buenos días.
A ver si algún experto me puede ayudar. Acabo de sacar de su caja un router HOME STATION ADSL BHS-RTA que de aspecto es igualito al Alpha asl 26555.
Quisiera saber si se le puede instalar el openwrt.
Me he conectado por telnet y he sacado estas capturas:
TBS>>modem showall
Modem brand: OBSERVA
Modem model: BHS_RTA
Firmware version: BHS_RTA_ES_034
Firmware date: Apr 25 2013
device showall
brand model
Processor REALTEK RTL8672-VE-GR
RAM memory Hynix HY5DU561622ETP-5
Flash memory MXIC MX25L6445EM2I-10G
Command Word
cm [1] Command of mode convert
3g display the brand,design,firmware dongle connect status,...
acl acl: <conname(s)> <contype(s)> <port(s)> <optname(s)>
adsl Display the table SNR or Bits per tones(carriers) of the...
cls Clear screen
cpuinfo CPU usage
ddns Show or config the ddns module
debug Get or Set a Node,only for debug
device display the brand and model of processor, ADSL, RAM memo...
dhcpserver Show or config or enable or disable the DHCPServer
dmz Show or configure the DMZ
exit Logout from the system
help Help information of command line operate
ifconfig Show or configure the WAN interface
ipt Show or configure the IPT module
lan Show or config or enabl or|disable the lan IPInterface
mac Show or config or enable or filter mac black list
meminfo Memory usage
modem display the brand,model,firmware version,firmware date
natp Show or config the natp(Port Forwarding) module
password config the username and the password
pmirror pmirror vpi [vpival] vci[vcival] flags<pmirror_flags>
reboot reboot
restore_defaults load default factory config
route Show or config the route module including dynamic route ...
save save config
save_and_exit save config and exit
save_and_reboot save and reboot
set [1] Operation of system attribute set
sh go to shell platform
tr069 config or show or set connection request the Tr069 list
wan Show or config the wan connection
wlan Show or config or enable or disable the wlan and the wla...
wmac Show or config or enable or filter wireless mac list
Para poder entrar al puerto USB hay que utilizar el comando sh.
Y se encuentra en la carpeta mnt.
/ $ cd mnt
/mnt $ ls
/mnt $ cd usb1_1
Me podeis orientar que software debo de utilizar para la instalación?.