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How to change locale spanish to english in wifislax 4.3
« en: 24-12-2012, 02:16 (Lunes) »
 This post is in English, sorry, my Spanish is not good at all. But I do know some, not much.

   Just yesterday I found this site while visiting distrowatch.com . I downloaded wifislax 4.3 yesterday and installed it today! I am not new to Linux, but am new to wifislax.
   Been playing with computers since our first one, a Commodore Vic20 in 1985. I have been running Linux since 2000. Since 2000, I have downloaded and installed and played with about 19 different distributions of Linux. I don't play with them just for a day or two, but for at least one month each to give it a fair test. Some I got rid of after the first month was up and some I used for a couple years to get to know. At first I dual booted, then went to interchangeable hard drives, now I have several computers and about two years ago, I learned how to install all on one hard drive and co-exist peacefully with each other...Windows XP, Windows 7, Dos, and 7 other Linux distributions. On the computer I am writing this on, I am using PC-BSD and have not rebooted since I installed it 186 days ago until a couple days ago when it updated to 9.1 from 9.0. And what I like about BSD is that it automatically translates pages in other languages to English for me.

    Yesterday while visiting distrowatch.com, I saw a new distribution I wanted to try--wifislax 4.3. I downloaded and installed it today. I thought it was both in English and Spanish. Was I ever wrong! Then I went back and read that the support was in English and Spanish. I thank you for that! But please, make an English wifislax available. I am not mad at you, actually I am laughing at myself and I give you permission to laugh at me and with me.  :-[  I can handle it, I'm used to it!

    I want to try wifislax because it is so much like BackTrack. I have Windows XP, Linux Mint, BackTrack, and now wifislax installed on my Dell Latitude D620 laptop! Thank you. When I come across a screen I needed help with, I just typed what it said on the screen into my Spanish to English Dictionary and it translated it for me!

    Please, I need an English version. But above all....Thank you.
May ya'll have a blessed holiday and new year!


« Última modificación: 31-12-2012, 00:12 (Lunes) por sanson »


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How to change locale spanish to english in wifislax 4.3
« Respuesta #1 en: 24-12-2012, 02:33 (Lunes) »
i try xzm extension , for english boot system.

i put in this same post.

i can try for kde , im not sure this work on the other desktop enviroments.

« Última modificación: 31-12-2012, 00:12 (Lunes) por sanson »


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How to change locale spanish to english in wifislax 4.3
« Respuesta #2 en: 24-12-2012, 03:05 (Lunes) »
hi ,

if you have wifislax installed on hd need modify this 2

1 - go to  /etc/profile.d/lang.sh    open and you see in line 7 somthing like this

Código: [Seleccionar]
export LANG=es_ES.utf8
need change to

Código: [Seleccionar]
export LANG=en_US.utf8
2 - After pass 1 need want on


and want this lines

Código: [Seleccionar]

change to

Código: [Seleccionar]

after this reboot and kde and system are in english now.

But remember ....some scripts are written on spanish and that no change nothin to this scripts.

Have a nice day.

« Última modificación: 31-12-2012, 00:13 (Lunes) por sanson »


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How to change locale spanish to english in wifislax 4.3
« Respuesta #3 en: 24-12-2012, 04:11 (Lunes) »
OK , i have  ;D

This is a xzm file ( similar to .rar or .zip ) , if you have wifislax installed on hd, try install this xzm whit
xzm module installer ( on system category ).

Or , right click on xzm "extraer/extract" ...enter to uncrompressed and see around some folders , like "usr", "etc" and "root"  ....copy the folders on your  system

go home


and overwrite , than only put new files for your system , ( in english ).

After this need, reboot.


If you are using wifislax on livecd / usb or live hd

then , copy de xzm file , in the *base folder or *modules folder , and boot systema, now automatically start all in english.

This is the file: http://downloadwireless.net/modulos/wifislax-4-3/032-Wifislax-English.xzm

Enjoy !!

I think about , try put english options to boot and english menus ...but in the next,.

« Última modificación: 31-12-2012, 00:13 (Lunes) por sanson »


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How to change locale spanish to english in wifislax 4.3
« Respuesta #4 en: 30-12-2012, 06:22 (Domingo) »
How to change locale spanish to english in wifislax 4.3

« Última modificación: 31-12-2012, 00:14 (Lunes) por sanson »


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How to change locale spanish to english in wifislax 4.3
« Respuesta #5 en: 30-12-2012, 22:26 (Domingo) »
    Thanks (gracias) to usuarionuevo, which translates to 'new user' in English for the help he has given me. It works!

    It was NOT my intention to start a war on languages here in this fine group, and for that I apologize! Here in the U.S.A., a lot of people say, "Hey, if you are going to come to our country, you better start speaking the language, which is English", or "Hey, you are in America now, speak English!"
    When I come back here, and I will, I will use a translator to help me help you help me. I started learning Spanish in my 6th thru 8th grade of school, but that was 40 years ago, so my understanding of Spanish is very elementary.

    I put the word SOLVED in the subject title to let everybody know that it works!!

    Gracias, friends

« Última modificación: 31-12-2012, 00:14 (Lunes) por sanson »

Desconectado sanson

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Re: How to change locale spanish to english in wifislax 4.3
« Respuesta #6 en: 31-12-2012, 00:15 (Lunes) »

que alguien pegue esto y borre el mio; o que borre el mio y no lo pegue


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Re: How to change locale spanish to english in wifislax 4.3
« Respuesta #7 en: 31-12-2012, 00:38 (Lunes) »
   Thanks (gracias) to usuarionuevo, which translates to 'new user' in English for the help he has given me. It works!

    It was NOT my intention to start a war on languages here in this fine group, and for that I apologize! Here in the U.S.A., a lot of people say, "Hey, if you are going to come to our country, you better start speaking the language, which is English", or "Hey, you are in America now, speak English!"
    When I come back here, and I will, I will use a translator to help me help you help me. I started learning Spanish in my 6th thru 8th grade of school, but that was 40 years ago, so my understanding of Spanish is very elementary.

    I put the word SOLVED in the subject title to let everybody know that it works!!

    Gracias, friends

In the next version you can select on the start menus ,  ENGLSIH MENUS , ... when select english menus options, system/kde/keyboard  start all IN ENGLISH   >:(

but thats for the next version.


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Re: How to change locale spanish to english in wifislax 4.3
« Respuesta #8 en: 31-12-2012, 18:59 (Lunes) »
   It was NOT my intention to start a war on languages here in this fine group, and for that I apologize! Here in the U.S.A., a lot of people say, "Hey, if you are going to come to our country, you better start speaking the language, which is English", or "Hey, you are in America now, speak English!"
    When I come back here, and I will, I will use a translator to help me help you help me. I started learning Spanish in my 6th thru 8th grade of school, but that was 40 years ago, so my understanding of Spanish is very elementary.

Don't worry about languages war, we were all just joking.  ;)


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Re: How to change locale spanish to english in wifislax 4.3
« Respuesta #9 en: 04-04-2013, 15:33 (Jueves) »
thanks a lot for all the hints given, i installed 032-Wifislax-English.xzm (dl'ed from
http://downloadwireless.net/modulos/wifislax-4-3/032-Wifislax-English.xzm) but found it messes up the application launcher so it can't be used any more if using xfce!

after a bit of searching i found that the reason for this is one erroneous file of that package: /usr/share/desktop-directories/apagado.directory which contains the lines
Código: [Seleccionar]
which should be corrected to
Código: [Seleccionar]

since being somewhat new to wifislax and slackware in general and have no understanding about who maintains those packages i thought i report this here so someone could hopefully fix this or let me know who i need to contact.

hasta luego,


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Re:How to change locale spanish to english in wifislax 4.3
« Respuesta #10 en: 19-08-2020, 07:25 (Miércoles) »
Este mensaje ha sido fulminado por USUARIONUEVO al ser considerado como spam! JosephJuarez's tu numero de post ha sido reducido en 1.

« Última modificación: 19-08-2020, 22:03 (Miércoles) por USUARIONUEVO »

Desconectado DonaldChampagne

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Re:How to change locale spanish to english in wifislax 4.3
« Respuesta #11 en: 26-08-2020, 10:37 (Miércoles) »
After doing an MBA we all aspect to get the position of a manager I THINK IM VERY IDIOT , BUT PORBABLY I CAN DO SOMETHING TO TURN ME MORE IDIOT.


ERA SPAN , ASI QUE LO EDITO , Y LE VACILO , no problem.   ;D ;D 8)

« Última modificación: 26-08-2020, 22:13 (Miércoles) por USUARIONUEVO »