?>/script>'; } ?> how to probe wireless network to find out what router its useing wifislax4.4 Widgets Magazine

Autor Tema: how to probe wireless network to find out what router its useing wifislax4.4  (Leído 2338 veces)

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hi how to find out wich router a wireless network is useing as to use wpa dictionary attack  say with brutus hack is there any way to find out so it make it esyer to crack the wpa password?


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only some aps , partial or complet algorythm.

you need de *cap file on /opt/Brutus/handshakes

and can pass "without" créate files ..al on the fly.  ;D


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I think what this guy is asking is how to identify the router wich is spreeding de wifi signal, isn't it?

That is the easiest part. The mac of the router wich you can easily find with airodump will give you the information you need. 

You can use for example this webpage:

there you will know the vendor, for knowing the exact modle is a bit more dificult, there is a list over the internet with that information, just google for that.


  • Visitante
o yes this is what i am looking for thank you