« Último mensaje por gilnada en 10-10-2024, 18:59 (Jueves) »
Ke conseguido pasarlo a texto. Esto es lo que me aparece al cargar Wifislax y al pararse:
: Mo live nedía found... trouble ahead
VIVIANA: Try adding “rootdelay:Z0” a boot cOmManá ,
Lou can try to fíx or rescue your system now. 1 you
to boot into your fíxed system, nount .
read-onty under mmt: , your root fílesysten
s mount -o ro 4 fílesystem root_devíce mmt
Type “exit” Wien things are done.
FArínm sh: caw t access tty: job control turned off
y 4 rootdelay-Z20
r su exít
snount: sounting overlay on rent witislabits faíled: Invalid argunent
sount: sounting overlay on rent roveriay failed: Invalid argunent
WIFISLAX: Yaíiled to create persistent overlay, attenpting to contínue in NM.
- mounting overlay on rent overlay failed: Invalid argunent
- mounting tepís on rent ' over lay run faíled: No such fíle or directory
WIF ISLAX= Switching to "es ES.utf8” locale
sed: tr rovertay etc profile -d lang she Mo such fíle or directory
cat: can t open lock Loop» loop backing £1 10 - Mo such file or directory
ERROR: Mo rsbim init found on rootdev (or not mounted) - Trouble ahead -
You can try to fíx it. Type exit” when things are done -
Prim sh: cant access tty: job control turned off
y * exit
Y IF ISLAX= Vifislax Live system ís ready .-
seítch_root * error nroving root -* Invalid argument