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26C3: GSM hacking made easy
« en: 29-12-2009, 00:04 (Martes) »

El GSM ha dejado de ser seguro, (si alguna vez lo fue)  ;D

26C3: GSM hacking made easy

On Sunday 27th of December at the 26th Chaos Communication Congress (26C3) in Berlin, security researchers published open source instructions for cracking the A5/1 mobile telephony encryption algorithm and for building an IMSI catcher that intercepts mobile phone communication.


This system can be used to intercept large portions of a network operator's communication spectrum and two such devices allow attackers to track down the channel changes and the secret key, said Nohl. According to the researcher, a corresponding implementation is currently being developed.

Solución de bajo coste  ;D ;D

OpenBTS and the free Asterisk software for telephone systems previously helped the security experts build a budget IMSI catcher for active attacks on GSM. While the equivalent devices, mainly used by the German police and intelligence agencies to locate mobile phone users, can be purchased for around 1500 US dollars, the open source solution provides an even more low-cost alternative, said Nohl.

Es como lo del SITEL ese pero en plan casero.

Y por supuesto ya sabéis que es ilegal su utilización en redes activas

Paget emphasised that the researchers have not used their open source solution on any operator's active mobile phone network, pointing out that this is illegal.

Tic, tac, tic, tac...


Desconectado Kozaki666

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  • Trogloditus Maximus
Re: 26C3: GSM hacking made easy
« Respuesta #1 en: 30-12-2009, 00:25 (Miércoles) »

Ahora se salen con que si todo el mundo puede, los criminales pueden también, y blablabla... ^-^


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Re: 26C3: GSM hacking made easy
« Respuesta #2 en: 31-12-2009, 18:14 (Jueves) »

Suma y sigue

26C3: Encryption code for DECT mobile phones cracked

Fructifero el Chaos Communication Congress  8)
