?>/script>'; } ?> Transmission se sobrecarga Widgets Magazine

Autor Tema: Transmission se sobrecarga  (Leído 37667 veces)

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Desconectado jar229

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Re: Transmission se sobrecarga
« Respuesta #20 en: 18-09-2014, 14:13 (Jueves) »
vk496, qué tal la experiencia con rtorrent + rutorrent ??


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Re: Transmission se sobrecarga
« Respuesta #21 en: 18-09-2014, 19:07 (Jueves) »
Hola, llevo unos dias trasteando con mi ar5387un de jazztel (16 MB FLASH, 64 MB RAM, BMIPS4350 / 320 MHz)y despues de compilar BarrierBreaker 14 RC3 a mi gusto con transmission, discos usb, samba etc me pongo a probarlo y funciona todo pero el rendimiento del transmision(usando ethernet) tambien me parece bastante pobre (10 Mbits/s -> 1250 KBytes..la linea es de 40/5 Mbits) y a veces se cuelga y se reinicia el router...
Tengo un par de dudas muy importantes que creo que me pueden llevar a mejorar el rendimiento:

¿Transmission necesita FPU emulation o solo es necesario para mldonkey?
Yo lo he compilador con FPU emulation por si acaso, espero que eso no este afectando negativamente al rendimiento.

El disco duro externo de 2TB con alimentacion externa lo he formateado como ext4, ¿daria mas rendimiento usar ext3 o ext2 o lo dejo como esta? (NTFS la he probado y lo descarto porque el driver ntfs para linux utiliza mucha cpu hasta en los ordenadores mas potentes, probado en ubuntu con un core2duo 3200 mhz)
salu2 y gracias a todos los "cracks" del foro por todo lo que haceis!
Un disco de 2 TB en un router que tiene "sólo" 64MB de ram y corriendo samba y transmission seguro que te está dando cuelgues por que se queda sin memoria libre.
Creo que no voy mal encaminado al decir que mapear un dispositivo de almacenamiento tan grande consume mucha RAM y transmission también se queda un buen pico.
También puedes probar a poner las opciones sync y dirsync en /etc/config/fstab que ayudan algo a que el consumo de memoria sea menor al precio de menor rendimiento del disco duro.
Código: [Seleccionar]
root@OpenWrt:~# cat /etc/config/fstab

config global
        option anon_swap '0'
        option anon_mount '0'
        option auto_swap '1'
        option auto_mount '1'
        option delay_root '5'
        option check_fs '0'

config mount
        option device '/dev/sda5'
        option target '/media/sda2'
        option fstype 'ext4'
        option enabled_fsck '1'
        option enabled '1'
        option options 'rw,relatime,data=ordered,sync,dirsync,noatime,nodiratime'
noatime y nodiratime también ayudan algo...
En teoría, ext2 debería dar mayor rendimiento que ext4 por el hecho de que no escribe la fecha de ultima modificación (no me acuerdo del nombre que se le da a eso)

Buen aporte: ext2 usa menos memoria que ext4 principalmente porque no tiene journal, pero habría que ver cuáles son sus limitaciones. Además es más sensible a fallos en caso de apagado accidental al carecer de journal.
Posibles alternativas son ReiserFS (bastante antiguo) o BtrFS, pero tendrás que probarlas.

Otra alternativa es usar un disco duro de menor capacidad (unos 500GB) e ir volcando los archivos en el de 2 teras.


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Re: Transmission se sobrecarga
« Respuesta #22 en: 19-09-2014, 17:20 (Viernes) »
Un disco de 2 TB en un router que tiene "sólo" 64MB de ram y corriendo samba y transmission seguro que te está dando cuelgues por que se queda sin memoria libre.
Creo que no voy mal encaminado al decir que mapear un dispositivo de almacenamiento tan grande consume mucha RAM y transmission también se queda un buen pico.
También puedes probar a poner las opciones sync y dirsync en /etc/config/fstab que ayudan algo a que el consumo de memoria sea menor al precio de menor rendimiento del disco duro.
Código: [Seleccionar]
root@OpenWrt:~# cat /etc/config/fstab

config global
        option anon_swap '0'
        option anon_mount '0'
        option auto_swap '1'
        option auto_mount '1'
        option delay_root '5'
        option check_fs '0'

config mount
        option device '/dev/sda5'
        option target '/media/sda2'
        option fstype 'ext4'
        option enabled_fsck '1'
        option enabled '1'
        option options 'rw,relatime,data=ordered,sync,dirsync,noatime,nodiratime'
noatime y nodiratime también ayudan algo...
En teoría, ext2 debería dar mayor rendimiento que ext4 por el hecho de que no escribe la fecha de ultima modificación (no me acuerdo del nombre que se le da a eso)

Buen aporte: ext2 usa menos memoria que ext4 principalmente porque no tiene journal, pero habría que ver cuáles son sus limitaciones. Además es más sensible a fallos en caso de apagado accidental al carecer de journal.
Posibles alternativas son ReiserFS (bastante antiguo) o BtrFS, pero tendrás que probarlas.

Otra alternativa es usar un disco duro de menor capacidad (unos 500GB) e ir volcando los archivos en el de 2 teras.

Muchas gracias  Pteridium y vk496, me habeis dado buenas ideas, de momento ya voy a cambiar el disco por uno de 500gb que tengo y voy a particionarlo en dos de 250GB porque en efecto tengo cortes, cuelgues y reinicios, vamos que no es estable....
Tambien voy a quitarle samba porque apenas lo uso, y me apañare con scp. Tambien le voy a quitar las luci stadistics que veo q el proceso que recolecta las estadisticas "collectd" esta tirando todo el tiempo de CPU (como es gratis  ;D)


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Re: Transmission se sobrecarga
« Respuesta #23 en: 19-09-2014, 17:52 (Viernes) »
Muchas gracias  Pteridium y vk496, me habeis dado buenas ideas, de momento ya voy a cambiar el disco por uno de 500gb que tengo y voy a particionarlo en dos de 250GB porque en efecto tengo cortes, cuelgues y reinicios, vamos que no es estable....
Tambien voy a quitarle samba porque apenas lo uso, y me apañare con scp. Tambien le voy a quitar las luci stadistics que veo q el proceso que recolecta las estadisticas "collectd" esta tirando todo el tiempo de CPU (como es gratis  ;D)
Usar scp es una locura porque satura la cpu cosa mala ya que lo información va encriptada; samba o un servidor ftp son las mejores opciones.

¿Por qué particionarlo en 250 + 250 de entrada? Haz una partición swap de unos 128 MB y el resto en otra partición. Salvo que jar229, que tiene más experiencia, diga lo contrario, debería bastar para que no te dé problemas.

Desconectado jar229

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Re: Transmission se sobrecarga
« Respuesta #24 en: 19-09-2014, 19:18 (Viernes) »
Muchas gracias  Pteridium y vk496, me habeis dado buenas ideas, de momento ya voy a cambiar el disco por uno de 500gb que tengo y voy a particionarlo en dos de 250GB porque en efecto tengo cortes, cuelgues y reinicios, vamos que no es estable....
Tambien voy a quitarle samba porque apenas lo uso, y me apañare con scp. Tambien le voy a quitar las luci stadistics que veo q el proceso que recolecta las estadisticas "collectd" esta tirando todo el tiempo de CPU (como es gratis  ;D)
Usar scp es una locura porque satura la cpu cosa mala ya que lo información va encriptada; samba o un servidor ftp son las mejores opciones.

¿Por qué particionarlo en 250 + 250 de entrada? Haz una partición swap de unos 128 MB y el resto en otra partición. Salvo que jar229, que tiene más experiencia, diga lo contrario, debería bastar para que no te dé problemas.

Totalmente de acuerdo.

Con un servidor ftp, tienes suficiente (y te puedes olvidar de samba). No uses scp, el rendimiento es muy malo.

Y ... aunque de un poco de 'palo' configurarlo al principio, rtorrent + rutorrent es una buena combinación (mucho mejor que transmission).


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Re: Re: Transmission se sobrecarga
« Respuesta #25 en: 20-09-2014, 20:33 (Sábado) »
Perdonar por no haber respondido antes, estaba vago...

Después de estar estos días con rtorrent, llegué a esto:

Rtorrent + rutorrent es mucho mas complejo que Transmission, eso sin dudarlo...  Hay un montón de cosas que puedes hacer....

Sin embargo, no es suficiente para arreglar la sobrecarga. Al igual que Transmission, rtorrent se vuelve inaccesible tras iniciar una descarga. Esto permanece así hasta que acaba la descarga. Aunque he de admitir que en ambas situaciones, con rtorrent se consume menos bus de datos en el hdd...

Por otro lado, no he encontrado la forma de elegir una ruta de descarga para cada torrent antes de iniciarlo (cómodo si hay un archivo que no quieres que se descarguen donde el resto).

Recomiendo rtorrent para quien necesite máxima libertad con los torrents, ya que puedes hacer muchísimas cosas mas que con Transmission.

Dicho esto, me quedo con Transmission porque:

Ambos petan, me es indiferente cual usar de los dos.

Transmission tiene una cómoda interfaz móvil y (en mi caso), notificaciones por whatsapp con mas variables de entorno que rtorrent


Desconectado jar229

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Re: Re: Transmission se sobrecarga
« Respuesta #26 en: 20-09-2014, 21:06 (Sábado) »
Pues entonces, me temo que con lineas de alta velocidad, la única alternativa pasa por limitar la velocidad de descarga.

Eso o conseguir algún router con más RAM y CPU.

Enviado desde uno de mis 'cacharros' usando Tapatalk


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Re: Re: Transmission se sobrecarga
« Respuesta #27 en: 20-09-2014, 22:19 (Sábado) »
Difícil va a ser encontrar algo mas potente que un WD N750 y con un precio asequible....


Desconectado jar229

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Re: Re: Re: Transmission se sobrecarga
« Respuesta #28 en: 20-09-2014, 22:49 (Sábado) »
Difícil va a ser encontrar algo mas potente que un WD N750 y con un precio asequible....


Sí, desde luego.


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Re: Re: Re: Transmission se sobrecarga
« Respuesta #29 en: 21-09-2014, 21:13 (Domingo) »
Difícil va a ser encontrar algo mas potente que un WD N750 y con un precio asequible....


Sí, desde luego.

Si peta por cpu o por problemas con el puerto usb prueba con algún router que tenga un BCM6368 (dos cpus a 400 MHz) y unos 64MB de ram. Yo uso un Comtrend VR-3025un y salvo inestabilidades puntuales cuando le meto demasiada caña a samba o a transmission me va bien.

Desconectado jar229

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  • Mensajes: 4607
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Transmission se sobrecarga
« Respuesta #30 en: 21-09-2014, 22:05 (Domingo) »
Difícil va a ser encontrar algo mas potente que un WD N750 y con un precio asequible....


Sí, desde luego.

Si peta por cpu o por problemas con el puerto usb prueba con algún router que tenga un BCM6368 (dos cpus a 400 MHz) y unos 64MB de ram. Yo uso un Comtrend VR-3025un y salvo inestabilidades puntuales cuando le meto demasiada caña a samba o a transmission me va bien.
Es un tema de la velocidad a la que puede descargar rtorrent. Cuanto más potente sea la línea de descarga, más consumo de RAM y CPU.

Enviado desde uno de mis 'cacharros' usando Tapatalk


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Re: Transmission se sobrecarga
« Respuesta #31 en: 04-11-2014, 11:20 (Martes) »

Tengo openwrt con transmission funcionando, le he puesto algunas limitaciones, ya que el router (ARV4518) parece que no da mucho de si, 500K de bajada y un máximo de dos torrents simultáneos, 128MB de swap y un disco duro externo para las descargas con ext4, había hecho pruebas con ext2 pero me cansé de que cuando fallara algo el contenido del disco se fuera al garete.

si arranco el daemon con el usuario nobody por ejemplo, éste no tiene permisos de escritura para el disco duro externo /mnt/sdb1, ¿hay alguna forma de solucionarlo?, es para que los archivos que maneja transmission no pertenezcan a root exclusivamente.

Gracias y un saludo.


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Re: Re: Transmission se sobrecarga
« Respuesta #32 en: 04-11-2014, 16:44 (Martes) »
Creando un usuario nuevo



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Re: Transmission se sobrecarga
« Respuesta #33 en: 04-11-2014, 17:36 (Martes) »
Bueno, si, claro, era más bien para hacer mount con user=nobody pero no me monta el disco externo, tengo el log por algún lado del error pero ahora no se por donde esta ^_^'


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Re: Transmission se sobrecarga
« Respuesta #34 en: 05-11-2014, 11:00 (Miércoles) »
me respondo a mi mismo que ya sé porque era debido el problema, (merezco las flagelaciones de los siete infiernos por tamaño despiste  ^-^)

el caso es que hice un: chown nobody:nogroup * -R

desde /mnt/sdb1 en lugar de hacerlo de únicamente desde /mnt

nota mental para la próxima vez: mejor hacer un chown nobody:nogroup /mnt/* -R y ya....

« Última modificación: 05-11-2014, 11:01 (Miércoles) por mekkon »


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Re: Transmission se sobrecarga
« Respuesta #35 en: 05-11-2014, 11:14 (Miércoles) »
para añadir más emoción al asunto de transmission, al cabo de cierto tiempo:

Código: [Seleccionar]
[ 1427.640000] hostapd: page allocation failure: order:0, mode:0x20
[ 1427.640000] CPU: 0 PID: 1073 Comm: hostapd Not tainted 3.10.59 #1
[ 1427.640000] Stack : 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 8241f6d8
[ 1427.640000] Call Trace:[<80257e9c>] 0x80257e9c
[ 1427.640000] [<80257e9c>] 0x80257e9c
[ 1427.640000] [<802d6778>] 0x802d6778
[ 1427.640000] [<800287ec>] 0x800287ec
[ 1427.640000] [<80048380>] 0x80048380
[ 1427.640000] [<80048520>] 0x80048520
[ 1427.640000] [<801abca4>] 0x801abca4
[ 1427.640000] [<82c3765c>] 0x82c3765c
[ 1427.640000] [<801acb08>] 0x801acb08
[ 1427.640000] [<801d5444>] 0x801d5444
[ 1427.640000] [<80145640>] 0x80145640
[ 1427.640000] [<800336f0>] 0x800336f0
[ 1427.640000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1427.640000] [<800d1748>] 0x800d1748
[ 1427.640000] [<8003365c>] 0x8003365c
[ 1427.640000] [<8017b664>] 0x8017b664
[ 1427.640000] [<8020b488>] 0x8020b488
[ 1427.640000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1427.640000] [<80006430>] 0x80006430
[ 1427.640000] [<800d1748>] 0x800d1748
[ 1427.640000] [<800b21d0>] 0x800b21d0
[ 1427.640000] [<801b0d0c>] 0x801b0d0c
[ 1427.640000] [<801b0830>] 0x801b0830
[ 1427.640000] [<802dc7ac>] 0x802dc7ac
[ 1427.640000] [<800b21d0>] 0x800b21d0
[ 1427.640000] [<80265940>] 0x80265940
[ 1427.640000] [<802dcde8>] 0x802dcde8
[ 1427.640000] [<8027155c>] 0x8027155c
[ 1427.640000] [<801a31f8>] 0x801a31f8
[ 1427.640000] [<80044564>] 0x80044564
[ 1427.640000] [<8026f178>] 0x8026f178
[ 1427.640000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1427.640000] [<8020dca4>] 0x8020dca4
[ 1427.640000] [<8013dbe0>] 0x8013dbe0
[ 1427.640000] [<80070d20>] 0x80070d20
[ 1427.640000] [<8026d634>] 0x8026d634
[ 1427.640000] [<80270ba8>] 0x80270ba8
[ 1427.640000] [<8005ff60>] 0x8005ff60
[ 1427.640000] [<80032ee4>] 0x80032ee4
[ 1427.640000] [<800d1748>] 0x800d1748
[ 1427.640000] [<80226874>] 0x80226874
[ 1427.640000] [<80123a70>] 0x80123a70
[ 1427.640000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1427.640000] [<800327a0>] 0x800327a0
[ 1427.640000] [<80138b0c>] 0x80138b0c
[ 1427.640000] [<80145b60>] 0x80145b60
[ 1427.640000] [<8014580c>] 0x8014580c
[ 1427.640000] [<800cd278>] 0x800cd278
[ 1427.640000] [<8027f188>] 0x8027f188
[ 1427.640000] [<8003365c>] 0x8003365c
[ 1427.640000] [<80033790>] 0x80033790
[ 1427.640000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1427.640000] [<8020d9b4>] 0x8020d9b4
[ 1427.640000] [<800d1748>] 0x800d1748
[ 1427.640000] [<8020f418>] 0x8020f418
[ 1427.640000] [<8017b664>] 0x8017b664
[ 1427.640000] [<80006420>] 0x80006420
[ 1427.640000]
[ 1427.640000] Mem-Info:
[ 1427.640000] Normal per-cpu:
[ 1427.640000] CPU    0: hi:   18, btch:   3 usd:  18
[ 1427.640000] active_anon:930 inactive_anon:1397 isolated_anon:0
[ 1427.640000]  active_file:1619 inactive_file:5533 isolated_file:0
[ 1427.640000]  unevictable:0 dirty:44 writeback:0 unstable:0
[ 1427.640000]  free:93 slab_reclaimable:516 slab_unreclaimable:2166
[ 1427.640000]  mapped:341 shmem:265 pagetables:64 bounce:0
[ 1427.640000]  free_cma:0
[ 1427.640000] Normal free:372kB min:988kB low:1232kB high:1480kB active_anon:3720kB inactive_anon:5588kB active_filo
[ 1427.640000] lowmem_reserve[]: 0 0
[ 1427.640000] Normal: 59*4kB (EM) 17*8kB (M) 0*16kB 0*32kB 0*64kB 0*128kB 0*256kB 0*512kB 0*1024kB 0*2048kB 0*4096kB
[ 1427.640000] 7418 total pagecache pages
[ 1427.640000] 1 pages in swap cache
[ 1427.640000] Swap cache stats: add 57, delete 56, find 0/0
[ 1427.640000] Free swap  = 130840kB
[ 1427.640000] Total swap = 131068kB
[ 1427.640000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1428.000000] hostapd: page allocation failure: order:0, mode:0x20
[ 1428.000000] CPU: 0 PID: 1073 Comm: hostapd Not tainted 3.10.59 #1
[ 1428.000000] Stack : 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 8241f6d8
[ 1428.000000] Call Trace:[<80257e9c>] 0x80257e9c
[ 1428.000000] [<80257e9c>] 0x80257e9c
[ 1428.000000] [<802d6778>] 0x802d6778
[ 1428.000000] [<800287ec>] 0x800287ec
[ 1428.000000] [<8020b488>] 0x8020b488
[ 1428.000000] [<80048380>] 0x80048380
[ 1428.000000] [<80084710>] 0x80084710
[ 1428.000000] [<80084998>] 0x80084998
[ 1428.000000] [<80048520>] 0x80048520
[ 1428.000000] [<801abca4>] 0x801abca4
[ 1428.000000] [<801acb08>] 0x801acb08
[ 1428.000000] [<801d5444>] 0x801d5444
[ 1428.000000] [<80145640>] 0x80145640
[ 1428.000000] [<800336f0>] 0x800336f0
[ 1428.000000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1428.000000] [<800d1748>] 0x800d1748
[ 1428.000000] [<8003365c>] 0x8003365c
[ 1428.000000] [<8017b664>] 0x8017b664
[ 1428.000000] [<8020b488>] 0x8020b488
[ 1428.000000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1428.000000] [<80006430>] 0x80006430
[ 1428.000000] [<800d1748>] 0x800d1748
[ 1428.000000] [<800b21d0>] 0x800b21d0
[ 1428.000000] [<801b0d0c>] 0x801b0d0c
[ 1428.000000] [<801b0830>] 0x801b0830
[ 1428.000000] [<802dc7ac>] 0x802dc7ac
[ 1428.000000] [<800b21d0>] 0x800b21d0
[ 1428.000000] [<80265940>] 0x80265940
[ 1428.000000] [<802dcde8>] 0x802dcde8
[ 1428.000000] [<8027155c>] 0x8027155c
[ 1428.000000] [<801a31f8>] 0x801a31f8
[ 1428.000000] [<80044564>] 0x80044564
[ 1428.000000] [<8026f178>] 0x8026f178
[ 1428.000000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1428.000000] [<8020dca4>] 0x8020dca4
[ 1428.000000] [<8013dbe0>] 0x8013dbe0
[ 1428.000000] [<80070d20>] 0x80070d20
[ 1428.000000] [<8026d634>] 0x8026d634
[ 1428.000000] [<80270ba8>] 0x80270ba8
[ 1428.000000] [<8005ff60>] 0x8005ff60
[ 1428.000000] [<80032ee4>] 0x80032ee4
[ 1428.000000] [<800d1748>] 0x800d1748
[ 1428.000000] [<80226874>] 0x80226874
[ 1428.000000] [<80123a70>] 0x80123a70
[ 1428.000000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1428.000000] [<800327a0>] 0x800327a0
[ 1428.000000] [<80138b0c>] 0x80138b0c
[ 1428.000000] [<80145b60>] 0x80145b60
[ 1428.000000] [<8014580c>] 0x8014580c
[ 1428.000000] [<800cd278>] 0x800cd278
[ 1428.000000] [<8027f188>] 0x8027f188
[ 1428.000000] [<8003365c>] 0x8003365c
[ 1428.000000] [<80033790>] 0x80033790
[ 1428.000000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1428.000000] [<8020d9b4>] 0x8020d9b4
[ 1428.000000] [<800d1748>] 0x800d1748
[ 1428.000000] [<8020f418>] 0x8020f418
[ 1428.000000] [<8017b664>] 0x8017b664
[ 1428.000000] [<80006420>] 0x80006420
[ 1428.000000]
[ 1428.000000] Mem-Info:
[ 1428.000000] Normal per-cpu:
[ 1428.000000] CPU    0: hi:   18, btch:   3 usd:  18
[ 1428.000000] active_anon:930 inactive_anon:1397 isolated_anon:0
[ 1428.000000]  active_file:1619 inactive_file:5533 isolated_file:0
[ 1428.000000]  unevictable:0 dirty:44 writeback:0 unstable:0
[ 1428.000000]  free:93 slab_reclaimable:516 slab_unreclaimable:2166
[ 1428.000000]  mapped:341 shmem:265 pagetables:64 bounce:0
[ 1428.000000]  free_cma:0
[ 1428.000000] Normal free:372kB min:988kB low:1232kB high:1480kB active_anon:3720kB inactive_anon:5588kB active_filo
[ 1428.000000] lowmem_reserve[]: 0 0
[ 1428.000000] Normal: 59*4kB (EM) 17*8kB (M) 0*16kB 0*32kB 0*64kB 0*128kB 0*256kB 0*512kB 0*1024kB 0*2048kB 0*4096kB
[ 1428.000000] 7418 total pagecache pages
[ 1428.000000] 1 pages in swap cache
[ 1428.000000] Swap cache stats: add 57, delete 56, find 0/0
[ 1428.000000] Free swap  = 130840kB
[ 1428.000000] Total swap = 131068kB
[ 1428.000000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1428.368000] hostapd: page allocation failure: order:0, mode:0x20
[ 1428.368000] CPU: 0 PID: 1073 Comm: hostapd Not tainted 3.10.59 #1
[ 1428.368000] Stack : 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 8241f6d8
[ 1428.368000] Call Trace:[<80257e9c>] 0x80257e9c
[ 1428.368000] [<80257e9c>] 0x80257e9c
[ 1428.368000] [<802d6778>] 0x802d6778
[ 1428.368000] [<800287ec>] 0x800287ec
[ 1428.368000] [<8020b488>] 0x8020b488
[ 1428.368000] [<80048380>] 0x80048380
[ 1428.368000] [<80084710>] 0x80084710
[ 1428.368000] [<80084998>] 0x80084998
[ 1428.368000] [<80048520>] 0x80048520
[ 1428.368000] [<801abca4>] 0x801abca4
[ 1428.368000] [<801acb08>] 0x801acb08
[ 1428.368000] [<801d5444>] 0x801d5444
[ 1428.368000] [<80145640>] 0x80145640
[ 1428.368000] [<800336f0>] 0x800336f0
[ 1428.368000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1428.368000] [<800d1748>] 0x800d1748
[ 1428.368000] [<8003365c>] 0x8003365c
[ 1428.368000] [<8017b664>] 0x8017b664
[ 1428.368000] [<8020b488>] 0x8020b488
[ 1428.368000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1428.368000] [<80006430>] 0x80006430
[ 1428.368000] [<800d1748>] 0x800d1748
[ 1428.368000] [<800b21d0>] 0x800b21d0
[ 1428.368000] [<801b0d0c>] 0x801b0d0c
[ 1428.368000] [<801b0830>] 0x801b0830
[ 1428.368000] [<802dc7ac>] 0x802dc7ac
[ 1428.368000] [<800b21d0>] 0x800b21d0
[ 1428.368000] [<80265940>] 0x80265940
[ 1428.368000] [<802dcde8>] 0x802dcde8
[ 1428.368000] [<8027155c>] 0x8027155c
[ 1428.368000] [<801a31f8>] 0x801a31f8
[ 1428.368000] [<80044564>] 0x80044564
[ 1428.368000] [<8026f178>] 0x8026f178
[ 1428.368000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1428.368000] [<8020dca4>] 0x8020dca4
[ 1428.368000] [<8013dbe0>] 0x8013dbe0
[ 1428.368000] [<80070d20>] 0x80070d20
[ 1428.368000] [<8026d634>] 0x8026d634
[ 1428.368000] [<80270ba8>] 0x80270ba8
[ 1428.368000] [<8005ff60>] 0x8005ff60
[ 1428.368000] [<80032ee4>] 0x80032ee4
[ 1428.368000] [<800d1748>] 0x800d1748
[ 1428.368000] [<80226874>] 0x80226874
[ 1428.368000] [<80123a70>] 0x80123a70
[ 1428.368000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1428.368000] [<800327a0>] 0x800327a0
[ 1428.368000] [<80138b0c>] 0x80138b0c
[ 1428.368000] [<80145b60>] 0x80145b60
[ 1428.368000] [<8014580c>] 0x8014580c
[ 1428.368000] [<800cd278>] 0x800cd278
[ 1428.368000] [<8027f188>] 0x8027f188
[ 1428.368000] [<8003365c>] 0x8003365c
[ 1428.368000] [<80033790>] 0x80033790
[ 1428.368000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1428.368000] [<8020d9b4>] 0x8020d9b4
[ 1428.368000] [<800d1748>] 0x800d1748
[ 1428.368000] [<8020f418>] 0x8020f418
[ 1428.368000] [<8017b664>] 0x8017b664
[ 1428.368000] [<80006420>] 0x80006420
[ 1428.368000]
[ 1428.368000] Mem-Info:
[ 1428.368000] Normal per-cpu:
[ 1428.368000] CPU    0: hi:   18, btch:   3 usd:  18
[ 1428.368000] active_anon:930 inactive_anon:1397 isolated_anon:0
[ 1428.368000]  active_file:1619 inactive_file:5533 isolated_file:0
[ 1428.368000]  unevictable:0 dirty:44 writeback:0 unstable:0
[ 1428.368000]  free:93 slab_reclaimable:516 slab_unreclaimable:2166
[ 1428.368000]  mapped:341 shmem:265 pagetables:64 bounce:0
[ 1428.368000]  free_cma:0
[ 1428.368000] Normal free:372kB min:988kB low:1232kB high:1480kB active_anon:3720kB inactive_anon:5588kB active_filo
[ 1428.368000] lowmem_reserve[]: 0 0
[ 1428.368000] Normal: 59*4kB (EM) 17*8kB (M) 0*16kB 0*32kB 0*64kB 0*128kB 0*256kB 0*512kB 0*1024kB 0*2048kB 0*4096kB
[ 1428.368000] 7418 total pagecache pages
[ 1428.368000] 1 pages in swap cache
[ 1428.368000] Swap cache stats: add 57, delete 56, find 0/0
[ 1428.368000] Free swap  = 130840kB
[ 1428.368000] Total swap = 131068kB
[ 1428.368000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1428.732000] hostapd: page allocation failure: order:0, mode:0x20
[ 1428.732000] CPU: 0 PID: 1073 Comm: hostapd Not tainted 3.10.59 #1
[ 1428.732000] Stack : 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 8241f6d8
[ 1428.732000] Call Trace:[<80257e9c>] 0x80257e9c
[ 1428.732000] [<80257e9c>] 0x80257e9c
[ 1428.732000] [<802d6778>] 0x802d6778
[ 1428.732000] [<800287ec>] 0x800287ec
[ 1428.732000] [<8020b488>] 0x8020b488
[ 1428.732000] [<80048380>] 0x80048380
[ 1428.732000] [<80084710>] 0x80084710
[ 1428.732000] [<80084998>] 0x80084998
[ 1428.732000] [<80048520>] 0x80048520
[ 1428.732000] [<801abca4>] 0x801abca4
[ 1428.732000] [<801acb08>] 0x801acb08
[ 1428.732000] [<801d5444>] 0x801d5444
[ 1428.732000] [<80145640>] 0x80145640
[ 1428.732000] [<800336f0>] 0x800336f0
[ 1428.732000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1428.732000] [<800d1748>] 0x800d1748
[ 1428.732000] [<8003365c>] 0x8003365c
[ 1428.732000] [<8017b664>] 0x8017b664
[ 1428.732000] [<8020b488>] 0x8020b488
[ 1428.732000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1428.732000] [<80006430>] 0x80006430
[ 1428.732000] [<800d1748>] 0x800d1748
[ 1428.732000] [<800b21d0>] 0x800b21d0
[ 1428.732000] [<801b0d0c>] 0x801b0d0c
[ 1428.732000] [<801b0830>] 0x801b0830
[ 1428.732000] [<802dc7ac>] 0x802dc7ac
[ 1428.732000] [<800b21d0>] 0x800b21d0
[ 1428.732000] [<80265940>] 0x80265940
[ 1428.732000] [<802dcde8>] 0x802dcde8
[ 1428.732000] [<8027155c>] 0x8027155c
[ 1428.732000] [<801a31f8>] 0x801a31f8
[ 1428.732000] [<80044564>] 0x80044564
[ 1428.732000] [<8026f178>] 0x8026f178
[ 1428.732000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1428.732000] [<8020dca4>] 0x8020dca4
[ 1428.732000] [<8013dbe0>] 0x8013dbe0
[ 1428.732000] [<80070d20>] 0x80070d20
[ 1428.732000] [<8026d634>] 0x8026d634
[ 1428.732000] [<80270ba8>] 0x80270ba8
[ 1428.732000] [<8005ff60>] 0x8005ff60
[ 1428.732000] [<80032ee4>] 0x80032ee4
[ 1428.732000] [<800d1748>] 0x800d1748
[ 1428.732000] [<80226874>] 0x80226874
[ 1428.732000] [<80123a70>] 0x80123a70
[ 1428.732000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1428.732000] [<800327a0>] 0x800327a0
[ 1428.732000] [<80138b0c>] 0x80138b0c
[ 1428.732000] [<80145b60>] 0x80145b60
[ 1428.732000] [<8014580c>] 0x8014580c
[ 1428.732000] [<800cd278>] 0x800cd278
[ 1428.732000] [<8027f188>] 0x8027f188
[ 1428.732000] [<8003365c>] 0x8003365c
[ 1428.732000] [<80033790>] 0x80033790
[ 1428.732000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1428.732000] [<8020d9b4>] 0x8020d9b4
[ 1428.732000] [<800d1748>] 0x800d1748
[ 1428.732000] [<8020f418>] 0x8020f418
[ 1428.732000] [<8017b664>] 0x8017b664
[ 1428.732000] [<80006420>] 0x80006420
[ 1428.732000]
[ 1428.732000] Mem-Info:
[ 1428.732000] Normal per-cpu:
[ 1428.732000] CPU    0: hi:   18, btch:   3 usd:  18
[ 1428.732000] active_anon:930 inactive_anon:1397 isolated_anon:0
[ 1428.732000]  active_file:1619 inactive_file:5533 isolated_file:0
[ 1428.732000]  unevictable:0 dirty:44 writeback:0 unstable:0
[ 1428.732000]  free:93 slab_reclaimable:516 slab_unreclaimable:2166
[ 1428.732000]  mapped:341 shmem:265 pagetables:64 bounce:0
[ 1428.732000]  free_cma:0
[ 1428.732000] Normal free:372kB min:988kB low:1232kB high:1480kB active_anon:3720kB inactive_anon:5588kB active_filo
[ 1428.732000] lowmem_reserve[]: 0 0
[ 1428.732000] Normal: 59*4kB (EM) 17*8kB (M) 0*16kB 0*32kB 0*64kB 0*128kB 0*256kB 0*512kB 0*1024kB 0*2048kB 0*4096kB
[ 1428.732000] 7418 total pagecache pages
[ 1428.732000] 1 pages in swap cache
[ 1428.732000] Swap cache stats: add 57, delete 56, find 0/0
[ 1428.732000] Free swap  = 130840kB
[ 1428.732000] Total swap = 131068kB
[ 1428.732000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1429.100000] hostapd: page allocation failure: order:0, mode:0x20
[ 1429.100000] CPU: 0 PID: 1073 Comm: hostapd Not tainted 3.10.59 #1
[ 1429.100000] Stack : 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 8241f6d8
[ 1429.100000] Call Trace:[<80257e9c>] 0x80257e9c
[ 1429.100000] [<80257e9c>] 0x80257e9c
[ 1429.100000] [<802d6778>] 0x802d6778
[ 1429.100000] [<800287ec>] 0x800287ec
[ 1429.100000] [<80048380>] 0x80048380
[ 1429.100000] [<80084710>] 0x80084710
[ 1429.100000] [<80084998>] 0x80084998
[ 1429.100000] [<80048520>] 0x80048520
[ 1429.100000] [<801abca4>] 0x801abca4
[ 1429.100000] [<801acb08>] 0x801acb08
[ 1429.100000] [<801d5444>] 0x801d5444
[ 1429.100000] [<80145640>] 0x80145640
[ 1429.100000] [<800336f0>] 0x800336f0
[ 1429.100000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1429.100000] [<800d1748>] 0x800d1748
[ 1429.100000] [<8003365c>] 0x8003365c
[ 1429.100000] [<8017b664>] 0x8017b664
[ 1429.100000] [<8020b488>] 0x8020b488
[ 1429.100000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1429.100000] [<80006430>] 0x80006430
[ 1429.100000] [<800d1748>] 0x800d1748
[ 1429.100000] [<800b21d0>] 0x800b21d0
[ 1429.100000] [<801b0d0c>] 0x801b0d0c
[ 1429.100000] [<801b0830>] 0x801b0830
[ 1429.100000] [<802dc7ac>] 0x802dc7ac
[ 1429.100000] [<800b21d0>] 0x800b21d0
[ 1429.100000] [<80265940>] 0x80265940
[ 1429.100000] [<802dcde8>] 0x802dcde8
[ 1429.100000] [<8027155c>] 0x8027155c
[ 1429.100000] [<801a31f8>] 0x801a31f8
[ 1429.100000] [<80044564>] 0x80044564
[ 1429.100000] [<8026f178>] 0x8026f178
[ 1429.100000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1429.100000] [<8020dca4>] 0x8020dca4
[ 1429.100000] [<8013dbe0>] 0x8013dbe0
[ 1429.100000] [<80070d20>] 0x80070d20
[ 1429.100000] [<8026d634>] 0x8026d634
[ 1429.100000] [<80270ba8>] 0x80270ba8
[ 1429.100000] [<8005ff60>] 0x8005ff60
[ 1429.100000] [<80032ee4>] 0x80032ee4
[ 1429.100000] [<800d1748>] 0x800d1748
[ 1429.100000] [<80226874>] 0x80226874
[ 1429.100000] [<80123a70>] 0x80123a70
[ 1429.100000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1429.100000] [<800327a0>] 0x800327a0
[ 1429.100000] [<80138b0c>] 0x80138b0c
[ 1429.100000] [<80145b60>] 0x80145b60
[ 1429.100000] [<8014580c>] 0x8014580c
[ 1429.100000] [<800cd278>] 0x800cd278
[ 1429.100000] [<8027f188>] 0x8027f188
[ 1429.100000] [<8003365c>] 0x8003365c
[ 1429.100000] [<80033790>] 0x80033790
[ 1429.100000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1429.100000] [<8020d9b4>] 0x8020d9b4
[ 1429.100000] [<800d1748>] 0x800d1748
[ 1429.100000] [<8020f418>] 0x8020f418
[ 1429.100000] [<8017b664>] 0x8017b664
[ 1429.100000] [<80006420>] 0x80006420
[ 1429.100000]
[ 1429.100000] Mem-Info:
[ 1429.100000] Normal per-cpu:
[ 1429.100000] CPU    0: hi:   18, btch:   3 usd:  18
[ 1429.100000] active_anon:930 inactive_anon:1397 isolated_anon:0
[ 1429.100000]  active_file:1619 inactive_file:5533 isolated_file:0
[ 1429.100000]  unevictable:0 dirty:44 writeback:0 unstable:0
[ 1429.100000]  free:93 slab_reclaimable:516 slab_unreclaimable:2166
[ 1429.100000]  mapped:341 shmem:265 pagetables:64 bounce:0
[ 1429.100000]  free_cma:0
[ 1429.100000] Normal free:372kB min:988kB low:1232kB high:1480kB active_anon:3720kB inactive_anon:5588kB active_filo
[ 1429.100000] lowmem_reserve[]: 0 0
[ 1429.100000] Normal: 59*4kB (EM) 17*8kB (M) 0*16kB 0*32kB 0*64kB 0*128kB 0*256kB 0*512kB 0*1024kB 0*2048kB 0*4096kB
[ 1429.100000] 7418 total pagecache pages
[ 1429.100000] 1 pages in swap cache
[ 1429.100000] Swap cache stats: add 57, delete 56, find 0/0
[ 1429.100000] Free swap  = 130840kB
[ 1429.100000] Total swap = 131068kB
[ 1429.100000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1429.464000] hostapd: page allocation failure: order:0, mode:0x20
[ 1429.464000] CPU: 0 PID: 1073 Comm: hostapd Not tainted 3.10.59 #1
[ 1429.464000] Stack : 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 8241f6d8
[ 1429.464000] Call Trace:[<80257e9c>] 0x80257e9c
[ 1429.464000] [<80257e9c>] 0x80257e9c
[ 1429.464000] [<802d6778>] 0x802d6778
[ 1429.464000] [<800287ec>] 0x800287ec
[ 1429.464000] [<8020b488>] 0x8020b488
[ 1429.464000] [<80048380>] 0x80048380
[ 1429.464000] [<80084710>] 0x80084710
[ 1429.464000] [<80084998>] 0x80084998
[ 1429.464000] [<80048520>] 0x80048520
[ 1429.464000] [<801abca4>] 0x801abca4
[ 1429.464000] [<801acb08>] 0x801acb08
[ 1429.464000] [<801d5444>] 0x801d5444
[ 1429.464000] [<80145640>] 0x80145640
[ 1429.464000] [<800336f0>] 0x800336f0
[ 1429.464000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1429.464000] [<800d1748>] 0x800d1748
[ 1429.464000] [<8003365c>] 0x8003365c
[ 1429.464000] [<8017b664>] 0x8017b664
[ 1429.464000] [<8020b488>] 0x8020b488
[ 1429.464000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1429.464000] [<80006430>] 0x80006430
[ 1429.464000] [<800d1748>] 0x800d1748
[ 1429.464000] [<800b21d0>] 0x800b21d0
[ 1429.464000] [<801b0d0c>] 0x801b0d0c
[ 1429.464000] [<801b0830>] 0x801b0830
[ 1429.464000] [<802dc7ac>] 0x802dc7ac
[ 1429.464000] [<800b21d0>] 0x800b21d0
[ 1429.464000] [<80265940>] 0x80265940
[ 1429.464000] [<802dcde8>] 0x802dcde8
[ 1429.464000] [<8027155c>] 0x8027155c
[ 1429.464000] [<801a31f8>] 0x801a31f8
[ 1429.464000] [<80044564>] 0x80044564
[ 1429.464000] [<8026f178>] 0x8026f178
[ 1429.464000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1429.464000] [<8020dca4>] 0x8020dca4
[ 1429.464000] [<8013dbe0>] 0x8013dbe0
[ 1429.464000] [<80070d20>] 0x80070d20
[ 1429.464000] [<8026d634>] 0x8026d634
[ 1429.464000] [<80270ba8>] 0x80270ba8
[ 1429.464000] [<8005ff60>] 0x8005ff60
[ 1429.464000] [<80032ee4>] 0x80032ee4
[ 1429.464000] [<800d1748>] 0x800d1748
[ 1429.464000] [<80226874>] 0x80226874
[ 1429.464000] [<80123a70>] 0x80123a70
[ 1429.464000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1429.464000] [<800327a0>] 0x800327a0
[ 1429.464000] [<80138b0c>] 0x80138b0c
[ 1429.464000] [<80145b60>] 0x80145b60
[ 1429.464000] [<8014580c>] 0x8014580c
[ 1429.464000] [<800cd278>] 0x800cd278
[ 1429.464000] [<8027f188>] 0x8027f188
[ 1429.464000] [<8003365c>] 0x8003365c
[ 1429.464000] [<80033790>] 0x80033790
[ 1429.464000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1429.464000] [<8020d9b4>] 0x8020d9b4
[ 1429.464000] [<800d1748>] 0x800d1748
[ 1429.464000] [<8020f418>] 0x8020f418
[ 1429.464000] [<8017b664>] 0x8017b664
[ 1429.464000] [<80006420>] 0x80006420
[ 1429.464000]
[ 1429.464000] Mem-Info:
[ 1429.464000] Normal per-cpu:
[ 1429.464000] CPU    0: hi:   18, btch:   3 usd:  18
[ 1429.464000] active_anon:930 inactive_anon:1397 isolated_anon:0
[ 1429.464000]  active_file:1619 inactive_file:5533 isolated_file:0
[ 1429.464000]  unevictable:0 dirty:44 writeback:0 unstable:0
[ 1429.464000]  free:93 slab_reclaimable:516 slab_unreclaimable:2166
[ 1429.464000]  mapped:341 shmem:265 pagetables:64 bounce:0
[ 1429.464000]  free_cma:0
[ 1429.464000] Normal free:372kB min:988kB low:1232kB high:1480kB active_anon:3720kB inactive_anon:5588kB active_filo
[ 1429.464000] lowmem_reserve[]: 0 0
[ 1429.464000] Normal: 59*4kB (EM) 17*8kB (M) 0*16kB 0*32kB 0*64kB 0*128kB 0*256kB 0*512kB 0*1024kB 0*2048kB 0*4096kB
[ 1429.464000] 7418 total pagecache pages
[ 1429.464000] 1 pages in swap cache
[ 1429.464000] Swap cache stats: add 57, delete 56, find 0/0
[ 1429.464000] Free swap  = 130840kB
[ 1429.464000] Total swap = 131068kB
[ 1429.464000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1429.828000] hostapd: page allocation failure: order:0, mode:0x20
[ 1429.828000] CPU: 0 PID: 1073 Comm: hostapd Not tainted 3.10.59 #1
[ 1429.828000] Stack : 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 8241f6d8
[ 1429.828000] Call Trace:[<80257e9c>] 0x80257e9c
[ 1429.828000] [<80257e9c>] 0x80257e9c
[ 1429.828000] [<802d6778>] 0x802d6778
[ 1429.828000] [<800287ec>] 0x800287ec
[ 1429.828000] [<8020b488>] 0x8020b488
[ 1429.828000] [<80048380>] 0x80048380
[ 1429.828000] [<80084710>] 0x80084710
[ 1429.828000] [<80084998>] 0x80084998
[ 1429.828000] [<80048520>] 0x80048520
[ 1429.828000] [<801abca4>] 0x801abca4
[ 1429.828000] [<801acb08>] 0x801acb08
[ 1429.828000] [<801d5444>] 0x801d5444
[ 1429.828000] [<80145640>] 0x80145640
[ 1429.828000] [<800336f0>] 0x800336f0
[ 1429.828000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1429.828000] [<800d1748>] 0x800d1748
[ 1429.828000] [<8003365c>] 0x8003365c
[ 1429.828000] [<8017b664>] 0x8017b664
[ 1429.828000] [<8020b488>] 0x8020b488
[ 1429.828000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1429.828000] [<80006430>] 0x80006430
[ 1429.828000] [<800d1748>] 0x800d1748
[ 1429.828000] [<800b21d0>] 0x800b21d0
[ 1429.828000] [<801b0d0c>] 0x801b0d0c
[ 1429.828000] [<801b0830>] 0x801b0830
[ 1429.828000] [<802dc7ac>] 0x802dc7ac
[ 1429.828000] [<800b21d0>] 0x800b21d0
[ 1429.828000] [<80265940>] 0x80265940
[ 1429.828000] [<802dcde8>] 0x802dcde8
[ 1429.828000] [<8027155c>] 0x8027155c
[ 1429.828000] [<801a31f8>] 0x801a31f8
[ 1429.828000] [<80044564>] 0x80044564
[ 1429.828000] [<8026f178>] 0x8026f178
[ 1429.828000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1429.828000] [<8020dca4>] 0x8020dca4
[ 1429.828000] [<8013dbe0>] 0x8013dbe0
[ 1429.828000] [<80070d20>] 0x80070d20
[ 1429.828000] [<8026d634>] 0x8026d634
[ 1429.828000] [<80270ba8>] 0x80270ba8
[ 1429.828000] [<8005ff60>] 0x8005ff60
[ 1429.828000] [<80032ee4>] 0x80032ee4
[ 1429.828000] [<800d1748>] 0x800d1748
[ 1429.828000] [<80226874>] 0x80226874
[ 1429.828000] [<80123a70>] 0x80123a70
[ 1429.828000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1429.828000] [<800327a0>] 0x800327a0
[ 1429.828000] [<80138b0c>] 0x80138b0c
[ 1429.828000] [<80145b60>] 0x80145b60
[ 1429.828000] [<8014580c>] 0x8014580c
[ 1429.828000] [<800cd278>] 0x800cd278
[ 1429.828000] [<8027f188>] 0x8027f188
[ 1429.828000] [<8003365c>] 0x8003365c
[ 1429.828000] [<80033790>] 0x80033790
[ 1429.828000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1429.828000] [<8020d9b4>] 0x8020d9b4
[ 1429.828000] [<800d1748>] 0x800d1748
[ 1429.828000] [<8020f418>] 0x8020f418
[ 1429.828000] [<8017b664>] 0x8017b664
[ 1429.828000] [<80006420>] 0x80006420
[ 1429.828000]
[ 1429.828000] Mem-Info:
[ 1429.828000] Normal per-cpu:
[ 1429.828000] CPU    0: hi:   18, btch:   3 usd:  18
[ 1429.828000] active_anon:930 inactive_anon:1397 isolated_anon:0
[ 1429.828000]  active_file:1619 inactive_file:5533 isolated_file:0
[ 1429.828000]  unevictable:0 dirty:44 writeback:0 unstable:0
[ 1429.828000]  free:93 slab_reclaimable:516 slab_unreclaimable:2166
[ 1429.828000]  mapped:341 shmem:265 pagetables:64 bounce:0
[ 1429.828000]  free_cma:0
[ 1429.828000] Normal free:372kB min:988kB low:1232kB high:1480kB active_anon:3720kB inactive_anon:5588kB active_filo
[ 1429.828000] lowmem_reserve[]: 0 0
[ 1429.828000] Normal: 59*4kB (EM) 17*8kB (M) 0*16kB 0*32kB 0*64kB 0*128kB 0*256kB 0*512kB 0*1024kB 0*2048kB 0*4096kB
[ 1429.828000] 7418 total pagecache pages
[ 1429.828000] 1 pages in swap cache
[ 1429.828000] Swap cache stats: add 57, delete 56, find 0/0
[ 1429.828000] Free swap  = 130840kB
[ 1429.828000] Total swap = 131068kB
[ 1429.828000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1430.196000] hostapd: page allocation failure: order:0, mode:0x20
[ 1430.196000] CPU: 0 PID: 1073 Comm: hostapd Not tainted 3.10.59 #1
[ 1430.196000] Stack : 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 8241f6d8
[ 1430.196000] Call Trace:[<80257e9c>] 0x80257e9c
[ 1430.196000] [<80257e9c>] 0x80257e9c
[ 1430.196000] [<802d6778>] 0x802d6778
[ 1430.196000] [<800287ec>] 0x800287ec
[ 1430.196000] [<8020b488>] 0x8020b488
[ 1430.196000] [<80048380>] 0x80048380
[ 1430.196000] [<80084710>] 0x80084710
[ 1430.196000] [<80084998>] 0x80084998
[ 1430.196000] [<80048520>] 0x80048520
[ 1430.196000] [<801abca4>] 0x801abca4
[ 1430.196000] [<801acb08>] 0x801acb08
[ 1430.196000] [<801d5444>] 0x801d5444
[ 1430.196000] [<80145640>] 0x80145640
[ 1430.196000] [<800336f0>] 0x800336f0
[ 1430.196000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1430.196000] [<800d1748>] 0x800d1748
[ 1430.196000] [<8003365c>] 0x8003365c
[ 1430.196000] [<8017b664>] 0x8017b664
[ 1430.196000] [<8020b488>] 0x8020b488
[ 1430.196000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1430.196000] [<80006430>] 0x80006430
[ 1430.196000] [<800d1748>] 0x800d1748
[ 1430.196000] [<800b21d0>] 0x800b21d0
[ 1430.196000] [<801b0d0c>] 0x801b0d0c
[ 1430.196000] [<801b0830>] 0x801b0830
[ 1430.196000] [<802dc7ac>] 0x802dc7ac
[ 1430.196000] [<800b21d0>] 0x800b21d0
[ 1430.196000] [<80265940>] 0x80265940
[ 1430.196000] [<802dcde8>] 0x802dcde8
[ 1430.196000] [<8027155c>] 0x8027155c
[ 1430.196000] [<801a31f8>] 0x801a31f8
[ 1430.196000] [<80044564>] 0x80044564
[ 1430.196000] [<8026f178>] 0x8026f178
[ 1430.196000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1430.196000] [<8020dca4>] 0x8020dca4
[ 1430.196000] [<8013dbe0>] 0x8013dbe0
[ 1430.196000] [<80070d20>] 0x80070d20
[ 1430.196000] [<8026d634>] 0x8026d634
[ 1430.196000] [<80270ba8>] 0x80270ba8
[ 1430.196000] [<8005ff60>] 0x8005ff60
[ 1430.196000] [<80032ee4>] 0x80032ee4
[ 1430.196000] [<800d1748>] 0x800d1748
[ 1430.196000] [<80226874>] 0x80226874
[ 1430.196000] [<80123a70>] 0x80123a70
[ 1430.196000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1430.196000] [<800327a0>] 0x800327a0
[ 1430.196000] [<80138b0c>] 0x80138b0c
[ 1430.196000] [<80145b60>] 0x80145b60
[ 1430.196000] [<8014580c>] 0x8014580c
[ 1430.196000] [<800cd278>] 0x800cd278
[ 1430.196000] [<8027f188>] 0x8027f188
[ 1430.196000] [<8003365c>] 0x8003365c
[ 1430.196000] [<80033790>] 0x80033790
[ 1430.196000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1430.196000] [<8020d9b4>] 0x8020d9b4
[ 1430.196000] [<800d1748>] 0x800d1748
[ 1430.196000] [<8020f418>] 0x8020f418
[ 1430.196000] [<8017b664>] 0x8017b664
[ 1430.196000] [<80006420>] 0x80006420
[ 1430.196000]
[ 1430.196000] Mem-Info:
[ 1430.196000] Normal per-cpu:
[ 1430.196000] CPU    0: hi:   18, btch:   3 usd:  18
[ 1430.196000] active_anon:930 inactive_anon:1397 isolated_anon:0
[ 1430.196000]  active_file:1619 inactive_file:5533 isolated_file:0
[ 1430.196000]  unevictable:0 dirty:44 writeback:0 unstable:0
[ 1430.196000]  free:93 slab_reclaimable:516 slab_unreclaimable:2166
[ 1430.196000]  mapped:341 shmem:265 pagetables:64 bounce:0
[ 1430.196000]  free_cma:0
[ 1430.196000] Normal free:372kB min:988kB low:1232kB high:1480kB active_anon:3720kB inactive_anon:5588kB active_filo
[ 1430.196000] lowmem_reserve[]: 0 0
[ 1430.196000] Normal: 59*4kB (EM) 17*8kB (M) 0*16kB 0*32kB 0*64kB 0*128kB 0*256kB 0*512kB 0*1024kB 0*2048kB 0*4096kB
[ 1430.196000] 7418 total pagecache pages
[ 1430.196000] 1 pages in swap cache
[ 1430.196000] Swap cache stats: add 57, delete 56, find 0/0
[ 1430.196000] Free swap  = 130840kB
[ 1430.196000] Total swap = 131068kB
[ 1430.196000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1430.564000] hostapd: page allocation failure: order:0, mode:0x20
[ 1430.564000] CPU: 0 PID: 1073 Comm: hostapd Not tainted 3.10.59 #1
[ 1430.564000] Stack : 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 8241f6d8
[ 1430.564000] Call Trace:[<80257e9c>] 0x80257e9c
[ 1430.564000] [<80257e9c>] 0x80257e9c
[ 1430.564000] [<802d6778>] 0x802d6778
[ 1430.564000] [<800287ec>] 0x800287ec
[ 1430.564000] [<8020b488>] 0x8020b488
[ 1430.564000] [<80048380>] 0x80048380
[ 1430.564000] [<80084710>] 0x80084710
[ 1430.564000] [<80084998>] 0x80084998
[ 1430.564000] [<80048520>] 0x80048520
[ 1430.564000] [<801abca4>] 0x801abca4
[ 1430.564000] [<801acb08>] 0x801acb08
[ 1430.564000] [<801d5444>] 0x801d5444
[ 1430.564000] [<80145640>] 0x80145640
[ 1430.564000] [<800336f0>] 0x800336f0
[ 1430.564000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1430.564000] [<800d1748>] 0x800d1748
[ 1430.564000] [<8003365c>] 0x8003365c
[ 1430.564000] [<8017b664>] 0x8017b664
[ 1430.564000] [<8020b488>] 0x8020b488
[ 1430.564000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1430.564000] [<80006430>] 0x80006430
[ 1430.564000] [<800d1748>] 0x800d1748
[ 1430.564000] [<800b21d0>] 0x800b21d0
[ 1430.564000] [<801b0d0c>] 0x801b0d0c
[ 1430.564000] [<801b0830>] 0x801b0830
[ 1430.564000] [<802dc7ac>] 0x802dc7ac
[ 1430.564000] [<800b21d0>] 0x800b21d0
[ 1430.564000] [<80265940>] 0x80265940
[ 1430.564000] [<802dcde8>] 0x802dcde8
[ 1430.564000] [<8027155c>] 0x8027155c
[ 1430.564000] [<801a31f8>] 0x801a31f8
[ 1430.564000] [<80044564>] 0x80044564
[ 1430.564000] [<8026f178>] 0x8026f178
[ 1430.564000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1430.564000] [<8020dca4>] 0x8020dca4
[ 1430.564000] [<8013dbe0>] 0x8013dbe0
[ 1430.564000] [<80070d20>] 0x80070d20
[ 1430.564000] [<8026d634>] 0x8026d634
[ 1430.564000] [<80270ba8>] 0x80270ba8
[ 1430.564000] [<8005ff60>] 0x8005ff60
[ 1430.564000] [<80032ee4>] 0x80032ee4
[ 1430.564000] [<800d1748>] 0x800d1748
[ 1430.564000] [<80226874>] 0x80226874
[ 1430.564000] [<80123a70>] 0x80123a70
[ 1430.564000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1430.564000] [<800327a0>] 0x800327a0
[ 1430.564000] [<80138b0c>] 0x80138b0c
[ 1430.564000] [<80145b60>] 0x80145b60
[ 1430.564000] [<8014580c>] 0x8014580c
[ 1430.564000] [<800cd278>] 0x800cd278
[ 1430.564000] [<8027f188>] 0x8027f188
[ 1430.564000] [<8003365c>] 0x8003365c
[ 1430.564000] [<80033790>] 0x80033790
[ 1430.564000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1430.564000] [<8020d9b4>] 0x8020d9b4
[ 1430.564000] [<800d1748>] 0x800d1748
[ 1430.564000] [<8020f418>] 0x8020f418
[ 1430.564000] [<8017b664>] 0x8017b664
[ 1430.564000] [<80006420>] 0x80006420
[ 1430.564000]
[ 1430.564000] Mem-Info:
[ 1430.564000] Normal per-cpu:
[ 1430.564000] CPU    0: hi:   18, btch:   3 usd:  18
[ 1430.564000] active_anon:930 inactive_anon:1397 isolated_anon:0
[ 1430.564000]  active_file:1619 inactive_file:5533 isolated_file:0
[ 1430.564000]  unevictable:0 dirty:44 writeback:0 unstable:0
[ 1430.564000]  free:93 slab_reclaimable:516 slab_unreclaimable:2166
[ 1430.564000]  mapped:341 shmem:265 pagetables:64 bounce:0
[ 1430.564000]  free_cma:0
[ 1430.564000] Normal free:372kB min:988kB low:1232kB high:1480kB active_anon:3720kB inactive_anon:5588kB active_filo
[ 1430.564000] lowmem_reserve[]: 0 0
[ 1430.564000] Normal: 59*4kB (EM) 17*8kB (M) 0*16kB 0*32kB 0*64kB 0*128kB 0*256kB 0*512kB 0*1024kB 0*2048kB 0*4096kB
[ 1430.564000] 7418 total pagecache pages
[ 1430.564000] 1 pages in swap cache
[ 1430.564000] Swap cache stats: add 57, delete 56, find 0/0
[ 1430.564000] Free swap  = 130840kB
[ 1430.564000] Total swap = 131068kB
[ 1430.564000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1430.932000] hostapd: page allocation failure: order:0, mode:0x20
[ 1430.932000] CPU: 0 PID: 1073 Comm: hostapd Not tainted 3.10.59 #1
[ 1430.932000] Stack : 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
          00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 8241f6d8
[ 1430.932000] Call Trace:[<80257e9c>] 0x80257e9c
[ 1430.932000] [<80257e9c>] 0x80257e9c
[ 1430.932000] [<802d6778>] 0x802d6778
[ 1430.932000] [<800287ec>] 0x800287ec
[ 1430.932000] [<8020b488>] 0x8020b488
[ 1430.932000] [<80048380>] 0x80048380
[ 1430.932000] [<80084710>] 0x80084710
[ 1430.932000] [<80084998>] 0x80084998
[ 1430.932000] [<80048520>] 0x80048520
[ 1430.932000] [<801abca4>] 0x801abca4
[ 1430.932000] [<801acb08>] 0x801acb08
[ 1430.932000] [<801d5444>] 0x801d5444
[ 1430.932000] [<80145640>] 0x80145640
[ 1430.932000] [<800336f0>] 0x800336f0
[ 1430.932000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1430.932000] [<800d1748>] 0x800d1748
[ 1430.932000] [<8003365c>] 0x8003365c
[ 1430.932000] [<8017b664>] 0x8017b664
[ 1430.932000] [<8020b488>] 0x8020b488
[ 1430.932000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1430.932000] [<80006430>] 0x80006430
[ 1430.932000] [<800d1748>] 0x800d1748
[ 1430.932000] [<800b21d0>] 0x800b21d0
[ 1430.932000] [<801b0d0c>] 0x801b0d0c
[ 1430.932000] [<801b0830>] 0x801b0830
[ 1430.932000] [<802dc7ac>] 0x802dc7ac
[ 1430.932000] [<800b21d0>] 0x800b21d0
[ 1430.932000] [<80265940>] 0x80265940
[ 1430.932000] [<802dcde8>] 0x802dcde8
[ 1430.932000] [<8027155c>] 0x8027155c
[ 1430.932000] [<801a31f8>] 0x801a31f8
[ 1430.932000] [<80044564>] 0x80044564
[ 1430.932000] [<8026f178>] 0x8026f178
[ 1430.932000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1430.932000] [<8020dca4>] 0x8020dca4
[ 1430.932000] [<8013dbe0>] 0x8013dbe0
[ 1430.932000] [<80070d20>] 0x80070d20
[ 1430.932000] [<8026d634>] 0x8026d634
[ 1430.932000] [<80270ba8>] 0x80270ba8
[ 1430.932000] [<8005ff60>] 0x8005ff60
[ 1430.932000] [<80032ee4>] 0x80032ee4
[ 1430.932000] [<800d1748>] 0x800d1748
[ 1430.932000] [<80226874>] 0x80226874
[ 1430.932000] [<80123a70>] 0x80123a70
[ 1430.932000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1430.932000] [<800327a0>] 0x800327a0
[ 1430.932000] [<80138b0c>] 0x80138b0c
[ 1430.932000] [<80145b60>] 0x80145b60
[ 1430.932000] [<8014580c>] 0x8014580c
[ 1430.932000] [<800cd278>] 0x800cd278
[ 1430.932000] [<8027f188>] 0x8027f188
[ 1430.932000] [<8003365c>] 0x8003365c
[ 1430.932000] [<80033790>] 0x80033790
[ 1430.932000] [<801453fc>] 0x801453fc
[ 1430.932000] [<8020d9b4>] 0x8020d9b4
[ 1430.932000] [<800d1748>] 0x800d1748
[ 1430.932000] [<8020f418>] 0x8020f418
[ 1430.932000] [<8017b664>] 0x8017b664
[ 1430.932000] [<80006420>] 0x80006420
[ 1430.932000]
[ 1430.932000] Mem-Info:
[ 1430.932000] Normal per-cpu:
[ 1430.932000] CPU    0: hi:   18, btch:   3 usd:  18
[ 1430.932000] active_anon:930 inactive_anon:1397 isolated_anon:0
[ 1430.932000]  active_file:1619 inactive_file:5533 isolated_file:0
[ 1430.932000]  unevictable:0 dirty:44 writeback:0 unstable:0
[ 1430.932000]  free:93 slab_reclaimable:516 slab_unreclaimable:2166
[ 1430.932000]  mapped:341 shmem:265 pagetables:64 bounce:0
[ 1430.932000]  free_cma:0
[ 1430.932000] Normal free:372kB min:988kB low:1232kB high:1480kB active_anon:3720kB inactive_anon:5588kB active_filo
[ 1430.932000] lowmem_reserve[]: 0 0
[ 1430.932000] Normal: 59*4kB (EM) 17*8kB (M) 0*16kB 0*32kB 0*64kB 0*128kB 0*256kB 0*512kB 0*1024kB 0*2048kB 0*4096kB
[ 1430.932000] 7418 total pagecache pages
[ 1430.932000] 1 pages in swap cache
[ 1430.932000] Swap cache stats: add 57, delete 56, find 0/0
[ 1430.932000] Free swap  = 130840kB
[ 1430.932000] Total swap = 131068kB
[ 1430.932000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.296000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.304000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.308000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.316000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.320000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.324000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.332000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.336000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.344000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.348000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.356000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.360000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.368000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.372000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.380000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.384000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.388000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.396000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.400000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.408000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.412000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.420000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.428000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.432000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.440000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.444000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.452000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.456000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.464000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.468000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.476000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.480000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.484000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.492000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.496000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.504000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.508000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.516000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.520000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.528000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.532000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.540000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.544000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.552000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.556000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.560000] eth0: failed to allocate new rx buffer, stopping DMA
[ 1431.568000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1431.572000] ath5k: phy0: can't alloc skbuff of size 2368
[ 1431.576000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1431.580000] ath5k: phy0: can't alloc skbuff of size 2368
[ 1431.588000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1431.592000] ath5k: phy0: can't alloc skbuff of size 2368
[ 1431.596000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1431.600000] ath5k: phy0: can't alloc skbuff of size 2368
[ 1431.608000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1431.612000] ath5k: phy0: can't alloc skbuff of size 2368
[ 1431.616000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1431.620000] ath5k: phy0: can't alloc skbuff of size 2368
[ 1431.624000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1431.632000] ath5k: phy0: can't alloc skbuff of size 2368
[ 1431.636000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1431.640000] ath5k: phy0: can't alloc skbuff of size 2368
[ 1431.644000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1431.648000] ath5k: phy0: can't alloc skbuff of size 2368
[ 1431.656000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1431.660000] ath5k: phy0: can't alloc skbuff of size 2368
[ 1431.664000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1431.668000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1431.672000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1431.680000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1431.684000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1431.688000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1431.692000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1431.696000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1431.700000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1431.704000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1431.712000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1431.716000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1431.720000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1431.724000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1431.728000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1431.732000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1431.736000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1431.744000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1431.748000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1431.760000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1431.768000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1431.832000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1431.836000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1431.840000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1431.920000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1431.936000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1431.940000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1431.944000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1431.948000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1431.952000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1432.024000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1432.036000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1432.040000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1432.044000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1432.092000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1432.124000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1432.140000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1432.144000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1432.148000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1432.228000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1432.244000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1432.244000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1432.252000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1432.280000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1432.328000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1432.344000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1432.348000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1432.352000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1432.388000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1432.428000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1432.428000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1432.448000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1432.452000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1432.456000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1432.536000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1432.548000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1432.548000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1432.552000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1432.560000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1432.580000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1432.588000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed
[ 1432.636000] ath: skbuff alloc of size 2368 failed

El wifi funciona, puedo entrar por la consola, navego por luci, pero ni desde el router ni desde el pc que está conectado por wifi  puedo ver nada de internet.



  • Visitante
Re: Re: Transmission se sobrecarga
« Respuesta #36 en: 05-11-2014, 14:26 (Miércoles) »
Para ese problema deberías abrir tema nuevo... Recibirás mejor ayuda



  • Visitante
Re: Re: Transmission se sobrecarga
« Respuesta #37 en: 08-11-2014, 20:50 (Sábado) »
Pues entonces, me temo que con lineas de alta velocidad, la única alternativa pasa por limitar la velocidad de descarga.

Eso o conseguir algún router con más RAM y CPU.

Enviado desde uno de mis 'cacharros' usando Tapatalk


¿Y qué tal el Livebox 2.1?
No entiendo de CPUs de routers, pero 500 Mhz de velocidad y 128 Mb de Ram, parece ser algo a tener en cuenta.



  • Visitante
Re: Re: Transmission se sobrecarga
« Respuesta #38 en: 09-11-2014, 02:00 (Domingo) »
Donde se me peta es en un WD N750 con 560Mhz, 128MB de RAM y swap de 1Gb, así que fíjate si consumen las lineas de alta velocidad...

Lo único que veo para que un router pueda mantener la carga, es con un multinúcleo, pero para que eso llegue a precio decente todavía queda tiempo....


Desconectado Tki2000

  • Moderador
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  • Mensajes: 2248
Re: Re: Transmission se sobrecarga
« Respuesta #39 en: 09-11-2014, 11:36 (Domingo) »
Donde se me peta es en un WD N750 con 560Mhz, 128MB de RAM y swap de 1Gb, así que fíjate si consumen las lineas de alta velocidad...

Lo único que veo para que un router pueda mantener la carga, es con un multinúcleo, pero para que eso llegue a precio decente todavía queda tiempo....


El VH4032n tiene doble núcleo funcional, con un BCM6368, 128MB RAM, 32MB Flash y 3 USBs, pero tiene la pega de que la red es 10/100 y la wifi no va a 11n. No lo he probado, pero a lo mejor en rendimiento para transmission va mejor... si obviamos las deficiencias que tiene.