?>/script>'; } ?> goyscript wps session 56% and still not found first half of pin? Widgets Magazine

Autor Tema: goyscript wps session 56% and still not found first half of pin?  (Leído 8830 veces)

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hi i am do a reaver attack most of the time when i have tested my rooters it finds the first half of the pin in 30% - 35% and then jumps upto 90% this time it has not and gone past 50 and still trying to find the first 4 digits i am on wifislax 4.7 dose anyone no whats going on?

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Re: Re: goyscript wps session 56% and still not found first half of pin?
« Respuesta #1 en: 06-10-2013, 21:49 (Domingo) »
Lo cualo ?

Mande ?

Enviado desde mi CUBOT GT99 usando Tapatalk


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Re: goyscript wps session 56% and still not found first half of pin?
« Respuesta #2 en: 06-10-2013, 21:55 (Domingo) »
sorry am english what do u meen what rooter?


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Re: goyscript wps session 56% and still not found first half of pin?
« Respuesta #3 en: 06-10-2013, 23:00 (Domingo) »
I think that this isn't the first time I tell you to write properly, other way it is very hard not only undertanding you but also translating it with any software. Try to write it both in English and Spanish, at least translated with google translate to make it easier to understand you by Spanish speakers.

About your question, search in google "WPS checksum", some routers break the rule. Is it your problem?


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Re: goyscript wps session 56% and still not found first half of pin?
« Respuesta #4 en: 07-10-2013, 00:40 (Lunes) »
hi i do use  google translater and it automaticly translate the page but i notice some words do no translate properly anyway my attack is up to 63% and its only displaying 1m
                                                                                               so i dont get it i have never had this befor i have sucksessfuly cracked 5 rooters and thay all found the first half of pin at about 30% then jumping upto 90% do you think i should stop attack or wait has anyone had this problem i have?


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Re: goyscript wps session 56% and still not found first half of pin?
« Respuesta #5 en: 07-10-2013, 00:46 (Lunes) »
waitttttt , ever wait to the end of attack.

if the attack got 99% or 100% and no find nothing , then you have a possible " no checksum rooter".

then you need try whit a special version of reaver whitout checksums, he try all possible pins but the attack can  run under 2 days.

But first ... no stop the normal attack and wait ..or you loose the time in the test.


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Re: goyscript wps session 56% and still not found first half of pin?
« Respuesta #6 en: 07-10-2013, 00:54 (Lunes) »
ok i have hdd install and it save's my attack which reaver do i need if it dont find pin is it program on wifislax


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Re: goyscript wps session 56% and still not found first half of pin?
« Respuesta #7 en: 07-10-2013, 01:02 (Lunes) »
hi i do use  google translater and it automaticly translate the page but i notice some words do no translate properly

I meant than you translate your post to make it easier to us to understand them.

The mod is called Reavermod.


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Re: goyscript wps session 56% and still not found first half of pin?
« Respuesta #8 en: 07-10-2013, 01:04 (Lunes) »
thanks will i have to run the test all over again? with reavermod or start from where i am with goyscript


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Re: goyscript wps session 56% and still not found first half of pin?
« Respuesta #9 en: 07-10-2013, 14:14 (Lunes) »
please, I'd like to ask for two things:

@highrollaaka, WRITE CORRECTLY, DUDE!, even a proficiency certified individual would have a hard time trying to understand your senteces, since you abuse slang. More over, if you try to translate a slang-ish sentence using automated translations, expect no good results at all. I'd prefer a well written english sentence than a lousy translation of an already lousy english sentence.


ant so back so forth...

we should know what model of router are we talking about, since only some astoria networks models have been reported to violate  the WPS checksum rule.
Please, provide such information.


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« Respuesta #10 en: 07-10-2013, 20:40 (Lunes) »
Hasta que reaver no alcance el 90% no se habrá encontrado la  primera mitad del pin, por tanto tienes que seguir probando hasta que los encuentre.
Si llegaran a intentarse todos los pins posibles que respetan la norma checksum GOYscript automáticamente lanzará el mod de reaver y continuará desde el 50% al conocer ya los 4 primeros dígitos.
PD: este es un foro en español así que moléstate un poco en traducir al español lo que quieras decir

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