todos los comandos llevan su manual, que es como el help pero un poquito mas desarrollado, (segun quien se curre el manual)
cojo y me instalo lighttpd 1.4.45 y consulto el manual
wifiway ~ # man /usr/man/man8/lighttpd.8.gz
lighttpd - a fast, secure and flexible web server
lighttpd [-ptDvVh] -f configfile [-m moduledir]
lighttpd (pronounced 'lighty') is an advanced HTTP daemon that aims to
be secure, fast, compliant and very flexible. It has been optimized for
high performance. Its feature set includes, but is not limited to,
FastCGI, CGI, basic and digest HTTP authentication, output compression,
URL rewriting.
This manual page only lists the command line arguments. For details on
how to configure lighttpd and its modules see the files in the doc-
The following options are supported:
-f configfile
Load configuration file configfile.
-m moduledir
Use moduledir as the directory that contains modules, instead of
the default.
-p Print the parsed configuration file in its internal form and
-t Test the configuration file for syntax errors and exit.
-tt Test the configuration file for syntax errors, load and initial‐
ize modules, and exit.
-D Do not daemonize (go into background). The default is to daemo‐
-i secs
Trigger daemon graceful shutdown after secs of inactivity.
-1 Process single (one) request on stdin socket, then exit.
-v Show version and exit.
-V Show compile-time features and exit.
-h Show a brief help message and exit.
The standard location for the configuration file.
The standard location for the PID of the running lighttpd
Online Documentation:
Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1, RFC 2616.
HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication, RFC 2617.
The Common Gateway Interface Version 1.1, RFC 3875.
The FastCGI specification.
Jan Kneschke <>
2009-03-07 LIGHTTPD(8)
lines 37-80/80 (END)
lo dicho es el help pero algo mas desarrollado, y esta seria la salida de la ayuda
wifiway ~ # lighttpd -h
lighttpd/1.4.45 (ssl) (Aug 5 2017 13:02:36) - a light and fast webserver
-f <name> filename of the config-file
-m <name> module directory (default: /usr/lib/lighttpd)
-i <secs> graceful shutdown after <secs> of inactivity
-1 process single (one) request on stdin socket, then exit
-p print the parsed config-file in internal form, and exit
-t test config-file syntax, then exit
-tt test config-file syntax, load and init modules, then exit
-D don't go to background (default: go to background)
-v show version
-V show compile-time features
-h show this help
por lo general, nadie se los mira, suelen venir en ingles y salvo honrosas excepciones suelen aclarar poco.
pero es una lección básica de los old school de linux, "si no sabes algo, tecleas man y consultas el manual"
los que hemos aprendido a base de prueba y error, pues nos hemos pasado por el forro esta lección