>] 0x80088e18
[   13.324000] [<80041d84>] 0x80041d84
[   13.324000] [<80056344>] 0x80056344
[   13.324000] [<8008346c>] 0x8008346c
[   13.324000] [<8001a6d0>] 0x8001a6d0
[   13.324000]
[   13.324000]
[   13.324000] Code: 2642c5e0  8c420140  340580d0 <8c430000> 24630001  ac430000  3c02802a  0c023f75  8c44da24
[   13.568000] ---[ end trace a25b18ee5bd1b878 ]---
[   13.772000] CPU 0 Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 00000000, epc == 81f8c304, ra == 80041a98
[   13.784000] Oops[#4]:
[   13.784000] Cpu 0
[   13.784000] $ 0   : 00000000 10008400 00000000 00000002
[   13.784000] $ 4   : 00000000 000080d0 81fa9b6c ffffffff
[   13.784000] $ 8   : 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000
[   13.784000] $12   : 00000000 00000031 81025f80 00000000
[   13.784000] $16   : 81fa9b6c 00000001 81f90000 00000000
[   13.784000] $20   : 00000000 802e0000 802a0000 80245814
[   13.784000] $24   : 00000000 8001e230                 
[   13.784000] $28   : 81fa6000 81fa7d48 80245834 80041a98
[   13.784000] Hi    : 00000000
[   13.784000] Lo    : 0000002c
[   13.784000] epc   : 81f8c304 0x81f8c304
[   13.784000]     Tainted: G      D    O
[   13.784000] ra    : 80041a98 0x80041a98
[   13.784000] Status: 10008403    KERNEL EXL IE
[   13.784000] Cause : 00800008
[   13.784000] BadVA : 00000000
[   13.784000] PrId  : 0002a075 (Broadcom BMIPS4350)
[   13.784000] Modules linked in: md4(+) hmac ecb des_generic(+) arc4(+) aes_generic(+) crypto_blkcipher cryptomgr aead crypto_hash crypto_algapi switch_adm(O) switch_core(O)
[   13.784000] Process insmod (pid: 410, threadinfo=81fa6000, task=81d1c510, tls=77ca4440)
[   13.784000] Stack : 802a0000 800df39c 81f8e6d0 81f8b680 ffffffff 00000001 81fa9b6c 00000000
[   13.784000]         00000000 802e0000 802a0000 80245814 80245834 80041a98 00000000 00000000
[   13.784000]         00000001 00000000 00000000 00000001 81fa9b6c ffffffff 8029ea30 80041d40
[   13.784000]         10008401 00000000 81c6b440 81ec7200 00000000 81ec722c 802a0000 00000001
[   13.784000]         81fa9b6c 00000000 802a0000 80041d84 81fa9b94 80108d3c 00000000 801cf538
[   13.784000]         ...
[   13.784000] Call Trace:[<800df39c>] 0x800df39c
[   13.784000] [<80041a98>] 0x80041a98
[   13.784000] [<80041d40>] 0x80041d40
[   13.784000] [<80041d84>] 0x80041d84
[   13.784000] [<80108d3c>] 0x80108d3c
[   13.784000] [<801cf538>] 0x801cf538
[   13.784000] [<8010965c>] 0x8010965c
[   13.784000] [<81f88ff0>] 0x81f88ff0
[   13.784000] [<81f89348>] 0x81f89348
[   13.784000] [<81f89658>] 0x81f89658
[   13.784000] [<81faa000>] 0x81faa000
[   13.784000] [<80010900>] 0x80010900
[   13.784000] [<80088e18>] 0x80088e18
[   13.784000] [<80041d84>] 0x80041d84
[   13.784000] [<80056344>] 0x80056344
[   13.784000] [<8001a6d0>] 0x8001a6d0
[   13.784000]
[   13.784000]
[   13.784000] Code: 2642c5e0  8c420140  340580d0 <8c430000> 24630001  ac430000  3c02802a  0c023f75  8c44da24
[   14.004000] ---[ end trace a25b18ee5bd1b879 ]---
[   14.036000] CPU 0 Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 00000000, epc == 81f8c304, ra == 80041a98
[   14.044000] Oops[#5]:
[   14.044000] Cpu 0
[   14.044000] $ 0   : 00000000 10008400 00000000 00000002
[   14.044000] $ 4   : 00000000 000080d0 81f8f41c ffffffff
[   14.044000] $ 8   : 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000
[   14.044000] $12   : 00000000 00000031 81007220 00000000
[   14.044000] $16   : 81f8f41c 00000001 81f90000 00000000
[   14.044000] $20   : 00000000 802e0000 802a0000 80245814
[   14.044000] $24   : 00000000 8001e230                 
[   14.044000] $28   : 81c88000 81c89d48 80245834 80041a98
[   14.044000] Hi    : 00000000
[   14.044000] Lo    : 00000000
[   14.044000] epc   : 81f8c304 0x81f8c304
[   14.044000]     Tainted: G      D    O
[   14.044000] ra    : 80041a98 0x80041a98
[   14.044000] Status: 10008403    KERNEL EXL IE
[   14.044000] Cause : 00800008
[   14.044000] BadVA : 00000000
[   14.044000] PrId  : 0002a075 (Broadcom BMIPS4350)
[   14.044000] Modules linked in: md5(+) md4(+) hmac ecb des_generic(+) arc4(+) aes_generic(+) crypto_blkcipher cryptomgr aead crypto_hash crypto_algapi switch_adm(O) switch_core(O)
[   14.044000] Process insmod (pid: 411, threadinfo=81c88000, task=81f489f8, tls=77fd7440)
[   14.044000] Stack : 00000000 10008401 00008000 80013864 ffffffff 00000001 81f8f41c 00000000
[   14.044000]         00000000 802e0000 802a0000 80245814 80245834 80041a98 00000000 00000000
[   14.044000]         00001000 ffffffe0 00000000 00000001 81f8f41c ffffffff 8029ea30 80041d40
[   14.044000]         10008401 00000000 81c6b440 81ec7200 00000000 81ec722c 802a0000 00000001
[   14.044000]         81f8f41c 00000000 802a0000 80041d84 81f8f444 80108d3c 00000000 801cf538
[   14.044000]         ...
[   14.044000] Call Trace:[<80013864>] 0x80013864
[   14.044000] [<80041a98>] 0x80041a98
[   14.044000] [<80041d40>] 0x80041d40
[   14.044000] [<80041d84>] 0x80041d84
[   14.044000] [<80108d3c>] 0x80108d3c
[   14.044000] [<801cf538>] 0x801cf538
[   14.044000] [<8010965c>] 0x8010965c
[   14.044000] [<81f88ff0>] 0x81f88ff0
[   14.044000] [<81f89348>] 0x81f89348
[   14.044000] [<81f89658>] 0x81f89658
[   14.044000] [<81fab000>] 0x81fab000
[   14.044000] [<80010900>] 0x80010900
[   14.044000] [<80088e18>] 0x80088e18
[   14.044000] [<80041d84>] 0x80041d84
[   14.044000] [<80056344>] 0x80056344
[   14.044000] [<8001a6d0>] 0x8001a6d0
[   14.044000]
[   14.044000]
[   14.044000] Code: 2642c5e0  8c420140  340580d0 <8c430000> 24630001  ac430000  3c02802a  0c023f75  8c44da24
[   14.268000] ---[ end trace a25b18ee5bd1b87a ]---
[   14.324000] Compat-wireless backport release: compat-wireless-2012-07-13
[   14.328000] Backport based on wireless-testing.git master-2012-07-16
[   14.336000] compat.git: wireless-testing.git
[   14.400000] cfg80211: Calling CRDA to update world regulatory domain
[   14.404000] cfg80211: World regulatory domain updated:
[   14.412000] cfg80211:   (start_freq - end_freq @ bandwidth), (max_antenna_gain, max_eirp)
[   14.420000] cfg80211:   (2402000 KHz - 2472000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   14.428000] cfg80211:   (2457000 KHz - 2482000 KHz @ 20000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   14.436000] cfg80211:   (2474000 KHz - 2494000 KHz @ 20000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   14.444000] cfg80211:   (5170000 KHz - 5250000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   14.452000] cfg80211:   (5735000 KHz - 5835000 KHz @ 40000 KHz), (300 mBi, 2000 mBm)
[   14.852000] NET: Registered protocol family 10
[   15.000000] There is already a switch registered on the device 'eth0'
[   15.008000] roboswitch: Probing device eth1: No such device
[   15.012000] roboswitch: Probing device eth2: No such device
[   15.016000] roboswitch: Probing device eth3: No such device
[   15.456000] Button Hotplug driver version 0.4.1
[   15.972000] PPP generic driver version 2.4.2
[   16.420000] brcmsmac bcma0:0: mfg 4bf core 812 rev 23 class 0 irq 31
[   16.752000] ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
[   16.876000] bcma: bus0: Switched to core: 0x812
[   17.028000] NET: Registered protocol family 24
[   17.064000] nf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (462 buckets, 1848 max)
[   17.480000] ip6_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
[   17.796000] input: gpio-keys-polled as /devices/platform/gpio-keys-polled.0/input/input0
[   22.116000] device eth0 entered promiscuous mode
[   22.120000] br-lan: port 1(eth0) entered forwarding state
[   22.128000] br-lan: port 1(eth0) entered forwarding state
[   24.132000] br-lan: port 1(eth0) entered forwarding state
[   24.220000] dummy
[   24.220000] dummy
[   24.224000] dummy
[   24.224000] dummy
[   24.228000] dummy
[   24.228000] dummy
[   24.232000] dummy
[   24.232000] dummy
[   24.236000] ieee80211 phy0: brcms_ops_bss_info_changed: qos enabled: false (implement)
[   24.244000] ieee80211 phy0: brcms_ops_config: change power-save mode: false (implement)
[   24.304000] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready
[   27.144000] CPU 0 Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 00000004, epc == 814d00f8, ra == 814db834
[   27.152000] Oops[#6]:
[   27.152000] Cpu 0
[   27.152000] $ 0   : 00000000 10008400 00000000 00000000
[   27.152000] $ 4   : 00000000 00000000 00000000 ffffffff
[   27.152000] $ 8   : 00000fff 00000001 00000000 000000f4
[   27.152000] $12   : 00000000 00000003 00008000 00000000
[   27.152000] $16   : 81c27ce8 00000000 816a4360 8153ca80
[   27.152000] $20   : 816d76a0 00000000 814c733c 00000000
[   27.152000] $24   : 00000000 800476f4                 
[   27.152000] $28   : 81c26000 81c27c88 00000000 814db834
[   27.152000] Hi    : 00000000
[   27.152000] Lo    : 0000006c
[   27.152000] epc   : 814d00f8 0x814d00f8
[   27.152000]     Tainted: G      D    O
[   27.152000] ra    : 814db834 0x814db834
[   27.152000] Status: 10008403    KERNEL EXL IE
[   27.152000] Cause : 00800008
[   27.152000] BadVA : 00000004
[   27.152000] PrId  : 0002a075 (Broadcom BMIPS4350)
[   27.152000] Modules linked in: spi_bcm63xx gpio_keys_polled ip6t_REJECT ip6t_LOG ip6t_rt ip6t_hbh ip6t_mh ip6t_ipv6header ip6t_frag ip6t_eui64 ip6t_ah ip6table_raw ip6_queue ip6table_mangle ip6table_filter ip6_tables nf_conntrack_ipv6 nf_defrag_ipv6 nf_nat_irc nf_conntrack_irc nf_nat_ftp nf_conntrack_ftp ipt_MASQUERADE iptable_nat nf_nat pppoe xt_conntrack xt_CT xt_NOTRACK iptable_raw xt_state nf_conntrack_ipv4 nf_defrag_ipv4 nf_conntrack pppox ipt_REJECT xt_TCPMSS ipt_LOG xt_comment xt_multiport xt_mac xt_limit iptable_mangle iptable_filter ip_tables xt_tcpudp x_tables brcmsmac(O) ppp_async ppp_generic slhc cifs button_hotplug(O) brcmutil(O) nls_utf8 mac80211(O) nls_base crc8 crc_ccitt cordic ipv6 input_polldev cfg80211(O) compat(O) input_core md5(+) md4(+) hmac ecb des_generic(+) arc4(+) aes_generic(+) crypto_blkcipher cryptomgr aead crypto_hash crypto_algapi switch_adm(O) switch_core(O)
[   27.152000] Process kworker/u:0 (pid: 5, threadinfo=81c26000, task=81c21470, tls=00000000)
[   27.152000] Stack : 00000074 00000000 8158f478 8158f000 00000001 00000008 81c06380 801a0a4c
[   27.152000]         816d76a0 81c27d60 8158ece4 8153ca80 81fe04a6 00000000 814c733c 00000000
[   27.152000]         00000000 814db834 00000008 8143c093 8158ece4 814e1e80 8153ca80 00000000
[   27.152000]         8153ca80 8158ece4 816a4810 816d76a0 ff000000 00ff0000 00000fff 00000000
[   27.152000]         00000000 814dabac 816d76a0 00000000 00000001 00000000 816d76a0 8153ca80
[   27.152000]         ...
[   27.152000] Call Trace:[<801a0a4c>] 0x801a0a4c
[   27.152000] [<814c733c>] 0x814c733c
[   27.152000] [<814db834>] 0x814db834
[   27.152000] [<814e1e80>] 0x814e1e80
[   27.152000] [<814dabac>] 0x814dabac
[   27.152000] [<814c733c>] 0x814c733c
[   27.152000] [<814dc974>] 0x814dc974
[   27.152000] [<801a09b4>] 0x801a09b4
[   27.152000] [<814de224>] 0x814de224
[   27.152000] [<814c6aa8>] 0x814c6aa8
[   27.152000] [<81637f64>] 0x81637f64
[   27.152000] [<814df964>] 0x814df964
[   27.152000] [<814c76dc>] 0x814c76dc
[   27.152000] [<80046bc8>] 0x80046bc8
[   27.152000] [<814c733c>] 0x814c733c
[   27.152000] [<800375e0>] 0x800375e0
[   27.152000] [<800476f4>] 0x800476f4
[   27.152000] [<80038224>] 0x80038224
[   27.152000] [<8023f68c>] 0x8023f68c
[   27.152000] [<80037fc8>] 0x80037fc8
[   27.152000] [<80037fc8>] 0x80037fc8
[   27.152000] [<8003be30>] 0x8003be30
[   27.152000] [<80015310>] 0x80015310
[   27.152000] [<8003bda8>] 0x8003bda8
[   27.152000] [<80015300>] 0x80015300
[   27.152000]
[   27.152000]
[   27.152000] Code: 30420001  1440009e  8fbf0044 <8c820004> 8c840008  8c420024  0040f809  02003821  9295001c
[   27.472000] ---[ end trace a25b18ee5bd1b87b ]---
[   27.476000] Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal exception in interrupt
[   69.980000] bcm63xx_wdt fire[#7]:
[   69.980000] Cpu 0
[   69.980000] $ 0   : 00000000 10008401 0001032a 3bb3d000
[   69.980000] $ 4   : 000003e8 00026d18 000000e9 ffffffff
[   69.980000] $ 8   : 00000020 00000001 00000001 00000000
[   69.980000] $12   : 00000000 00000000 00008000 00000000
[   69.980000] $16   : 0000a604 00000001 802e0000 0000a668
[   69.980000] $20   : 00000009 802e0000 00000000 00000000
[   69.980000] $24   : 00000018 800476f4                 
[   69.980000] $28   : 81c26000 81c27ab0 00030000 8023ba48
[   69.980000] Hi    : 00000000
[   69.980000] Lo    : 00026d18
[   69.980000] epc   : 80125840 0x80125840
[   69.980000]     Tainted: G      D    O
[   69.980000] ra    : 8023ba48 0x8023ba48
[   69.980000] Status: 10008403    KERNEL EXL IE
[   69.980000] Cause : 00800400
[   69.980000] PrId  : 0002a075 (Broadcom BMIPS4350)
[   69.980000] Modules linked in: spi_bcm63xx gpio_keys_polled ip6t_REJECT ip6t_LOG ip6t_rt ip6t_hbh ip6t_mh ip6t_ipv6header ip6t_frag ip6t_eui64 ip6t_ah ip6table_raw ip6_queue ip6table_mangle ip6table_filter ip6_tables nf_conntrack_ipv6 nf_defrag_ipv6 nf_nat_irc nf_conntrack_irc nf_nat_ftp nf_conntrack_ftp ipt_MASQUERADE iptable_nat nf_nat pppoe xt_conntrack xt_CT xt_NOTRACK iptable_raw xt_state nf_conntrack_ipv4 nf_defrag_ipv4 nf_conntrack pppox ipt_REJECT xt_TCPMSS ipt_LOG xt_comment xt_multiport xt_mac xt_limit iptable_mangle iptable_filter ip_tables xt_tcpudp x_tables brcmsmac(O) ppp_async ppp_generic slhc cifs button_hotplug(O) brcmutil(O) nls_utf8 mac80211(O) nls_base crc8 crc_ccitt cordic ipv6 input_polldev cfg80211(O) compat(O) input_core md5(+) md4(+) hmac ecb des_generic(+) arc4(+) aes_generic(+) crypto_blkcipher cryptomgr aead crypto_hash crypto_algapi switch_adm(O) switch_core(O)
[   69.980000] Process kworker/u:0 (pid: 5, threadinfo=81c26000, task=81c21470, tls=00000000)
[   69.980000] Stack : 00000010 802e76e0 00000000 81c27aec 81c27aec 81c27ae8 0000000b 81c27bd8
[   69.980000]         80259f74 81c27bd8 816d76a0 00000028 00000000 80017d60 00030000 802971c4
[   69.980000]         ffffffff 8015aab0 00000002 0000000b 00000004 00000000 81c21470 8001c9fc
[   69.980000]         00006c00 00000000 00000008 00000004 00000008 814d00f8 00000008 814db834
[   69.980000]         81c27ba8 00030001 81600b60 00000000 00000000 fffffffe 00000000 0000ff01
[   69.980000]         ...
[   69.980000] Call Trace:[<80017d60>] 0x80017d60
[   69.980000] [<8015aab0>] 0x8015aab0
[   69.980000] [<8001c9fc>] 0x8001c9fc
[   69.980000] [<814d00f8>] 0x814d00f8
[   69.980000] [<814db834>] 0x814db834
[   69.980000] [<81600b60>] 0x81600b60
[   69.980000] [<801a0a4c>] 0x801a0a4c
[   69.980000] [<81612454>] 0x81612454
[   69.980000] [<801a0ad0>] 0x801a0ad0
[   69.980000] [<801a0a4c>] 0x801a0a4c
[   69.980000] [<814c733c>] 0x814c733c
[   69.980000] [<80013840>] 0x80013840
[   69.980000] [<8161223c>] 0x8161223c
[   69.980000] [<801a0a4c>] 0x801a0a4c
[   69.980000] [<814c733c>] 0x814c733c
[   69.980000] [<800476f4>] 0x800476f4
[   69.980000] [<816123b0>] 0x816123b0
[   69.980000] [<814db834>] 0x814db834
[   69.980000] [<814d00f8>] 0x814d00f8
[   69.980000] [<801a0a4c>] 0x801a0a4c
[   69.980000] [<814c733c>] 0x814c733c
[   69.980000] [<814db834>] 0x814db834
[   69.980000] [<814e1e80>] 0x814e1e80
[   69.980000] [<814dabac>] 0x814dabac
[   69.980000] [<814c733c>] 0x814c733c
[   69.980000] [<814dc974>] 0x814dc974
[   69.980000] [<801a09b4>] 0x801a09b4
[   69.980000] [<814de224>] 0x814de224
[   69.980000] [<814c6aa8>] 0x814c6aa8
[   69.980000] [<81637f64>] 0x81637f64
[   69.980000] [<814df964>] 0x814df964
[   69.980000] [<814c76dc>] 0x814c76dc
[   69.980000] [<80046bc8>] 0x80046bc8
[   69.980000] [<814c733c>] 0x814c733c
[   69.980000] [<800375e0>] 0x800375e0
[   69.980000] [<800476f4>] 0x800476f4
[   69.980000] [<80038224>] 0x80038224
[   69.980000] [<8023f68c>] 0x8023f68c
[   69.980000] [<80037fc8>] 0x80037fc8
[   69.980000] [<80037fc8>] 0x80037fc8
[   69.980000] [<8003be30>] 0x8003be30
[   69.980000] [<80015310>] 0x80015310
[   69.980000] [<8003bda8>] 0x8003bda8
[   69.980000] [<80015300>] 0x80015300
[   69.980000]
[   69.980000]
[   69.980000] Code: 70822802  00a61021  00000000 <1440ffff> 2442ffff  03e00008  00000000  3c028029  8c430680
[   70.364000] ---[ end trace a25b18ee5bd1b87c ]---
[   70.368000] Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal exception in interrupt

Me huele a que cierta configuración en el router está causando una excepción. Básicamente digo esto porque la excepción salta en el init, pero sin embargo, el preinit carga perfectamente. Cuando tenga tiempo le echaré un ojo.

Lo que sigo sin entender es por qué no se puede acceder al bootloader pulsando el botón reset. De todas formas puedes acceder al bootloader pulsando Enter antes de que se cargue el firmware. O también puedes probar a iniciar el failsafe pulsando enter cuando el router te lo indica:
Código: [Seleccionar]
- preinit -
Press the [f] key and hit [enter] to enter failsafe mode


Desconectado jar229

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Re: Openwrt en routers de Telefónica Home Station ADB P.DG A4001N1
« Respuesta #151 en: 12-09-2012, 13:05 (Miércoles) »
Router recuperado  ;D
Pulsé f (si es que hay que leer  ;D). El router entró al CFE, y desde el navegador le metí la última versión de OpenWrt  (r33275) >:(
Yo tampoco entiendo porqué no entra al CFE usando el reset + 20 segundos. Pero vamos es que nunca conseguí que entrara ... ^-^

Wifi probada y funcionando:

Probado USB y funcionanando  >:(

Gracias Noltari y sERASEr por la ayuda  ;)

« Última modificación: 28-09-2012, 08:46 (Viernes) por jar229 »


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Re: Openwrt en routers de Telefónica Home Station ADB P.DG A4001N1
« Respuesta #152 en: 15-09-2012, 17:47 (Sábado) »
me uno al hilo, esta interesante, tengo este router guardado a la espera de que este todo mas pulido, mientras, estoy usando un contrend 536+ con openwrt y transmission, descargando hacia un pendrive (tuve que hacerle el mod del USB).

Gracias a los que os currais todo esto. Si necesitais algo en que os pueda ayudar, pedidlo

Desconectado jar229

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Re: Re: Openwrt en routers de Telefónica Home Station ADB P.DG A4001N1
« Respuesta #153 en: 15-09-2012, 19:18 (Sábado) »
Pues transmission en este router debería funcionarte bastante mejor que en el comtrend (mejor cpu, más Ram, usb más rápido ...)

Enviado desde mi U8500 usando Tapatalk 2


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Re: Re: Openwrt en routers de Telefónica Home Station ADB P.DG A4001N1
« Respuesta #154 en: 17-09-2012, 01:32 (Lunes) »
y además estable... lo uso mucho como radio wifi y sin problemas

el display es un 20x4 con un  msp430g2553


Pues transmission en este router debería funcionarte bastante mejor que en el comtrend (mejor cpu, más Ram, usb más rápido ...)

Enviado desde mi U8500 usando Tapatalk 2

« Última modificación: 17-09-2012, 01:34 (Lunes) por gmtii »

Desconectado jar229

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Re: Openwrt en routers de Telefónica Home Station ADB P.DG A4001N1
« Respuesta #155 en: 25-09-2012, 10:15 (Martes) »
Aquí el router haciendo de repetidor  >:(
Perdonad por la malísima calidad de la imagen  :-[

El chipset wifi (broadcom) del router está en modo cliente, y le he 'pinchado' una tarjeta wifi usb (chipset zydas) que está en modo AP.
Lo tengo en pruebas ... a ver si es estable  ;)

Desconectado sanson

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Re: Re: Openwrt en routers de Telefónica Home Station ADB P.DG A4001N1
« Respuesta #156 en: 25-09-2012, 13:29 (Martes) »

Que buenos jar jajajjajaj. pues yo tengo uno de esos por aqui.


si sale este mensaje, es que estoy en el movil

Desconectado jar229

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Re: Re: Openwrt en routers de Telefónica Home Station ADB P.DG A4001N1
« Respuesta #157 en: 25-09-2012, 14:49 (Martes) »
Pues ya estás tardando en probar cosas con él (siempre que no sea el que usas para el ADSL) ;D

Enviado desde mi U30GT-H usando Tapatalk 2

Desconectado sanson

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Re: Re: Openwrt en routers de Telefónica Home Station ADB P.DG A4001N1
« Respuesta #158 en: 25-09-2012, 15:05 (Martes) »

No no lo uso ese meblo regalaron para cacharrear pero no le he hecho mada aun

Pero tienes razon voy a ver si me pongo con el


si sale este mensaje, es que estoy en el movil


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Re: Openwrt en routers de Telefónica Home Station ADB P.DG A4001N1
« Respuesta #159 en: 27-09-2012, 22:25 (Jueves) »
Buenas a todos!!

Tengo un problema con el router.. he instalado la ultima version 33275, instalada y funcionando bien hasta que cambie la ip de la lan,se quedo guardando los cambios y no hay manera de acceder al router...
He intentado via web, telnet y ssh sin resultado. He pulsado el boton reset y mantenido durante los 10,20,30 y 60 segundos para intentar acceder al cfe y poder instalar de nuevo el firm.
Creo que de los que hemos tenido problemas ninguno a podido acceder al CFE con el boton reset. Creo que la unica manera de revivirlo es mediante cable serial..

Mis dudas llegan con el cable... he visto en el primer post donde hay que conectar y los puentes, pero no dice nada de los voltajes... podemos conectar el cable serie del pc al router? es necesario algun circuito tipo ttl para bajar el voltaje a 3.3v

Si alguien me saca de dudas con el cable serie, me pongo a revivirlo
