Seguridad Wireless - Wifi

Sistemas operativos => Zona GNU/Linux => Mensaje iniciado por: franz en 21-07-2008, 16:37 (Lunes)

Título: arrancar Kismet en archlinux, error
Publicado por: franz en 21-07-2008, 16:37 (Lunes)
Hola, tengo un problema para hechar andar kismet en archlinux hay dejo el error:
[root@Linux th3r0rn]# kismet -c madwifi_g,ath0,atheros
Server options:   -c madwifi_g,ath0,atheros
Client options:  none
Starting server...
Waiting for server to start before starting UI...
FATAL:  Could not find user 'your_user_here' for dropping priviledges.  Make sure you have a valid user set for 'suiduser' in your config file.  See the 'Installation & Security' and 'Configuration' sections of the README file for more information.
[root@Linux th3r0rn]#
[root@Linux th3r0rn]#