i have allready watched this and done partions but when i try to set up grub it dose not reconisize partitions says this is not linux partion i have tryed all 4 partions that i have 1 is fat32 one is ext2 one is ext4 one is nfts wich has windows 7 i tryed all 4 incase i had wrong partion but all fore it wont reconize i am have got as far as 90% then try grub no good what do you serjest
only support install on the first hd
you need 1 ext4 partition on sda for example sda2
not support sdb , sdc etc etc etc.
fdisk -l
show your hard drives listed
see who is the first , ...but i cant install never on other , only sda
good luck.
or if you have installed other linux , like ubuntu , you try only install wifislax on you desire , and after update-grub in ubuntu , he recognize wifislax partition and work for you.
sorry for my bad english.