Sistemas operativos > Zona GNU/Linux
Kodi 18x en cualquier distribucion Linux
* Como instalar flatpak
Para poder dar acceso a los archivos del usuario, activar la aceleración, y otras opciones del paquete de Kodi(flatpak)
Podemos instalar Flatseal para ello.
--- Código: ---flatpak install flathub com.github.tchx84.Flatseal
--- Fin del código ---
--- Código: ---wifislax64 ~ # flatpak install flathub com.github.tchx84.Flatseal
Buscando coincidencias…
Required runtime for com.github.tchx84.Flatseal/x86_64/stable (runtime/org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/41) found in remote flathub
Do you want to install it? [Y/n]: y
com.github.tchx84.Flatseal permissions:
ipc fallback-x11 wayland x11
dri file access [1] dbus access [2]
[1] /var/lib/flatpak/app:ro, xdg-data/flatpak/app:ro,
[2] org.freedesktop.impl.portal.PermissionStore, org.gnome.Software
ID Rama Op Remoto Descarga
1. [✓] org.gnome.Platform.Locale 41 i flathub 33,9 MB / 336,5 MB
2. [✓] org.gnome.Platform 41 i flathub 174,2 MB / 291,0 MB
3. [✓] com.github.tchx84.Flatseal stable i flathub 435,7 kB / 683,8 kB
Installation complete.
--- Fin del código ---
. En la imagen superior, para seguir con la instalación, pulsa en "y" y en la tecla "INTRO".
. Pide confirmación, para seguir con la instalación, pulsa en "y" y en la tecla "INTRO".
. Instalación iniciada.
. Instalación finalizada.
Ejecutar Flatseal vía Terminal
--- Código: ---flatpak run com.github.tchx84.Flatseal
--- Fin del código ---
Activación aceleración de graficos
Acceso a los archivos del usuario.
Kodi 18.8 Leia
Instalar acestream en cualquier Linux
Instalación Acestream ( snapen )
Web oficial
--- Código: ---
--- Fin del código ---
Instalación mediante Snap en cualquier distribución, Debian/Ubuntu y derivadas:
Instalando snapd
--- Código: ---sudo apt install snapd
--- Fin del código ---
Instalando acestreamplayer
--- Código: ---sudo snap install acestreamplayer
--- Fin del código ---
$ /snap/bin/acestreamplayer
$ /snap/bin/acestreamplayer.engine --help
--- Código: ---elapsed time: 0.126061547
Use the command 'acestreamplayer --help' for more information
If you are having problems then use command 'acestreamplayer -vvv' and see the file /home/tomas/snap/acestreamplayer/common/debug/debug.log
Use the command 'acestreamplayer.engine --help' for more information
If you are having problems then use command 'acestreamplayer.engine --client-console' and see the file /home/tomas/snap/acestreamplayer/12/.ACEStream/logs/acestream.log
Use the command 'acestreamplayer.mpv --help' for more information
Wayland issue. Temporarily switch to using the Xorg display server.
Engine (3.1.49) run with options: --help @/home/tomas/snap/acestreamplayer/12/.ACEStream/acestream.conf
usage: acestreamengine
[--client-console | --client-wx | --client-gtk | --stream-source-node | --stream-support-node | --stream-startup-node | --control-node | --create-transport | --create-transport-multi | --create-hls-transport | --start-tracker | --get-infohash PATH | --get-file-info PATH | --get-file-info-with-id PATH | -v]
[--gui-wx | --gui-gtk] [--log-stdout | --log-stderr]
[--log-stdout-level LEVEL] [--log-stderr-level LEVEL]
[--log-file PATH] [--log-file-mode MODE]
[--log-max-size SIZE] [--log-backup-count COUNT]
[--log-file-buffer N]
[--log-file-encoding LOG_FILE_ENCODING]
[--log-syslog HOST] [--log-syslog-port PORT]
[--log-syslog-facility FACILITY]
[--log-syslog-buffer N] [--use-ffmpeg USE_FFMPEG]
[--download-limit DOWNLOAD_LIMIT]
[--upload-limit UPLOAD_LIMIT]
[--max-connections MAX_CONNECTIONS]
[--max-peers MAX_PEERS]
[--max-peers-limit MAX_PEERS_LIMIT]
[--max-timeshift-peers MAX_TIMESHIFT_PEERS]
[--max-upload-slots MAX_UPLOAD_SLOTS]
[--live-cache-type LIVE_CACHE_TYPE]
[--live-disk-cache-size LIVE_DISK_CACHE_SIZE]
[--live-mem-cache-size LIVE_MEM_CACHE_SIZE]
[--vod-cache-type VOD_CACHE_TYPE]
[--disk-cache-limit DISK_CACHE_LIMIT]
[--memory-cache-limit MEMORY_CACHE_LIMIT]
[--enable-profiler ENABLE_PROFILER]
optional arguments:
--client-console run client in console
--client-wx run wx client
--client-gtk run gtk client
--stream-source-node run source node
run support node
run startup node
--control-node run control node
--create-transport create transport file
create multi stream from several transport files
create transport file from HLS
--start-tracker start standalone tracker
--get-infohash PATH print infohash of the file
--get-file-info PATH print infohash of the file
--get-file-info-with-id PATH
print infohash of the file
-v, --version print version and exit
--gui-wx use WX GUI
--gui-gtk use GTK GUI
--log-stdout log to stdout
--log-stderr log to stderr
--log-stdout-level LEVEL
log level for STDOUT (error, info, debug, any)
--log-stderr-level LEVEL
log level for STDERR (error, info, debug, any)
--log-file PATH enable logging to file and set log path
--log-file-mode MODE set file write mode: a=append, w=overwrite
--log-max-size SIZE log file max size in bytes
--log-backup-count COUNT
number of backup logs
--log-file-buffer N use N-bytes memory buffer for logs and flush
periodically to file
--log-file-encoding LOG_FILE_ENCODING
--log-syslog HOST enable logging to syslog and set syslog host
--log-syslog-port PORT
syslog port
--log-syslog-facility FACILITY
syslog facility
--log-syslog-buffer N
use N-bytes memory buffer for logs and flush
periodically to file
--use-ffmpeg USE_FFMPEG
use ffmpeg
--download-limit DOWNLOAD_LIMIT
download limit, Kb/s
--upload-limit UPLOAD_LIMIT
upload limit, Kb/s
--max-connections MAX_CONNECTIONS
total max connections
--max-peers MAX_PEERS
max connections to peers
--max-peers-limit MAX_PEERS_LIMIT
max connections to peers
--max-timeshift-peers MAX_TIMESHIFT_PEERS
reserve connections for timeshift peers
--max-upload-slots MAX_UPLOAD_SLOTS
max upload slots
--live-cache-type LIVE_CACHE_TYPE
Live cache type (memory or disk)
--live-disk-cache-size LIVE_DISK_CACHE_SIZE
Disk cache max size in bytes
--live-mem-cache-size LIVE_MEM_CACHE_SIZE
Memory cache max size in bytes
--vod-cache-type VOD_CACHE_TYPE
VOD cache type (memory or disk)
--disk-cache-limit DISK_CACHE_LIMIT
Max size of cache on disk, in bytes
--memory-cache-limit MEMORY_CACHE_LIMIT
Max size of cache in RAM, in bytes
--enable-profiler ENABLE_PROFILER
Enable internal profiler (0 or 1)
--- Fin del código ---
$ /snap/bin/acestreamplayer.mpv --help
--- Código: ---elapsed time: 0.133253597
Use the command 'acestreamplayer --help' for more information
If you are having problems then use command 'acestreamplayer -vvv' and see the file /home/tomas/snap/acestreamplayer/common/debug/debug.log
Use the command 'acestreamplayer.engine --help' for more information
If you are having problems then use command 'acestreamplayer.engine --client-console' and see the file /home/tomas/snap/acestreamplayer/12/.ACEStream/logs/acestream.log
Use the command 'acestreamplayer.mpv --help' for more information
Wayland issue. Temporarily switch to using the Xorg display server.
Usage: acestreamplayer.mpv [infohash] or [acestream://CID] or [URL | /path/to/file.torrent | /path/to/file.acelive]
First option are mandatory. Default is "infohash". You can also specify any parameters of MPV.
--- Fin del código ---
Instalación Acestream ( flatpak ) Slackware o derivados
wifislax64 ~ # flatpak install com.Acestream.engine.flatpak
. Nos encontramos con el siguiente error al instalar com.Acestream.engine.flatpak
# flatpak install flathub org.freedesktop.Platform/x86_64/19.08
. En la imagen superior, para seguir con la instalación, pulsa en "y" y en la tecla "INTRO".
. Pide confirmación, para seguir con la instalación, pulsa en "y" y en la tecla "INTRO".
. Instalación finalizada
Descargar com.Acestream.engine.flatpak
--- Código: ---
--- Fin del código ---
Desde un Terminal, con el archivo com.Acestream.engine.flatpak descargado, para instalar el siguiente comando.
# flatpak --user install com.Acestream.engine.flatpak
. Pide confirmación, para seguir con la instalación, pulsa en "y" y en la tecla "INTRO".
. Instalación finalizada.
--- Cita de: chirol05 en 07-04-2022, 16:34 (Jueves) ---Muchas Gracias ya podre usarlo sin reiniciar para abrir en guindous...
--- Fin de la cita ---
De nada, en Linux, Andoid, Windows, se pueden usar diferentes versiones de Kodi al mismo tiempo.
Con lo que sea, puedes comentarlo en este tema.
Instalar acestream en Kodi
--- Código: ---
--- Fin del código ---
Addon Kodi Luar > Acestream > Plexus
Addon Kodi Luar > Acestream > Horus
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