?>/script>'; } ?> [Desarrollo] - Openwrt en Sagemcom f@st 5655v2 Widgets Magazine

Autor Tema: [Desarrollo] - Openwrt en Sagemcom f@st 5655v2  (Leído 8843 veces)

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Desconectado m4ximus

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  • Mensajes: 20
[Desarrollo] - Openwrt en Sagemcom f@st 5655v2
« en: 16-04-2020, 19:46 (Jueves) »
Hola a todos,

Tengo este router de masmovil, basandome en un tutorial de como acceder por ssh para sacar claves GPON he visto que se puede tener acceso root. Veo que el firmware que lleva es basado en openwrt y estos son los datos que he podido sacar de momento, por favor si necesitais mas informacion estoy disponible ya que se poco de como desarrollar una imagen openwrt.


Código: [Seleccionar]
system type : F@ST5655_V2
processor : 0
cpu model : Broadcom BMIPS4350 V8.0
BogoMIPS : 598.01
wait instruction : yes
microsecond timers : yes
tlb_entries : 32
extra interrupt vector : no
hardware watchpoint : no
ASEs implemented :
shadow register sets : 1
kscratch registers : 0
core : 0
VCED exceptions : not available
VCEI exceptions : not available

processor : 1
cpu model : Broadcom BMIPS4350 V8.0
BogoMIPS : 606.20
wait instruction : yes
microsecond timers : yes
tlb_entries : 32
extra interrupt vector : no
hardware watchpoint : no
ASEs implemented :
shadow register sets : 1
kscratch registers : 0
core : 0
VCED exceptions : not available
VCEI exceptions : not available


Código: [Seleccionar]
dev:    size   erasesize  name
mtd0: 00020000 00020000 "nvram"
mtd1: 000a0000 00020000 "bcm"
mtd2: 00500000 00020000 "data"
mtd3: 07a40000 00020000 "ubi"
mtd4: 00086800 0001f000 "secondaryboot"
mtd5: 00104340 0001f000 "uboot"
mtd6: 00104340 0001f000 "uboot-rescue"
mtd7: 000019e8 0001f000 "permanent_param"
mtd8: 0175f000 0001f000 "operational"
mtd9: 0001f000 0001f000 "firm_header"
mtd10: 0028b000 0001f000 "kernel"
mtd11: 014d4000 0001f000 "rootfs"
mtd12: 018d3000 0001f000 "rescue"
mtd13: 007c0000 0001f000 "filesystem1"
mtd14: 009b0000 0001f000 "filesystem2"

El SOC es un broadcom lo se, pero bueno si se le puede sacar algun provecho mejor que tenerlo aparcado. Si se necesita algo mas me comentais


Desconectado danitool

  • ****
  • Mensajes: 79
Re:[Desarrollo] - Openwrt en Sagemcom f@st 5655v2
« Respuesta #1 en: 16-04-2020, 20:50 (Jueves) »
Hola m4ximus. El router resulta interesante.

No sé que SoC lleva, pero la CPU    BMIPS4350 V8.0 es la misma que llevan los BCM63268. Aunque esta va a 600 MHz, pero en los 63268 suelen venir todos de fábrica configurados a 400 MHz.

Según la tabla de particiones usa UBoot como bootloader, es el primer BMIPS de fabricante que veo con ese bootloader.
Para saber un poco más de sus posiblidades sería interesante ver que saca la consola serie. Y ver si efectivamente Uboot viene instalado y se puede acceder a su consola.  Si es el SoC es un BCM63268, instalar Openwrt sería totalmente posible, después de añadir soporte claro está.

Desconectado m4ximus

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  • Mensajes: 20
Re:[Desarrollo] - Openwrt en Sagemcom f@st 5655v2
« Respuesta #2 en: 16-04-2020, 21:35 (Jueves) »
Hola Danitool,

Si, a mi tambien me ha sorprendido lo del u-boot, segun una tabla de la pagina de openwrt el SOC es el BCM63168. Aqui tienes lo que saco del dmesg, habria alguna manera de conseguir el boot log sin tener que user el puerto serie?


Código: [Seleccionar]
Netfilter Core Team
Netfilter messages via NETLINK v0.30.
ip6_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...
usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
USB Mass Storage support registered.
Endpoint: endpoint_init entry ( MS 4.16L.04 )
Endpoint: HAL-BSP : bsp board  found ... SagemcomFast5655_V2
Endpoint: Try to find table matching with : [BaseBoardId=F@ST5655_V2 / VoiceBoardId=LE9540] ...
Endpoint: endpoint_init COMPLETED
Initializing WLCSM Module
WLCSM Module loaded successfully
scratchpad RdpaWanType - GPON
enable IH Wan-Wan forwarding...
data_path_go Done!!
Bridge fastpath module. compiled Aug 30 2018 , 20:27:43
brcmchipinfo: brcm_chipinfo_init entry
NBUFF v1.0 Initialized
Initialized fcache state
Broadcom Packet Flow Cache  Char Driver v2.2 Aug 30 2018 20:24:34 Registered<242>
Created Proc FS /procfs/fcache
Broadcom Packet Flow Cache registered with netdev chain
Broadcom Packet Flow Cache learning via BLOG enabled.
[FHW]  pktDbgLvl[0xc1026f40]=0
[FHW]  fhw_construct:
Initialized Fcache HW accelerator layer state
flwStatsThread created
Constructed Broadcom Packet Flow Cache v2.2 Aug 30 2018 20:24:34
i2c i2c-0: Failed to register i2c client gpon_i2c at 0x50 (-16)
i2c i2c-0: Failed to register i2c client gpon_i2c at 0x50 (-16)
i2c i2c-0: Failed to register i2c client gpon_i2c at 0x50 (-16)
i2c i2c-0: Failed to register i2c client gpon_i2c at 0x50 (-16)
Broadcom BCM68380_B0 Ethernet Network Device v0.1 Aug 30 2018 20:27:43
dgasp: kerSysRegisterDyingGaspHandler: bcmsw registered
eth0: <Int sw port: 0> <Logical : 00> PHY_ID <0x01800001 : 0x01> MAC : 00:00:00:00:00:01
eth1: <Int sw port: 1> <Logical : 01> PHY_ID <0x01800002 : 0x02> MAC : 00:00:00:00:00:01
eth2: <Int sw port: 2> <Logical : 02> PHY_ID <0x01800003 : 0x03> MAC : 00:00:00:00:00:01
eth3: <Int sw port: 3> <Logical : 03> PHY_ID <0x01800004 : 0x04> MAC : 00:00:00:00:00:01
eth4: <Int sw port: 4> <Logical : 04> PHY_ID <0x04e00f00 : 0x00> MAC : 00:00:00:00:00:01
Ethernet Auto Power Down and Sleep: Enabled
All Port Bit Map: 0x001f: eth0,eth1,eth2,eth3,eth4
   Chip WAN Only Ports 0000, Defined WAN Only Ports 0000, WAN Only Port Result: 0x0000:
   Chip WAN Preffered Ports 0000, Defined WAN Preffered Ports 0000, WAN Preffered Port Result: 0x0000:
   Chip LAN Only Ports 0000, Defined LAN Only Ports 0000, LAN Only Port Result: 0x0000:
   WAN/LAN Both Capable Ports 0x001f:eth0,eth1,eth2,eth3,eth4
Energy Efficient Ethernet: Enabled
Creating Enet CPU ring for queue number 1 with 512 packets,Descriptor base=a9e18080
eth4 Link UP 1000 mbps full duplex
Creating Enet CPU ring for queue number 0 with 512 packets,Descriptor base=a9e1c080
 Broadcom Packet Flow Cache HW acceleration enabled.
Broadcom Packet Flow Cache HW acceleration enabled.
Creating CPU ring for queue number 2 with 1024 packets descriptor=0xc10cd7a4
  wfd_bind: Dev (null) wfd_idx 2 wl_radio_idx -1 Type skb configured WFD thread wfd2-thrd minQId/maxQId (10/10), status (0) qmask 0x4
Instantiating WFD 2 thread
Wifi Forwarding Driver is initialized!
dhd_module_init in
dhd_queue_budget = 256
dhd_sta_threshold = 2048
dhd_if_threshold = 65536
no wifi platform data, skip
PCI_PROBE:  bus 2, slot 0,vendor 14E4, device AA52(good PCI location)
dhdpcie_init: can't find adapter info for this chip
PCI: Enabling device 0000:02:00.0 (0000 -> 0002)
DHD: dongle ram size is set to 983040(orig 983040) at 0x180000
Creating CPU ring for queue number 7 with 128 packets descriptor=0xc0f92ba8
 Done initializing Ring 7 Base=0xa9db3080 End=0xa9db3880 calculated entries= 128 RDD Base=0x09db3080 descriptor=0xc0f92ba8
RDPA returned tx wakeup reg = <0x13099004>, val = <0x10000000>
RDPA returned rx wakeup reg = <0x1309a004>, val = <0x23000000>
dhd_attach: wl0: pre-allocated buffer mode is disabled (allocskbsz=0)
dhd_attach(): thread:dhd_watchdog_thread:2a8 started
dhd_attach(): thread:dhd0_dpc:2a9 started
dhd_deferred_work_init: work queue initialized
Creating CPU ring for queue number 0 with 1024 packets descriptor=0xc10cd76c
  wfd_bind: Dev wl%d wfd_idx 0 wl_radio_idx 0 Type fkb configured WFD thread wfd0-thrd minQId/maxQId (8/8), status (0) qmask 0x1
Instantiating WFD 0 thread
dhd_bus_download_firmware: firmware path=/etc/wlan/dhd, nvram path=
dhdpcie_ramsize_adj: Enter
dhdpcie_download_code_file: download firmware /etc/wlan/dhd/43602a1/rtecdc.bin
wl:srom/otp not programmed, using main memory mapped srom info(wombo board)
wl: ID=pci/2/0/
wl: ID=pci/2/0/
wl: loading /etc/wlan/bcm43602_map.bin
wl: updating srom from flash...
wl: reading /etc/wlan/bcmcmn_nvramvars.bin, file size=32
wl: reading /etc/wlan/bcm43602_nvramvars.bin, file size=32
Replace or append with internal Mac Address
dhdpcie_bus_write_vars: Download, Upload and compare of NVRAM succeeded.
PCIe shared addr (0x001eac3c) read took 47023 usec before dongle is ready
DMA RX offset from shared Area 0
dhdpcie_readshared: Dongle advertizes 2 size indices
dhdpcie_readshared: Host support DMAing indices: H2D:1 - D2H:1. FW supports it
H2D DMA WR INDX : array size 272 = 2 * 134
D2H DMA RD INDX : array size 16 = 2 * 3
D2H DMA WR INDX : array size 16 = 2 * 3
H2D DMA RD INDX : array size 272 = 2 * 134
ring_info_raw: 56
fc a3 26 00 8c ac 26 00 98 ad 26 00 a4 ae 26 00
aa ae 26 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 86 00 00 00
dhdpcie_readshared: max H2D queues 134
dhd_bus_start: Initializing 134 h2drings
dhd_runner_flowmgr_init: bootmem name<dhd0> addr<ad100000> size<7340032>
dhd_runner_profile_init: N+M profile = 3 01:1024 -1:2048 -1:1024 -1:0512 01:0512
dhd_runner_policy_init: N+M Policy = 0 1 (HW)
  0000: 00 50 c5 07 00 00 00 00
  0000: 00 00 e5 07 00 00 00 00
  0000: 00 a0 3a 08 00 00 00 00
  0000: 00 40 c1 07 00 00 00 00
  0000: 00 80 e5 07 00 00 00 00
  0000: 00 00 f0 07 00 00 00 00
  0000: 00 08 00 10
  0000: 80 07 ed 09 00 00 00 00
  0000: 00 f4 a7 08 00 00 00 00
  0000: 00 f6 a7 08 00 00 00 00
  0000: 80 0d ed 09 00 00 00 00
Attach flowrings pool for 132 rings
Runner DHD PCIE: vendor<0x14e4> device<0xaa52> bus<2> slot<0>
PCIE_0_MISC::RC_BAR2_CONFIG_LO           0xB2804034 = 0x1000000B
PCIE_0_MISC::RC_BAR2_CONFIG_HI           0xB2804038 = 0x00000000
PCIE_0_MISC::UBUS_BAR2_CONFIG_REMAP      0xB280408C = 0x10000001
Initial configuration
rx_post_flow_ring_base_addr : 87e50000
tx_post_flow_ring_base_addr : ad0c4000
rx_complete_flow_ring_base_addr : 87e58000
tx_complete_flow_ring_base_addr : 87c14000

r2d_wr_arr_base_addr : 88a7f600
d2r_rd_arr_base_addr : 89ed0d82
r2d_rd_arr_base_addr : 88a7f400
d2r_wr_arr_base_addr : 89ed0782
tx_post_mgmt_arr_base_addr : 88a85000
tx_post_mgmt_arr_base_phys_addr : 8a85000

Doorbell ISR : c11a205c
Doorbell CTX : 87dc1c00
Runner DHD Offload initialization complete
00 00 00 00 00 01
dhd_sync_with_dongle: GET_REVINFO device 0xbc430000, vendor 0xe4140000, chipnum 0x52aa0000
Dongle Host Driver, version
Compiled in drivers/net/wireless/bcmdhd on Aug 30 2018 at 20:25:24
wfd_registerdevice Successfully registered dev wl0 ifidx 0 wfd_idx 0
dhdpcie_chipmatch: Unsupported vendor 14e4 device a8db
dhdpcie_pci_probe: chipmatch failed!!
Broadcom PCI Device 0x6838 has allocated with driver pcieport
Broadcom PCI Device 0x6838 has allocated with driver pcieport
dhd_module_init out
eth0 Link UP 100 mbps full duplex
--SMP support
wl: dsl_tx_pkt_flush_len=338
wl: norm_wmark_tot=12981, pktc_wmark_tot=12981
PCI: Enabling device 0000:04:00.0 (0000 -> 0002)
wl: passivemode=1
wl1: creating kthread wl1-kthrd
wl: napimode=0
initvars_cis_pci: Not CIS format
Neither SPROM nor OTP has valid image
wl:srom/otp not programmed, using main memory mapped srom info(wombo board)
wl: ID=pci/4/0/
wl: ID=pci/4/0/
wl: loading /etc/wlan/bcm43217_map.bin
srom rev:8
wl: reading /etc/wlan/bcmcmn_nvramvars.bin, file size=32
wl1: allocskbmode=1 currallocskbsz=2300
Creating CPU ring for queue number 1 with 1024 packets descriptor=0xc10cd788
  wfd_bind: Dev wl%d wfd_idx 1 wl_radio_idx 1 Type skb configured WFD thread wfd1-thrd minQId/maxQId (9/9), status (0) qmask 0x2
Instantiating WFD 1 thread
wfd_registerdevice Successfully registered dev wl1 ifidx 0 wfd_idx 1
wl1: Broadcom BCM43227 802.11 Wireless Controller
dgasp: kerSysRegisterDyingGaspHandler: wl1 registered
Broadcom 802.1Q VLAN Interface, v0.1
Loading PCM shim driver
Board not populated with PMD
RDPA Speed Service Command Driver
scratchpad RdpaWanType - GPON
START GPON SerDes Init script
 !!!!   PLL locked !!!!!!     !!!!   RX CDR locked !!!!!!     !!!!   TX CDR locked !!!!!!    GPON BEN Calibration Done
GPON SerDes Initialization Sequence Done
LOGGER driver Init Done : 0x86506f80
enable IH Wan-Wan forwarding...
Creating CPU ring for queue number 6 with 32 packets descriptor=0xc0f92b80
 Done initializing Ring 6 Base=0xa6227480 End=0xa6227680 calculated entries= 32 RDD Base=0x06227480 descriptor=0xc0f92b80
[NTC ploamFsm] printSerialPasswd: SN=53:4d:42:53:00:05:1a:da
[NTC ploamFsm] printSerialPasswd: PW=31:32:33:34:35:36:37:38:39:30
dgasp: kerSysRegisterDyingGaspHandler: gpon0 registered
[NTC ploamFsm] bcm_ploamCreate: ploam driver created.
Creating CPU ring for queue number 5 with 64 packets descriptor=0xc0f92b58
 Done initializing Ring 5 Base=0xa62e8080 End=0xa62e8480 calculated entries= 64 RDD Base=0x062e8080 descriptor=0xc0f92b58
--OUTPUT_DROP--IN= OUT=bcmsw SRC=0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000 DST=ff02:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0016 LEN=76 TC=0 HOPLIMIT=1 FLOWLBL=0 PROTO=ICMPv6 TYPE=143 CODE=0
--INPUT_DROP--IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:e8:9a:8f:d2:6b:da:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=328 TOS=0x10 PREC=0x00 TTL=128 ID=0 PROTO=UDP SPT=68 DPT=67 LEN=308
unionfs: new lower inode mtime (bindex=1, name=linuxigd)
Ethernet Auto Power Down and Sleep: Enabled
Ethernet Auto Power Down and Sleep: Enabled
ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth1: link is not ready
Ethernet Auto Power Down and Sleep: Enabled
ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth2: link is not ready
Ethernet Auto Power Down and Sleep: Enabled
ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth3: link is not ready
Ethernet Auto Power Down and Sleep: Enabled
eth0 Link DOWN.
[NTC ploam] ploamIOCstop:
ploamIOCstop: error = 0

eth0 Link UP 100 mbps full duplex
ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): BR_LAN: link is not ready
device eth4 entered promiscuous mode
BR_LAN: port 1(eth4) entered listening state
BR_LAN: port 1(eth4) entered listening state
BR_LAN: port 1(eth4) entered learning state
BR_LAN: topology change detected, propagating
BR_LAN: port 1(eth4) entered forwarding state
ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): BR_LAN: link becomes ready
device wl1 entered promiscuous mode
BR_LAN: port 2(wl1) entered listening state
BR_LAN: port 2(wl1) entered listening state
BR_LAN: port 2(wl1) entered learning state
BR_LAN: topology change detected, propagating
BR_LAN: port 2(wl1) entered forwarding state
device wl0 entered promiscuous mode
BR_LAN: port 3(wl0) entered listening state
BR_LAN: port 3(wl0) entered listening state
BR_LAN: port 3(wl0) entered learning state
BR_LAN: topology change detected, propagating
BR_LAN: port 3(wl0) entered forwarding state
device eth0 entered promiscuous mode
BR_LAN: port 4(eth0) entered listening state
BR_LAN: port 4(eth0) entered listening state
BR_LAN: port 4(eth0) entered learning state
BR_LAN: topology change detected, propagating
BR_LAN: port 4(eth0) entered forwarding state
BR_LAN: port 2(wl1) entered disabled state
device wl1 left promiscuous mode
BR_LAN: port 2(wl1) entered disabled state
device wl1 entered promiscuous mode
BR_LAN: port 2(wl1) entered listening state
BR_LAN: port 2(wl1) entered listening state
BR_LAN: port 2(wl1) entered learning state
BR_LAN: topology change detected, propagating
BR_LAN: port 2(wl1) entered forwarding state
BR_LAN: port 3(wl0) entered disabled state
device wl0 left promiscuous mode
BR_LAN: port 3(wl0) entered disabled state
device wl0 entered promiscuous mode
BR_LAN: port 3(wl0) entered listening state
BR_LAN: port 3(wl0) entered listening state
BR_LAN: port 3(wl0) entered learning state
BR_LAN: topology change detected, propagating
BR_LAN: port 3(wl0) entered forwarding state
ehci_hcd: USB 2.0 'Enhanced' Host Controller (EHCI) Driver
PCI: Enabling device 0000:00:0a.0 (0000 -> 0002)
ehci_hcd 0000:00:0a.0: setting latency timer to 64
ehci_hcd 0000:00:0a.0: EHCI Host Controller
ehci_hcd 0000:00:0a.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
ehci_hcd 0000:00:0a.0: Enabling legacy PCI PM
ehci_hcd 0000:00:0a.0: irq 81, io mem 0x15400300
ehci_hcd 0000:00:0a.0: USB f.f started, EHCI 1.00
hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
hub 1-0:1.0: 2 ports detected
ohci_hcd: USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driver
PCI: Enabling device 0000:00:09.0 (0000 -> 0002)
ohci_hcd 0000:00:09.0: setting latency timer to 64
ohci_hcd 0000:00:09.0: OHCI Host Controller
ohci_hcd 0000:00:09.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2
ohci_hcd 0000:00:09.0: irq 80, io mem 0x15400400
hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found
hub 2-0:1.0: 2 ports detected
unionfs: new lower inode mtime (bindex=1, name=etc)
unionfs: new lower inode mtime (bindex=1, name=etc)
unionfs: new lower inode mtime (bindex=1, name=etc)
unionfs: new lower inode mtime (bindex=1, name=etc)
ERR: system_attr_cfg_write#819: system: status:Operation is not supported. MTU out of range
process `sysctl' is using deprecated sysctl (syscall) net.ipv6.neigh.default.retrans_time; Use net.ipv6.neigh.default.retrans_time_ms instead.
00:01:09 Got config file from /etc/telephonyProfiles.d/ROU_profile.xml (len=10054), validating....

00:01:09 tpUpdateLocaleProfile: config file from /etc/telephonyProfiles.d/ROU_profile.xml is OK for country 27
BOS: Enter bosInit
BOS: Exit bosInit
******* DSP: Found BCM6838 *******
******* DSP: In APM Mode *******
gInterruptCounter    = 0xC0C18594
gInterruptErrors     = 0xC0C18590
Binding 0x89e176e0
boardHalInit completed
DSP: Interrupt Ids
InterruptId/Location      = 87/LOW

DSP: Interrupt Masks
IrqMask                   = 0x00003300
IrqMaskLow                = 0x00003300
IrqMask1                  = 0x00008000
IrqMaskLow1               = 0x00008000

DSP: Interrupt Status
IrqStatus                 = 0x00000000
IrqStatusLow              = 0x00000000
IrqStatus1                = 0x00000000
IrqStatusLow1             = 0x00000000
EndpointInit completed
00:01:09 Endpoint Event task started with pid 2119...

00:01:09 Endpoint Packet task started with pid 2119 ...

00:01:09  RTP read thread started with pid 2119

00:01:09 rtpInit: RTCP task created, taskId = 1975244032
00:01:09  RTP read thread started with pid 2119

00:01:09  RTCP thread started with pid 2119

00:01:09  RTP read thread started with pid 2119

00:01:09  RTP read thread started with pid 2119

Puedo ver que el wifi es el BCM43227.


Desconectado Tki2000

  • Moderador
  • *
  • Mensajes: 2250
Re:[Desarrollo] - Openwrt en Sagemcom f@st 5655v2
« Respuesta #3 en: 16-04-2020, 21:52 (Jueves) »
Un router OpenWrt con soporte GPON sería la puñetera bomba...
La wifi me importa poco, pero el GPON sería la caña...

Desconectado danitool

  • ****
  • Mensajes: 79
Re:[Desarrollo] - Openwrt en Sagemcom f@st 5655v2
« Respuesta #4 en: 17-04-2020, 11:37 (Viernes) »
Bien, el router es un BCM6838.

El UBoot con soporte BMIPS que usa es el que Noltari ha estado desarrollando .  Por supuesto no han publicado el GPL por ninguna parte.

¿De que compañía es el router?
Tendría gracia si fuese de Orange, ya que por aquí sabemos las amenazas contra el foro que hizo en el pasado relacionadas con nuestra actividad para el soporte GPL en sus routers . Pero luego aprovechan el trabajo, con esa misma acividad, de la gente que por aquí hace altruistamente, para suministrar un router en un marco totalmente lucrativo.

No sería sorpendente.

« Última modificación: 17-04-2020, 11:40 (Viernes) por danitool »

Desconectado m4ximus

  • **
  • Mensajes: 20
Re:[Desarrollo] - Openwrt en Sagemcom f@st 5655v2
« Respuesta #5 en: 17-04-2020, 14:10 (Viernes) »
Hola Noltari,

El router es de masmovil/pepehone he visto que Yoigo tambien lo da, si he entendido bien reemplazando el u-boot por el que Noltari ha desarrollado se puede cargar un snapshot de BMIPS? Entiendo que si lleva el U-Boot la unica manera de reemplazarlo es accediendo a la linea de comando del u-boot al arranque?


« Última modificación: 17-04-2020, 14:19 (Viernes) por m4ximus »

Desconectado Tki2000

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  • Mensajes: 2250
Re:[Desarrollo] - Openwrt en Sagemcom f@st 5655v2
« Respuesta #6 en: 17-04-2020, 16:32 (Viernes) »
Para mi que lo que ha dicho es que han usado el uboot de Noltari. No tienes que cambiar nada porque han usado ese, y claro, sin permiso...
Yo ya estaría preparando abogados...

Desconectado m4ximus

  • **
  • Mensajes: 20
Re:[Desarrollo] - Openwrt en Sagemcom f@st 5655v2
« Respuesta #7 en: 17-04-2020, 17:27 (Viernes) »
Hola Tki2000,

Vale, eso ya me supera. De todas formas si hace falta algo de informacion para poder desarollar openwrt para este router estoy disponible, se necesita alguna copia del mtd del u-boot para verificar si es el de noltari? Tambien entiendo que el mejor paso seria intervenir el u-boot e intentar cargar una imagen ram del ultimo snapshot via ftp?
