estoy intentando instalar el driver ati,con manuales de internet,pero no hay manera ni con el parche,a ver si me hechais una mano,esto es lo que hago a ver si me decis donde esta el fallo.
1 Descomprimo el zip
2 --extract
3 cd /ruta/carpeta/extraida
4 patch -p1 < /ruta/parche
5 cd /ruta/carpeta/extraidaconparche
6 ./ --install
y me tira esto ponga lo que ponga--install --help --listpkg
ifislax fglrx-install.y9lVSk # ./ --install
AMD Proprietary Driver Installer/Packager
Unrecognized parameter '' to
This script supports the following arguments:
--help : print help messages
--listpkg : print out a list of generatable packages
--buildpkg [package] [--dryrun] : if generatable, the package will be created
--buildpkg package --NoXServer : if generatable, the package will be created without XServer
--buildandinstallpkg [package] [--dryrun] [--force] : if generatable, the package will be creadted and installed
--install : install the driver
wifislax fglrx-install.y9lVSk #