Linux Live scripts Requirements by Tomas M. To say it short and fast:
To be able to create a Linux Live CD, your kernel must meet some
requirements. Easiest way is to visit and download
precompiled Linux kernel with everything included. Install it and run
./build from linux-live scripts. It should work

Long info (if you need own kernel):
Sample kernel config file can be found if you boot Slax and see /proc/config.gz
* Your distro must use kernel 2.6.20 or higher (in order to use sqlzma patch)
* all the following things must be compiled directly into kernel:
(these options are usually compiled so you shouldn't have problems)
- ext2 (CONFIG_EXT2_FS=y)
- tmpfs (CONFIG_TMPFS=y)
- ramdisk (CONFIG_BLK_DEV_RAM=y)
- a cdrom driver, if you boot from CD-ROM
* all the following things must be compiled in the kernel or must be
available at least as a kernel modules (.ko):
- loop (else mount -o loop won't work)
- isofs (if you will boot your live distro from CDROM)
- ehci-hcd, ohci-hcd, uhci-hcd, usb-storage (if you will boot your live distro from USB)
* all these modules must be available:
- aufs.ko
- squashfs.ko (plus sqlzma.ko and unlzma.ko)
Make sure that your modules don't contain debug info, so it can fit
a 6MB initrd image. If you need debugging, change .config file
in linux live scripts and set it to to create bigger initrd.
* Your distro must have /usr/bin/chroot or /usr/sbin/chroot
* Your distro must have /bin/init or /sbin/init
* if you compiled squashfs tools manually, you should replace
./tools/mksquashfs and ./tools/unsquashfs by your own binaries
These requirements could change with new kernel or aufs versions.